Murasaki Muramasa



4 years, 11 months ago


Basic Info:
Name: Murasaki Muramasa
Alias: Child of the Night, Saki (By Mayumi), Mura-nee (By Hayato)
Age: 20
Birthday: April 16th
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Religion: Vivian
Occupation: Advisor and Tactician of the Muramasa Clan
Sexuality: Lesbian
Skills: Shadow and Twilight Magic, Muramasa Techniques
Weapons: Shuriken, Kunai, Tengu Feather Shuriken, Muramasa (Katana)

Physical Attributes:
Height: 5' 8''/173 cm
Weight: 161 lbs/73 kg
Build: Slightly Athletic
Hair Color: Lavender
Eye Color: Pale White (Normal), Crimson (Berserk)

Personality Traits: Pragmatic, Quick-witted, Devoted, Tolerant, Eloquent
Likes: Order in the Muramasa Village, Peace and Quiet, Taking Naps, Mayumi
Dislikes: Troublesome people, The Sun, Having to do unnecessary tasks, Mayumi
Alignment: Neutral Good

Daughter of Gouma Muramasa, Younger Sister of Tetsurou Muramasa, Older Sister of Hayato Muramasa, Friend of Mayumi and Mayuki Muramasa

Strength: B+

    Daughter to the Advisor of the Muramasa clan, Gouma Muramasa, Murasaki was born with highly sensitive eyes which would burn when exposed to something as simple as daylight. However, she was able to open them during the night and was exceptional in seeing in pitch darkness. Worried that he had given birth to a monster, Gouma had Murasaki stay in the basement of the temple where she would be protected from the sun and any harsh light and shunned from the rest of the clan. However, this caused Murasaki to feel lonely and depressed, thinking that she was a monster for being different. No one other than her mother would visit her. Murasaki had a strong relationship with her mother who would come down and bring books to read to her, but one day, she stopped coming. Murasaki did not know why. She was cut off from the rest of the world.

    One day, a girl around her age entered and seemed to be hiding from something. Murasaki, being shy, hid from the girl. The girl rustled around in the dark for a light source, but could not find one.

    "Hey, why is it so dark in here?"

    Murasaki was surprised that the girl noticed her even though it's pitch black in the room. "I-I have very sensitive eyes. Sunlight makes them hurt...", she replied.

    "Oh, you can see in the dark?! That's awesome!"

    Murasaki had never been complimented by a stranger before. The stranger introduced herself. Her name is Mayumi Muramasa and she was the daughter of the Head of the Clan. Mayumi said that she was hiding from Gouma because he'd wanted to kidnap her to steal her Marks and claim to be the Head. Murasaki was not surprised that her father was an insane person. Mayumi continued on to say that Murasaki's mother was killed during the same raid that lost Mayumi her father and younger brother. She also told Murasaki that she believed that Gouma had a part in helping Valefor destroy the clan. Murasaki wept, but Mayumi came and comforted her. Mayumi then went to say, "Why don't we become friends? I'll help you out!"

    The two then went on to be very good friends. Mayumi would regularly sneak into the basement of the temple to give Murasaki the books she requested, food, and teach her how to see by sensing the mana in the atmosphere. The two would also train with each other to get stronger. Mayumi told Murasaki that she has an older and younger brother and keep her in the know about the clan. On her 15th birthday, Mayumi gave Murasaki a headband/blindfold that would block out any light coming, if closing eyes did not help, in hopes that one day Murasaki would be able to head out from the basement. Murasaki was extremely grateful to Mayumi.

    But when Murasaki turned 18, Mayumi suddenly stopped visiting her. Murasaki started to worry about her only friend and decided to head out of the basement with the skills Mayumi taught her. Murasaki closed her eyes, put on her headband and took her first steps out of the basement room. She was able to see the walls and hallways through her sixth sense and went towards the temple's main room. She sensed an audience in the room and a familiar aura being suspended in the air with ropes.

    It was Mayumi. She was going to be executed by her father.

    Thinking quick, she casted a spell to send the room into darkness. While everyone is distracted and blinded, Murasaki swiftly freed Mayumi and checks on her. Suddenly, someone casted a light spell to illuminate the room and another person charged at Murasaki and pinned her to the wall. The man asks who she was. But before anything else happened, Mayumi stabbed the man's heart through his back.

    "She's your daughter, you fool."

    Gouma falls to his knees and Mayumi helps Murasaki up. Gouma looking at Murasaki says, "M-Murasaki...? You're still alive...?" Murasaki takes Mayumi's sword and goes up to Gouma.

    "I am. You however..."

    She beheads her father and as everyone stands still in shock. Mayumi, surprised by Murasaki's courage and resolve, stands next to her.

    "I am Mayumi Muramasa, daughter of Senji Muramasa and the Head of the Muramasa Clan! And this is Murasaki Muramasa! She will replace Gouma and be my new advisor! Does anyone have any objections?!"

    Everyone bows in respect. All except Murasaki's older brother, Tetsurou, who retreats from the temple and runs away.

    After that day, Mayumi was re-instated as the Head of the clan and Murasaki was appointed as her advisor. Murasaki was able to experience new things all thanks to Mayumi. She was able to finally escape the basement. She was able to meet and take care of her younger brother, Hayato. And she was finally able to feel like a part of the clan.