


7 years, 11 months ago


Pierce 'Eryx' Rae

Biographical Information
NamePierce 'Eryx' Rae 
AliasEryx, Rae
TitlesPilot, Security Official
Physical Information
ComplexionWhite; somewhat freckled
BuildQuite fit and healthy
HeightTaller than Tziron and P'Tel, shorter than Theo
HairDark red, somewhat wavy
EyesFluorescent green
General Information
General AlignmentLawful good/ neutral
General CultureEatharyian middle class; gradually picks up on general space culture from his crew
Age ~29-33? Older than Theo and Tziron
Deceased WifeTuryiah
OccupationPilot of The Koy
Crew Members Vena, Mora, Gear, Theo, TzironVhettlP'Tel
Notable "Acquaintances"Kiron
Setting of OriginOn the planet Qyoriin, in Griiyl
General Setting On board The Koy
Plot Significance
"World Ending Game"TBD
"Space"Major protagonist
"The Misfits Act [__]: The Koy"Major antagonist
"The Crossovers I and II"Major protagonist

Eryx is the eatharyian pilot on board Vena's modified pixie cargo ship, The Koy.
Previously he worked as a pilot and low-ranking security official in 
Griiyl. On the day that his civilization fell he was supposed to preform a routine check on a time-travel capable spacecraft that he was to fly in a few days, but this was cut short as a string of commands triggered his ship to teleport to an unknown place and time. Through Tsoras's warping of fate he had been spared, destined to begin his star-bound adventure. Upon his arrival, Eryx crashed his ship into a pixie space station and then touched down on the surface outside of a pixie city. He survived the crash and was soon apprehended, though not without a fight. He was eventually taken in by Vena as a questionable new crew member, although it wasn't like he had much of a choice in the matter. In time he learned how to fly The Koy and was promoted from "useless mystery crew member who can barley speak common" to, "grumpy pilot with a mysterious background." Gradually, Eryx opened up to the rest of the crew and found his place among them, though nothing will fully defog the mystery that clings to him.


Relatively fit, certainly healthy, don’t think he’s as strong as Gear is. Freckles.

Dark red hair, cut short in a masculine style, generally well kept.


Initial Attire (Uniform): Black and copper security official uniform; gloves, some sort of sleek headset...

Casual Pixie Attire: Simple shirt, baggy pants, translucent sash.


To himself, not incredibly sociable, a bit too serious, prideful and professional is some aspects. An introvert. Stubborn, a little to self critical at times- picky about what praise he will accept. Doesn't have much in the way of a sense of humor, fairly loyal to those he respects.

Eryx is very closed off, tending to keep his troubles, feelings, and opinions to himself. He often feels that he shouldn't concern others with his thoughts, whether they be simple opinions or more complex issues. Either way, it leads to frustration for both himself and his crew, though he would never admit that the habit ails him in any way. He's simply the sort of person to say "I'm fine" rather than go into details.

In Accordance to the Standard Eatharyian Disposition: Eryx is highly curious and tends to desires control and knowledge over his environment, although not to any extreme degree.

Belief System: Eryx is a believer in the Active-Karmic Theory of the Universe, an eathatryian system wherein the actions of the individual directly affect existence at large, and vice versa. More specifically, this theory supports the existence of a sort of karma that rewards and punishes an individual for their actions. 

Eryx personally believes that there is some sort of inherit meaning to the universe, but discovering that meaning is probably impossible. The self-imposed meanings that people create- often cited as being the only meaning that matters by those who believe in such- are just as important as whatever overarching meaning the universe may have for all of creation. He also holds tot he belief that there has to be something after death, whether that be reincarnation or some sort of higher level of existence, but the agnosticism are probably right in that it's simply impossible to know. He understands that the prospect is a little silly, but it's also very hopeful, and sometimes holding on to a little bot of optimism and kindness in the world is more than worth the obvious lack of logic.

Voice and Dialogue

Doesn't use slang too often, relatively correct in his grammar, usually keeps his statements to the point, often sounds serious even when he isn't really trying to be,


  • When nervous or thinking something over he tends to pace around a small space.


  • Drawing [Usually he sketches cities or strange dream-like locations.]
  • Playing Poq [After Koy teaches him]


  • Poq [A pixie game similar to chess- Koy teaches him how to play.]
  • Drawing.
  • A good challenge, often in the form of some sort of game.


