Emilia Pignolata



5 years, 3 months ago


Emilia Pignolata

Emilia Pignolata
Japanese Nameエミリア・ピグノラタ
StandFade to Black
Birthday30th April 1973
Zodiac SignTaurus
Chinese ZodiacTiger
Height182 cm (6' 0'')
Blood Type0
Hair ColorChestnut
Eye ColorYellow
OccupationPassione Hitman
Other Information
AffiliationSquadra Esecuzioni
Date of DeathApril 2001
Cause of DeathBlood Loss due to a wound on her torso after CQ's critical hit
Manga Debut info
Final Appearanceinfo
Anime Debut info
Game DebutEyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)
Japanese Voice ActorAzusa Tadokoro (Anime)
Yūko Kaida (EoH, ASB)
English Voice Actor Cindy Robinson
I don't believe in either evil or good, I just believe in myself and in those who I trust.

— Emilia Pignolata

SPOILER WARNING: Part 5 Spoiler details may follow.

Emilia Pignolata (エミリア・ピグノラタ Emiria Pigunorata) is a minor antagonist featured in Vento Aureo.

She is an assassin from La Squadra Esecuzioni, and alongside Melagrana, battle Team Buccellati. She has a relationship with Risotto Nero.


Emilia is a 27 years old tall woman with slim build. She is basically considered a femme fatale, and uses her physical attractiveness to her own benefit in her missions. Sometimes she shares this kind of missions with Melagrana, although Emilia doesn't enjoy them as much as the other does.

She has brown long hair tied in a braid with a yellow ribbon, and with two locks of hair untied. Her eyes are yellow.

Emilia wears an outfit that consists in a coat black and white that match with her boots. She wears a dark brown top and white trousers with black motives, and with a brown belt that has a buckle with a "P" form. She always wears red lipstick.

When she goes berserk, her eyes look harder, with only the pupil, smaler than usual.


Emilia is a very serious woman who is always focused in her mission, since it's everything she has in life. She stated that she didn't believe in good or bad. She just believe in what she can see, meaning that if someone prove that is reliable and skilled, she would trust and follow them. Also, she even said to Loredana Cannella during their battle that they're not different from La Squadra, although they were supposed to be the 'bad guys' just because they're assassins.

Formaggio declared that she has never smiled during years. She looks cold with everyone but she can actually be very caring. This softer side of her is shown especially with Melagrana, with whom she usually shares missions.

Emilia doesn't understand very well human emotions in general, and she knows it perfectly. Also, she prefers it that way, because she thinks emotions would be just a issue in her work. For that. Emilia tries to not get carried away by emotions but when she get very angry, she can be very agressive and can look very intimidating and even scaring. She can go totally crazy, on those moments, only Risotto or Melagrana can calm her down for avoiding her to do something she would regret.



Main article: Fade to Black

Her Stand Fade to Black is an humanoid stand. Its power is being able to swap the material substance of anything, being solid, liquids, gases, energy, although it's easiest and less energy consuming for the user with solids and liquids. This can lead to the creation of impossible objects like books with pages made of glass, rocks made of modeling clay, etc.

Fade to Black needs to be near the object, although it have some spheres in its body that can be thrown and do the same effect, but only for five times, since there is only five spheres.

The stands parameters of Fade to Black are: Power:C; Speed: C; Range: B; Durability: A; Precision: C; Potential: D. Fade to Black isn't a combat stand but Emilia con totally supply that due to her physical abilities.

Physical Ability

Pignolata's abilites not only are limited to her stand since she's also a skilled fighter. Not in vain, she's one of the most lethal assasins of La Squadra. She's very fast and agile in general; she can totally make her being undetectable if she wants to. Also, she is strong enough to break someone's windpipe with her own hands, although she usually prefers using a knive than her hands.

Besides, when she loses her control and goes bersek, her strength is doubled than usual, and she doesn't have the same 'courtesy' with her victims than usual.


