


7 years, 11 months ago



Biographical Information
Name*Okneth `P’Tel` Ruam
TitlesDoctor, Avvor's Keeper
Physical Information
HeightTaller then Tziron, shorter than Eryx
HairDull white
EyesSlate grey
General Information
General AlignmentNeutral good
General CultureGeneral Culture
Age Older than Theo, Tziron; a few years older than Evvajnkou
Crew MembersEryx, Tziron
General SettingSpaaaace
Specific SettingOnboard The Koy
Plot Significance
"Space"Major protagonist

P'Tel is the doctor and resident keeper-of-Avvor on board Vena's modified pixie cargo ship, The Koy.


Dull white hair, cut relatively short. Later it gets to be long enough to where he can put it in a ponytail, which he does on occasion.

Slate grey eyes

Burn on his right upper arm


Long sleeves, usually warm attire, simpler, not willing to buy expensive clothes.


Overall, P'Tel's personality can be pinpointed as basic and subdued; very few traits really stick out, making his personality somewhat of a difficult thing to accurately define. Most traits that are present are only mild, so, not easy to go in-depth on.

In Accordance to the Standard Onixar Disposition: Not very curious.

Selfishness and Guilt: P'Tel has his own aspirations in life and in order to even attempt to achieve them he has hurt both friends and family, though not without his fair share of guilt. This trait is exemplified by the culture that he grew up in, as it favors collectivist ideals and emphasizes the importance of supporting one's family, even if one must make some personal sacrifices. He is well aware of this selfish aspect of his nature, and often, finds himself conflicted by it. It's not like his selfish desires are pushed to an extreme degree- he isn't a bad person, per se- but it's notable enough within the context of his society to be labeled as something of a problematic trait. But, within the context of other cultures, things change. The Pixies, for example, seem more likely to praise P'Tel for his independence and ambition to improve himself and make a name for himself, perhaps even citing this 'selfishness' as more of a positive thing, such as a self-preserving determination or resolve. In any case, he feels guilty over his selfish acts, but also justified to a reasonable extent.

Jealousy: P'Tel has had to fight for everything he has, and even so, he remains successful by only a partial margin. Therefore it's fairly reasonable for him to become frustrated by someone who has had everything provided for them or someone who effortlessly achieves their own goals. It isn't 'fair,' not that life ever pretended to be. Despite truly putting his all into his medical studies, he can only just barely attain mediocrity, while others easily surpass him, sometimes seemingly without effort. He knows that he shouldn't linger on the success of others, but that's easier said than done; he does try though.

One notable source of this jealousy comes from a crew member: Tziron. He seems to be something of a prodigy, gifted with an excellent memory, a desire for self-improvement, and most importantly, the opportunities required to get where he is now- a sort of 'early start' in comparison to P'Tel, who had to abandon everything he knew just to get a shot at becoming a doctor.
"I know it isn't actually effortless for him, he puts a lot of work into what he does, but sometimes... it doesn't feel that way. Sometimes it just seems like it all comes naturally like it takes nothing at all to figure something new out when it takes me weeks just to figure out what should be a simple thing... and it gets frustrating. It gets- ah, discouraging..." It gets frustrating, being unable to be good enough, even when that 'good enough' isn't all that great, to begin with.

Socialbility: P'Tel is relatively outgoing, though not to an extreme degree. He is still easily flustered by personal topics but isn't nearly as bad about it as others tend to be. His tendencies lie between extremes; he isn't as open as Theo, not as closed off as Eryx, not as shy as Tziron, but also not as outgoing as Mora(?).

Persistence in Spite of His Own Limitations: Although subdued, he does display persistence and determination, plus a willingness to make sacrifices to achieve his goals.

Appreciation for Nature and the Rural Lifestyle: Despite putting his rural upbringing behind him, he still enjoys the wilderness and animals in general, and will defend the rural lifestyle given the correct sort of prompting. It isn't easy work, and it's necessary for society as a whole. In the way he has matured since he left home, becoming more passive and open-minded in his opinions.

Voice and Dialogue

P'tel sticks to simpler vocabulary and speaks with some slang; he can speak and read the standard onixar language* and 'common.'

He naturally speaks with a noticeable "country" accent but has taken great care in changing the way he speaks. This accent still arises when he's especially angry or upset whether he's speaking in common or in his native language.


  • P'Tel collects Avvor's feathers; often, he will give them to Theo who occasionally uses them to make jewelry.


  • Painting; He isn't very good and sticks to realism, usually trying to paint trees, plants, and simpler landscapes.
  • Cooking; His skills aren't exceptional, but he is certainly competent. He either sticks to cooking what he knows- modest, traditional foods from his childhood- or really puts his all into making something more 'fancy' or just technically difficult, with the results varying wildly.
  • Various other hobbies that he only sticks to for a few weeks or so. He's trying to find something new to do or something he's actually good at.


  • Most animals.
  • Nature.
  • Hunting and fishing; not that he would readily admit to it.


  • Bringing up his past.
  • The sub-culture he grew up around.
  • People who treat animals poorly.


