Gundam Fern



5 years, 17 days ago



Gundam Fern








5'2” ft










Epsilon Clan



Gundam is an Epsilon Floss who works with flowers in the Epsilon Clan. He's a florist who works alongside his Lambda wife Melanie, and together they offer the best that they have for weddings, parties, graduation ceremonies, and other elegant social events.

He's also the father of a teenage son and likes to hike or garden in his free time. He just really loves being outdooors.


Gundam is a trashy goofball. He can be very cringe-inducing, especially when he's trying to be funny, but it's all endearing anyway, so everyone will just let it slide. He's very comfortable to talk to as well, especially with his casual and informal demeanor. No one usually takes him seriously and everyone can feel free to poke fun at him. He's a good sport about things and doesn't mind.

He used to be a former bad boy and that eventually retired from that tough act. When angered or threatened, that part of him might threaten to come back. So he can actually be quite scary when mad!


As an Epsilon, Gundam has the ability to read people's minds and speak via telepathy. He may not seem like it at first, but he's an extremely deceitful Floss whenever he's able to utilize his powers. He'll use his Epsilon abilities so subtly that you won't even notice there's someone reading your thoughts.

Nowadays, he'll often use this to figure out exactly what a customer wants whenever they come into his florist shop. It helps for Gundam to figure out what someone wants before trying to assist them in their desires.


Gundam's mother had a busy social life. It was a miracle that she only ended up with two kids instead of twelve, but she did use birth control, so maybe that helped. Though she was supposed to be a more responsible parent after having Gundam (her first born), she ended up kind of neglecting him in favor of parties and hang outs instead. She was a young college dropout who often hung out with the wrong crowd. She did drugs for a living, so that was how she got money, and would sometimes even do the drugs that she was selling.

In the meanwhile, Gundam and his younger half-sister Fatima had mostly been raised by a babysitter that was more like a mom to him than his actual mother. Though there was only so much that the babysitter could do, she tried her best to raise Gundam and he appreciated that.

One day, when he was twelve, his babysitter died from a butchered buglary attempt that ended with the loss of her life. She had just been relaxing at home when the assailant broke down the locks to her front door and attacked her.

Gundam was absolutely devastated by her demise.

From there, everything changed. His demeanor started changing and he grew to be a calloused deliquent with walls built around his heart. His performance in school declined, but it wasn't like his mother cared anyway. His babysitter used to be the one who encouraged him to get good grades, but there was no point now that she was gone.

He went rougue over the years, and by the time he had reached high school, he was feared amongst his peers. They would know him as a fierce fighter with an even fierce willpower.

One day, Gundam found himself resting in an alleyway shortly after beating up some guys who had a bone to pick with him. They just wanted to show off and gang up on him, so that they could brag about it the next day, but they ended up getting a black eye or a bleeding and broken nose instead.

A Lambda girl by the name of Melanie happened to see Gundam all bloody and with bruises. She hurried over to his side and offered to take care of him. At first, Gundam just told her to fuck off, but when she kept insisting with worried puppy eyes, he complied with her request to help tend to his wounds. He was going to leave her right after getting his wounds patched up, but again, she insisted that he stay over for at least one night.

He wasn't going to let that happen though. He just told her that he didn't know her and that he wouldn't be staying with a stranger before storming off.

Only to find out the next day that Melanie actually went to his school.

When Melanie confronted him during lunchtime to check and see if his wounds were healing or better than last time, Gundam tried to tell her to fuck off instead, but once he did, he couldn't help but feel guilty seeing the strong hurt that flashed in her eyes. He never felt guilty for almost anything nowadays, so it was weird. He immediately took back his statement and begrudingly let her inspect his wounds again.

That made Melanie really happy. The light in her eyes returned when he had allowed for her to check on his well-being, brightening her features with this radiant glow.

And shit, did Gundam proceed to fall for Melanie hard.

He didn't want to, but it wasn't like he could just control how he felt. As much as he despised his own icky feelings, he grew to adore Melanie. It didn't help that she was constantly by his side now and had managed to become his first friend in years.

Fuck, Gundam had it bad for her.

One day, Melanie started growing distant from him. At first, Gundam just thought she was busy with some stuff for the gardening club and figured she'd eventually come back into his life more frequently again. However, when weeks went by and she wasn't seeing him in lunchtime as much, Gundam figured that she was avoiding him. There could only be one reason for why she wasn't talking to him anymore: she must have figured out his feelings for her and was disgusted.

It didn't surprise him. Who else could ever love someone as him? He was too rough, too damanged.

When he confronted Melanie for what he believed to be the last time and asked her why she was distancing herself from him, she told him something that he couldn't believe.

She actually had feelings for him and was avoiding him because of that. She grew teary-eyed as she admitted that she loved him, but firmly believed that she wasn't good enough for Gundam.

Gundam was so stunned by this that he knew he had to deny her claims. He didn't mean to be so harsh, but he basically kissed her before she could continue sputtering out anymore of that bullshit. If she really liked him that much, then there was no way he was turning back now.

After that, they began dating, and though there were some bumps along the way in their relationship, they still managed to make up and continue loving each other more and more. Melanie kind of rubbed off on Gundam, and he grew to be more soft and open as a person overall thanks to her.

Eventually, Gundam would develop into a more kinder and gentler Floss. Some have joked about how much of a softie he's grown to be, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing to him.

Now he's currently married to Melanie and even has a son with her named Aspen. They work as florists in the Epsilon Clan and Gundam's pretty content with that. His old bad boy days have already disappeared long ago and he's managed to put all that behind him. Now he's a dad with a tendency to crack bad jokes and he's okay with that.


Gundam used to smoke back in his younger days, but he quit after dating Melanie for a while. By the time he got married to her, he was clean free of smoking.


4106030?1570019353 Melanie Fern

beloved wife

yGFb1OP.jpg Aspen Fern

precious son

3915581?1614706765 Fatima Fern

younger half-sister

l2BcsO6.jpg Andre Amos

future son-in-law

4106398?1558007177 Hurcules

the family dog

Hi Hungry, I'm Dad!
