


5 years, 28 days ago



Name jack
Age 3.5 years
Height [info]
Species wolf
Breed eastern timber
Gender male

Designer Stark
Worth $23


Humorous | Goofy | Lazy

Jack is loyal to those he trusts. It's hard to gain his trust and harder still if you've broken it before. He's a loner, he would rather be in his room playing video games or working on his novel than to socialize with others. ​ He can be a pit of a perfectionist, especially when it comes to his games or his novel. He'll go through many different versions to make sure every detail is correct and corresponds well with every other detail. ​ He's humorous, he loves to make others laugh. His second favorite movie genre is comedy (fantasy/horror being the first!). He is a huge couch potato. He likes to just lounge around and not do much. But can be energetic if needed.

Design Notes

  • Maecenas ullamcorper erat et sollicitudin facilisis.
  • Nullam sed tortor varius, viverra leo id, interdum felis.
  • Suspendisse hendrerit lorem hendrerit fringilla tempus.
  • Cras ultricies nisi eget ex laoreet eleifend at sit amet nibh.
  • Maecenas mollis ante vel odio sagittis consequat.


  • A lineless headdie from Colonel
  • Sad tag, loneliness conveyed, crying
  • Varies recolors/LA's
  • Cras ultricies nisi eget ex laoreet eleifend at sit amet nibh.
  • Maecenas mollis ante vel odio sagittis consequat.


Jack was born with a disease called Hirschsprung's. It's a disease of the colon. He had seizures when he was quite young due to the amount of medication he was taking. He recently suffered from two strokes.

Jack has two parents who live together but are divorced. He hopes one day him and his mother won't have to live with his father. He doesn't get along well with his father and that's just fine for him. ​He was born in Tennessee, raised in Kentucky, moved to Pennsylvania, and then back to Kentucky where he resides today. Jack has a pretty weird sense of humor and talks quietly as he is deaf out of his left ear.

JAck is 3.5 years old and was born on June 4th.


  • Sushi
  • Godzilla
  • Star Trek
  • Fried Chicken
  • Caffeine


  • His father
  • The cold
  • Shepherd's pie
  • The landlords
  • Hunting
Lief mother

It's rough, but it's okay. In Lief's mind, Cliff doesn't do enough. But that's obviously not how Cliff feels. He just lets that stuff roll of his back, though. ​ For the most part, they enjoy each others company from time to time. They both enjoy a lot of the same things. Such as cheesy monster movies, popcorn, sushi, etc.

Jasmine baby

Jasmine thinks Jack is her puppy even though Jack is partly her owner. Jasmine loves to cuddle him and groom him. He can't play much with her anymore, but she still tugs with him and they both cherish those moments. ​ She loves it when she cuddles with him.

Nova baby

Nova adores Cliff so much. Cliff can carry her upside down in his paws. She finds that calming and comforting. ​ Cliff can be a little rough with her, which annoys her, but she tends to put up with it for some reason.

Void brother/sister

Not normal may describe the relationship Duke has with his older brother. He argues with him one minute, and then asks for his advice on something the next. They love watching a lot of the same youtubers. Duke is always upset when Cliff doesn't want to hang out with him. ​ They love to play video games together.

Sheila baby

Sheila...well, Sheila loves Cliff, don't get her wrong. But to her he's just kinda...there. He plays with her from time to time, but it's rare these days. She's just a bit too wild for him.

Sukki baby

Sukki and Jack are typical brothers. They are close in their relationship but are definitely independent of each other. They love to wrestle but also just hang out in general. Jack tends to be a bit rougher with Sukki than Duke would like, but Sukki doesn't mind it at all. ​ Duke and Jack may not see eye-to-eye on how rough Jack is with Sukki, but Sukki loves their relationship.