Johin Suika



5 years, 19 days ago


johin suika
support course student
quirk; reverse recipe
blood type; A

TDLR bio; dignified, quiet, and private, mysterious but not intentionally, seems approachable and trustable, but you probably shouldnt... 

bio; he is very formal and refined, extremely polite. carries himself with a certain sense of dignity that others find to be alluring. many students tend to trust him for his polite and warm demeanor, as well as his kind face, but in truth, they probably shouldnt trust him at all........

johin is a key operator in daizo's intel collection on everyone in the school. mostly petty secrets, things that one would find anywhere from mildly embarrassing to completely humiliating. they operate with a few other students collecting info on any and everyone, and trade and sell this information to other students. daizo does this under the pretense of it being "field work practice" for being a hero, but johin mostly just tags along because theyre friends and it keeps things interesting. because so many students trust johin easily, he is considered an instrumental part of the team, as other students will often play right into his hand, and tell him things they would not tell others so readily.

as a support student much of his inventions focus on stealth enhancing and intel gathering equipment, which his focus on intel is largely influenced by daizo's interest in information collection on villains, for him it is an easy way to test his inventions, which hero students are often reluctant to do, which is good for his grades. but he can make bigger more offensive inventions if he liked, but having a specialty focus on a less popular aspect in the field is something he's often praised for, since its not something other support students can offer easily.

misc; he is ace/gay, girls often flock to him for his mysterious dignified arua and pretty face, much to his chagrin. on valentines day he annually receives a mountain of valentines chocolates. has a pet shiba that is homophobic (?) he always barks and growls at boys that are johin's age, but loves the attention of girls. never takes his hairclip out around anyone except daizo in private, he thinks he looks undignified without it. although he holds an air of dignity, if flustered, he can find it extremely hard to regain his composure
quirk; he can take food and break it down to its combined ingredients

he can choose to completely dismantle a food down to its raw components, or take out a specific ingredient, for instance, if he wanted, he could take a cookie and pull it apart until it was all the ingredients it took to make it, or alternatively he could choose to take only the chocolate chips out

he cannot however, "uncook" food, like a steak, because a cooked steak is not a combination of ingredients, but rather a single ingredient by itself (assuming you didnt season it or anything)

whether or not people count as food is a whole philosophical debate, and for my sanity and because he is not a cannibal, no. you would not believe how many people ask.

this quirk is nice for being a picky eater, but otherwise useless lol, its just a power I would want
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