  • Lack of control.
  • Being ill informed.
  • People or things tampering with his memories or dreams.
  • Most animals, but them again, most animals dislike him too.
  • Drinking and being drunk.


  • Open up to the rest of the crew, at least a little bit.
  • Let go of the past.


In Accordance to the Abilities of All Eatharyians: Eryx is naturally mentally and physically enduring, able to maintain functionality despite the odds even by eatharyian standards. He also has a slight advantage when it comes to pattern recognition, pseudo-multitasking, and general resourcefulness.

Learning: Eryx seems to have a knack for learning new skills pretty easily.


Combat and Portals: He is exceptionally good with wrangling portals. Is an above average security official due tot he higher standards and trouble that they face.

Piloting Space Craft: Eryx managed to sit an an above average skill level in Griiyl, but after a few outrageous maneuvers during his space adventures, he has been recognized as 'a damn good pilot.' His eatharyian skill, curiosity, stubborn determination, and willingness to learn new tricks likely plays a role in his skill.


Eatharyia: Being an eatharyian himself, Eryx is privy to knowledge relating to his people, though he still has no explanation on what exactly happened to his civilization. He is aware that Kiron was given a sort of "choice" in being transported into the future, but as to why they of all people should receive this sort of attention... well, he has no clue. At first it seemed like some sort of karmic action, though whether good or bad, he still can't say. Now, it seems like the will of something beyond his comprehension, some mystery that refuses to be unraveled, and it isn't exactly his place to try.

Language: Eryx was taught [Space Common] by Tziron, and likely has also picked up on a few key words in Pix.

Notable Possessions

Eatharyian Gear:

  • Standard-Issue Gun
  • Tablet
  • Baton, knife
  • Some standard-issue cube-marker things
  • Some portal boxes
  • Floating Silver Platform
  • Single Implosion Grenade(?)
  • Some anti-tech restraints

Copper Coin: Eatharyian coin strung on a metal chain by Theo.

Eatharyian Pen: Just a pen that doubles as a stylus.

Usual Inventory

Eryx tends to summon his possessions.

  • Decorative copper coin necklace

Notable Settings

Eryx's Quarters Aboard The Koy: Information



As a child and even well into adulthood Eryx was fascinated by the often romanticized, long-reaching period in his people's history commonly referred to as [The Golden Age of Discovery.] During this time records were made and broken constantly, and the progression towards becoming a truly space-faring civilization were constant. The main focus of his interest was that of space-bound aviation, made somewhat fitting for him considering that his given name, Pierce, was the chosen name of the navigator and astronomer aboard The Estyarii, whose first mission to Vii'Voriyae kick-started this golden age. The age of unknowns and constant discoveries was far gone, however, leaving Eryx to pursue more mundane options in the field due to his inability to innovate, but considering that progress on space travel had been nearly at a standstill for at least a century or so*, this defeat was expected, and easily recovered from.

Although it lacked the romanticized excitement of bygone eras, Eryx still found enjoyment in his job as a pilot, but as is relatively common of eatharyians, he decided to pick up on a secondary career as a security official. This department of security was akin to a police force, but was also the closest thing his people had to a military during the present time [Though this has been the case for quite some time.] Perhaps taking up this role, especially in his less-than-entirely-safe native city of Griiyl, helped fulfill his quiet desire for something a tad more interesting in life. He never ventured especially far into his role in security as he retained a rather low rank, but even so he was given more access than someone of his experience and rank would simply due to living in Griiyl. This was a common and well known occurrence attributed to the eatharyian's liberal mindset; they are more then willing to bend or change rules to better address a given issue. Eryx continued working as a pilot under his new secondary career, and although he never achieved any great status, he was well respected for his skill, determination, and willingness to take on just about any assignment.

Eryx's most notably feat in regards to his security official title was that of being involved in the apprehension of Vacanthius, otherwise known as the hacker and "anarchist" [Hykehn] Skorr. Eryx didn't play any especially significant role, but he did help, and was certainly more useful than his lowly rank might let on. In the process, he was hit in the chest by a floating platform being used like a giant Frisbee, which resulted in a few broken ribs. he had encountered such "anarchists" a few times before, but never to such extremes, and this situation wasn't the last time either.