  • Make amends for past mistakes.
  • Be a better person.
  • Be a half-decent doctor.


In Accordance With the Abilities of Onixars: 


Crossbow: Can use a crossbow with decent aim.

Cooking: His skills aren't exceptional, but he is certainly competent. He either sticks to cooking what he knows- modest, traditional foods from his childhood- or really puts his all into making something more 'fancy' or just technically difficult, with the results varying wildly.

Painting: He isn't very good and sticks to realism, usually trying to paint trees, plants, and simpler landscapes.


Medical Knowledge: He truly put his all into this, but still fails to be much more than a glorified nurse. He knows enough to be useful.

Animal Handling: Grew up around animals of all sorts so knows how to deal with many of them. He trained Avvor pretty well, after all

Practical Wilderness Knowledge, Hunting, and Fishing: You could put him in the woods for a day without any technology and he wouldn't be totally screwed, unlike the rest of the crew.

Chemistry: Picked up a good bit of chemistry knowledge form his medical schooling. Oh, and also because he learned how to make drugs.

Notable Possessions

Some Medical Books: Still pretty useful sometimes. None are new, many look pretty beat up, several are somewhat outdated.

Some Cook Books and Magazines: Why look up recipes using the *space internet* when you can read through old magazines?

Notable Settings

P'Tel's Quarters: Shared with Theo; Kept fairly neat and organized, but is still quite lived in. Often he will have some 'hobby of the week' things set out, as well as painting stuff.



Met Evvajhnkou and was offered a means of getting funds to support him being able to do something better with his life. Despite the implications, he accepted, and joined [Chick]’s small group of drug dealers. He didn’t much care for the work, and ended up far more involved that he had wished due to knowledge in helpful subjects. With his share of funds he took a liking to learning medical practices- he tended to think of it as his sorry attempt at balancing the wrongs he committed.

At some point P’Tel purchased Avvor at a kinda shady market, feeling bad for her, and being a bit of a sucker for animals due to being around many during childhood. The others tried to convince him to train her as a guard, or to be somewhat helpful in their operations, but he refused.

He eventually made a decision to try to leave the group, perhaps find a more legitimate source of income. This seemed to fail a few times, so instead of trying to be formal about it, he left. This included ending a potentially dangerous relationship with [Chickiepoo] which likely didn’t end well. Could be how he got himself burned.
Just a she ahd left his family, he left them too, managining to get a ride to some othe port. He searched depseratly for someone to at least tamke him off world, and finally, he found somone who was willing....


P'Tel was born in a rural area. His parents maintained a farm, and he had several siblings; some older than him, and some younger. He was expected to help with the farm work, and so he did, picking up practical knowledge on tending to animals, growing and maintaining crops, etc... in his spare time he and his siblings played in the woods, and he was no stranger to a bit of roughhousing or exploring or falling out of trees and being convinced not to cry to Mom or else everyone will get into trouble. He went hunting with his father and elder siblings, learned how to fish, helped train and raise pets, took care of younger siblings... He was a good kid. he did what he was told, and never thought much on his quaint slice of life and how it compared to the rest of the world. Not at first, anyway.

As he aged, P'Tel realized all that he was missing; The strange people bringing strange technologies from out beyond the stars, the big cities with their history and art and sheer allure, the comforts of a modern age and the occupations that could make living that dream a reality. He grew tired of the monotony of his life and frustrated at the inevitability of his future. Neither he nor his family had the funds to enable him to leave and get an education, and even if he got a job in town he couldn't possibly earn enough, and even if he did, his family would surely convince him to invest it back into the farm. He began to despise the simplicity of his life and even aspects of his 'culture,' coming to see it as something of an embarrassment to do nothing more than tend to animals and the like while the rest of the world- no, the galaxy, moves on to bigger and better things. 

And this drive to do more with his life soon collided with another; he wanted to help people. He wanted to do some good in the world and live a good life in a big city. So, he decided; he wanted to be a doctor. And for better or for worse, he held onto this goal. His family was gentle, in their criticism; they knew it couldn't happen, but didn't want to shatter this dream of his. But their patience grew thin as P'Tel grew colder towards them. A rift had formed between them, one that would not be easily mended, one that would last indefinitely.


Young Adulthood

One fight became one too many; P'Tel made up his mind. He was going to leave, and he was going to do whatever the hell he wanted with his life. He stole some money that was set aside for something* and left without so much as a final goodbye.



P'Tel obviously cares a lot about Avvor, and probably likes her more than most people. She's loyal, caring, and just a great companion. She means a lot to him, and he feels that she's helped him through hard times.


  • Is unsure of his religious standings.

Quotes and Excerpts

“And P’Tel… and… you’re just boring, your only redeeming trait is Avvor.” Vena stopped to breath.

P’Tel looked like a deer in the headlights. What the hell did he walk into?? Wait a moment; Avvor, only redeeming-!? ...The truth hurts…

-Vena's Roast

 Author's notes

  • We like to joke that P'Tel is only kept on board the ship because Mora likes his pet.
