Aspen Fern



5 years, 29 days ago




Good . Creative . Nature-loving

He's a high schooler in the Epsilon region with a deep love for painting, plants, and painting plants. He tends to be too stubborn with getting into new things.

"How about we all calm down and talk it out?"

Aspen Fern
Male (he/him)
4'5" ft
Masculine & Plump
  • Flowers & Plants
  • His Friends
  • Paint
  • Green
  • Winter
  • Mess & Dirt
  • Essays
  • Negativity





Aspen is a generally kind boy that wouldn't wish pain on even a fly. He's very careful with his words and tends to sugarcoat things heavily. He's pretty shut-in and loves to oversleep by 5 hours in the weekends, though he'd be willing to let go of that if he has weekend plans. He's also very organized and likes to keep his workplace clean, though this is contrasted by the fact that he can accidentally make a mess because of his clumsiness.

When he finds that he likes something, he tends to focus on it and nothing else. This is what happened to his love for painting and plants but now he can't seem to get into other things.

Aspen likes to keep the peace between people so he's usually a peacekeeper, a shoulder to cry on, or even someone good to rant to.


Aspen had a generally pleasant childhood. He was raised by an Epsilon father and a Lambda mother. He's stayed in the Epsilon region most of his life, though. He got his love for painting and plants from his parents, though his mother Melanie is a bigger influence to him when it comes to that.

For most of his life, he hasn't really been the most academically great kid. What he's got going for him though is his peaceful and friendly demeanor, which helps him make friends easily as well as even get along with his teachers nicely.

Recently, he's mostly been closest with his small friend group consisting of him, Andre, Rhea and Cleo. Andre is a childhood friend of his which he's started to date around highschool. Before they became boyfriends though, Andre was painfully oblivious of Aspen's crush on him. Aspen could write a signed letter to Andre saying "I love you" and Andre would still think it's a friendly thing. It took a while but Andre eventually figured out that Aspen actually does have romantic feelings for him.

As for Rhea, she's a friend Aspen met through Andre. She was trying to prove to Andre that she could be a better friend than him, but Aspen and Rhea do become friends for real after they get along pretty well. Aspen acts as a peacekeeper for the two.

Cleo was someone that had a big crush on Aspen. Aspen turned her down as gently as he could but that didn't stop Cleo from trying again. She accidentally joined the friend group by being friends with Rhea and Andre with the intention of knowing more about Aspen. She ended up falling for Rhea by doing that.

They're still very close friends to this day! Without his friends, he might be even more of a shut-in than he already is.


He is a Sugarfloss in the Epsilon clan with the power of Telepathy. He has a 4 color palette, a standard skin pattern (common), six studs on his forehead (uncommon), ring spikes around his neck and two around his ankles (legendary), and leather wings from his back (legendary).

As a Sugarfloss, he loves eat to pastries and baked goods.

His parents have a florist shop! Sales boom especially during May, when the Skylos Festival takes place.

He loves plants! He has small potted succulents in his room. He's even part of the gardening club back at school.

He may or may not sometimes wishes he's a Delta, considering how helpful it would be for his hobby.

also enjoys to paint a lot. Though, he usually only draws his surroundings. Mainly plantlife.

Aspen is far from being book smart. He has a hard time with writing out his thoughts and his essays tend to be all over the place.



[ boyfriend ]

Andre is Aspen's best friend and boyfriend. He's known Andre for as long as he can remember. They've always hung out together during lunchtime or after school. Andre was extremely oblivious to Aspen's crush on him at first. Aspen had to make it painfully obvious to Andre before they finally started dating.

Sometimes Andre will also help Aspen out at his parents’ florist shop during the Skylos Festival or accompany him every now and then in his gardening club. They have a common interest in plants, though Aspen seems to be a lot more into gardening. Aspen often acts as a peacemaker for Rhea and Andre.



[ friend ]

They're friends! Their friendship started all because Rhea wanted to prove to Andre that she can be a better friend, up until Aspen and her became friends for real after getting to know him more. Aspen often acts as a peacemaker for Rhea and Andre.



[ friend ]

They're friends! At first, Cleo had a crush on Aspen and she tried to ask him out. He turned him down as nicely as he could. That didn't seem to work as Cleo kept trying to pursue him. Her crush on him seemed to die down after she met Rhea. So now they're content just being friends with each other.



[ mother ]

Melanie is Aspen's mother! He's quite close to her. She encourages his love for plants and she was even the reason why he's so into painting in the first place. They a lot of similar interests. He would also help her and Gundam at the shop when he could.



[ father ]

Gundam is Aspen's father. They get along pretty well. Though he might give a groan or two towards his dad jokes, he still finds them funny in a way. Gundam was the one that really taught Aspen about plants, which started Aspen's love for nature in the first place. He would also help Gundam and Melanie with the shop and they would also go out and have family vacations.



[ pet ]

Hurcules is Aspen's pet. He's only had the pup for less than a year but he loves the pup with all his heart. He's gutta admit though, Hurcules does get on his nerves when he decides to get mud all up in Aspen's room.



[ teacher ]

Aspen is a student of her's! He quite likes her as a teacher, considering how nice she can be. Though, he has one hell of a hard time with her subject and finds himself daydreaming during lessons. So, every morning he comes over to her classroom for some tutoring before classes start.



[ teacher ]

Aspen is a student of her's! She always tries to make him draw something else other than plants though he usually ends up drawing more plants anyway.



[ aunt ]

Fatima is Aspen's aunt from his father's side! He was always told that Fatima used to babysit him when he was younger and he could even remember some hazy memories. He might feel a tad bad as he was a bit of a dipshit when he was younger. Nowadays, they're mostly more awkward yet friendly towards each other.

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