Misha "Michelle" Beaufort



5 years, 1 month ago


Basic Info:
Name: Misha Beaufort
Alias: Michelle, Michi-nee (by Yasu), Titan Slayer (by Izanami), Wandering Oracle
Age: 31 (16 in Prologue)
Birthday: August 14th
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Religion: Vivian
Occupation: Auxiliary Oracle (Currently), Inquisitor (Formerly)
Sexuality: Straight
Skills: God-like Strength and Durability
Weapons: Ironblight (Great Sword)

Physical Attributes:
Height: 5' 10''/179 cm, 5' 4''/163 cm (Prologue)
Weight: 161 lbs/73 kg, 156 lbs/ 71kg (Prologue)
Build: Muscular
Hair Color: Cream
Eye Color: Emerald

Personality Traits: Strict, Aggressive, Abrasive, Cautious, Distrusting, Narrow-minded, Caring
Likes: Meditating, Training, Spending time with Yasu
Dislikes: Overseer Nikolai, Noisy people, Crowded places, Being angry, Being helpless, The burn on the right side of her face
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Strength: EX

Mentor of Yasu Muramasa and Lilith Siegward, Friend of Izanami Sylvialynn Kurogane, Former Disciple of Shoichi Muramasa

    Misha or Michelle, as she prefers to be called, is heralded to be Humanity's strongest Oracle by Izanami, who used to work alongside her. Her strength is immeasurable and she has done multiple feats to prove so. Misha has slain multiple Titan-class Ferii, caused shockwaves that triggered earthquakes, and mowed down entire squadrons of warriors just with her sword, Ironblight.

    She started off as an Inquisitor for the High Church of Vivienne. Being trained as a little child by the High Church's ruthless captains, Michelle grew to become a cold-hearted soldier who would never question her orders. For at the time, all she knew was that she was fighting to correct all the wrongs and cleanse all the corruption from the world. Misha was sent all over Alvaria to carry out brutal punishment, assassinations, and capture missions. One day, she was told to capture the leader of a dangerous cult, the Muramasa Clan. She and her squad forced their way into the Muramasa Village and demanded them to hand over their Head. Shoichi then appeared before her. She immediately starts to charge at him, but he was surprisingly able to tire her out and eventually knock her out. Before Misha closed her eyes, she saw that her squad had abandoned her and left her to be captured.

    When she awoke, she was laying on a futon in a peaceful home. Confused, she sought out Shoichi who was playing with his daughter at the time.

    "How did you defeat me...?"

    Shoichi explained that Misha's strength was certainly overwhelming and greater than his, she did not know how to control nor direct it well. He offered her tutelage under him to help her, but Misha refused to be trained under the man she was supposed to capture. Shoichi asked her why he was targeted by the High Church.

    "You are a dangerous man who has slain thousands and has gained a large following in the form of your cult."

    Shoichi chuckles. As they were conversing, Shoichi's wife invited all of them to dinner. Misha reluctantly accepts. She slowly ponders on why the High Church had sent her to capture Shoichi. He did not seem like someone who would hurt another without good reason. Shoichi then invites Misha to rest for the night, so she did. Misha learned that the Muramasa Clan was a peaceful clan full of innocent people. Doubt towards the High Church began to well up inside her and the offer Shoichi made to her became more desirable. She left the next day and returned to the High Church. Upon arrival, the Captain sent her to the barracks as punishment for her failure on the mission. She was whipped and ridiculed by her higher-ups and peers.

    Later that night, Izanami came and consoled her. She suggested that Misha take a leave from the Inquisitors and become the Disciple of Shoichi as she seemed burnt out from all the missions she had carried out. So with the help of Izanami and her high position, Misha was able to leave the Inquisitors and head to train with Shoichi. He put her through a rigorous training regimen and taught her everything she knows about combat and most importantly how to avoid it. Senji was scared by her power and the last thing he wanted was for her to go berserk. She was eventually ordained as an Oracle by the Goddess and vowed to help her specifically, rather than the High Church. She was assigned to be an Auxiliary Oracle, meaning she would travel from town to town to help those who do not have an Oracle or needed extra help.

    But one day, Shoichi was murdered in his house which was engorged in flames. Misha ran to his side and tried to help him, but it was no use. Her raw strength was useless in helping her dying mentor. In his last words to her, Senji wanted Misha to protect his son, who was wrapped in cloth in his arms.

    "Protect him from the dangers of this world..."

    Misha took the child and her mentor's dying words and ran far away. Far from her home. Far from her duty as an Oracle.

    Now the surrogate parent for Yasu, Misha is strict with him and does not let him far from the house. In order, for her to carry out her mentor's last request, she isolated him from the world and neglected him, to an extent. This was all to "protect him from the dangers of this world". But, her fear became a reality as her carelessness caused Yasu to become sick and slowly Wither. Once again, her strength was useless to her as the only family she had started to die.

    But then, Izanami came to her with an ultimatum. She would treat and heal Yasu, if and only if Michelle will vow to the Goddess again to protect Humanity and help towns in need with Yasu as her disciple. With little to no choice, Michelle agrees. Now with Yasu as her disciple, Michelle tries her best to train and prepare him for the world that will try to hurt him.