Perhaps a year or half a year before his unbeknownst final assignment Eryx finally married Turyiah, his significant other of at least a good couple of years.

Eryx had been assigned to run a required, albeit wholly unnecessary, maiden test-flight of a time-travel capable spacecraft. Before he could actually fly it, however he had to check to see if the codes given to him were accurate; a tedious yet once again required step. As he went through this routine check a series of indecipherable commands were issued by a sort of "ghost user," activating the ship and warping it to a set of unregistered, illegal, coordinates, with Eryx as a mere passenger fighting to regain control of the situation.

Through Tsoras's warping of fate, he had been spared, destined to begin his star-bound adventure in the future that his people helped craft.

Space: Introduction

Eryx's spacecraft reappeared above a bustling pixie world, far in the future, but his path to the planet was obstructed by a space station, and unless something was done, he would crash right into it. Eryx struggled to regain control of his ship as the unauthorized string of commands in tandem with the rough traversal of space-time had disrupted both the ship's mechanisms and the usual connection with Hyenzei's servers. His failure- or perhaps unavoidable inability- to regain control of his ship resulted in the destruction of a pixie space station. He crash landed just outside a pixie city, and was apprehended, though not after putting up a fight.



Vena is the captain of The Koy and heiress to the *Ixan Empire, and based on how she runs her ship, she'll make a fine empress. Although it has taken time, Vena is the crew member Eryx tends to be most open with.


Gear is an imposing individual and a force to be reckoned with with a fierce loyalty for the people he serves. Despite occasional conflicts, Eryx can't help but respect Gear's position, as it often mirrors his own security official role in Griiyl. 


Eryx views Tziron as the most polite and honest individual on the ship; he seems the least likely to allow his personal goals to overshadow his work, and can be trusted and relied upon.


Theo is a bit wild an unruly, but entertaining. She easily lifts people's spirits, and has even from time to time amused him with her humorous personality, occasional crude jokes, and outlandish conspiracy theories.



  • Animals- including Avvor- tend to dislike him.
  • Despite his distaste for animals, his wife loved most rodents and even owned two of them. And no, they didn't like him either.
  • Doesn't seem to have too much in the way of a sense of humor.
  • Usually makes logs of daily or weekly events. He writes fewer of these reports as time goes on.
  • His favorite tool in his arsenal are portals, and it helps that he can utilize them pretty well.
  • Believes in a sort of karma.
  • Played an equivalent of a tuba in school.
  • Gets drunk pretty easily.
  • Had a younger brother.
  • Was born sometime during autumn.
  • Named after the astronomer/ navigator involved in the Estyarii mission to Vii'Voriyae.

Quotes and Excerpts

“Eryx is only fun when alcohol is involved and we nearly died the last time he drank.” [Vena Stated]

“Thats... Why I don't drink…” Eryx muttered.

-From "Koy Interactions" wherein Vena basically roasted the entire crew.

“I swear, if we have to warp through a supernova again, I am not doing it.” 

-From "Koy Interactions." 

“Spice in moderation is acceptable. Vena’s death-chili is not.”

-From "Space Camping Trip."

Author's notes

  • "Eryx" is actually the name of a character and mountain in The Aneied. I learned this when I read the book in Latin class, so...that was definitely interesting to learn.
  • Cannot hold his alcohol. This just was sort of randomly decided.
  • In my play-through of Miitopia, Eryx played the role of a stubborn tank who wouldn't stop pissing everyone else off. Who would have thought that using your party members as ammunition won't win you over any friends.


  • Eryx was originally made for an impulsively thought up space RP, but that one RP spiraled into one of the more successful plot threads in the entire project.


  • Eryx tends to be pretty serious and closed off, though not in any sort of shy way. As such, drawings of him should reflect neutral- slightly annoyed expressions, or emotions more on the subtle end of things for the most part.
  • Alternate outfits would be lovely.


  • Here Comes the Wonder: An example of the sort of music he enjoys. I like to imagine him singing along to it while drunk. Plus, the prevalence of the tuba baseline at the end of this song is the reason why Eryx played that sort of instrument in his childhood.
  • Computer Guy (The Aquila Remix): I listed to this while creating his character, so it kind of stuck.