Emilia was born in a humble family. When she was old enough to understand, she realized that something was wrong with her parents. Her father usually mistreat his wife, and Emilia was present more than one time. One day, when Emilia was 8 years old, her father ended killing her mother, and Emilia, then, went berserk and killed him with a kitchen knife. That was the first time that her dark side appeared but she, instead feeling regret, just run away to find her own life. Since then, she sometimes got onto some problems with bad people that tried to take advantage of a little girl, but the dark side of Emilia appeared in all those times and just killed them. Still, Emilia felt empty because she just was without a goal in life and didn't know what to do.

One day when she was 16, she met some people of Passione and decided to join them. After all, in an organization she could have a goal, even if it would just missions and orders, but because of her berserk side, the boss decided to let Risotto to take care of her joining then La Squadra Esecuzioni when she was 20. A few time later she started a relationship with Risotto, the capo of La Squadra. At first, it was only sex, but one year later of starting it, they developed feelings for each other although they would never accept it. She is, with Prosciutto, one of the most serious and lethal member of La Squadra, after their capo.

She tries to kill Risotto once a day. Nobody in the Squadra knows if she’s serious, just training, or she just want him to be always alert.

For her missions, she uses the codename 'Lia' or just uses her surname 'Pignolata'.

Vento Aureo (2001)

La Squadra Esecuzioni was a team of assassins created by Passione and put under the leadership of Risotto Nero. Its main role was to carry on various assassinations beneficial to the gang, and the members would receive a bonus for each kill, but nothing else, as they were distrusted by the organization.

Emilia is a person who values orders more than anything but even for her this treatment was awful, and when the Boss killed Sorbet and Gelato for investigating him, she beccame even more disgasted about being in an organization with a boss like that. Two months before the events of Vento Aureo, the death of Donatella Una triggered interest in her daughter Trish Una, as Donatella was the Boss' former lover.After Risotto, Prosciutto, Ghiaccio, Emilia, and Illuso were sent to Donatella's room for investigation, they learned of Trish's link with the Boss.

During the events of Vento Aureo, the members of La Squadra fought Buccellati's gangs one after one. Formaggio was the first to discover Trish's whereabouts but was defeated by Narancia. Illuso was the second to confront the group, fighting at once Giorno, Fugo, and Abbacchio in Pompeii. The duo Prosciutto and Pesci then managed to track Team Buccellati up to a train toward Florence. Before his death, Prosciutto also called fellow assassin Melone and informed him of the group's location. Melone went up to the train, and using his Long-Ranged Stand, Baby Face, tracked the group and attempted to stealthily kidnap Trish Una, immediately defeating Buccellati. However, Giorno managed to stop him. During the fight, Melone had to call Ghiaccio and Risotto Nero for help. Ghiaccio managed to extract a photograph of Venice, which enabled him to interrupt Giorno and Mista's search for a disk containing the Boss' final orders. The final order was bring Trish to the San Giorgio Maggiore church within 1 hour of activating the disc. But in their way, still in Venice, Emilia and Melagrana, that just arrived there after being informed by Risotto, find them and confront them.

Loredana and Bianca fought them. Loredana was determined to defeat Emilia when she began showing off her stand, Fade to Black, since she knew how dangerous it would be especially against Caribbean Queen. At the same time, Emilia has decided that her priority in this fight is killing Loredana because she didn't think about Bianca as an actual opponent, but just a scared child in the way. Loredana inmediately could see this, and tried to protect Bianca the better she could, sice Bianca was too scared to even fight properly. In one of their attacks, Melagrana used her Nine Inch Nails' ability for paralyzeing Loredana, and Bianca left her fear aside and started to fight them. She saw that Loredana's fingers was moving a bit so realized that she could buy a bit of time for her to recover. She could fend them off for a while for Emilia's disbelief, but ended up unconscious. Then, Loredana resolved to kill Emilia since she was becoming too big of a threat to leave alive. When Loredana recovered from the paralysis, she critically injured Melagrana and Emilia seeing this, thinking that she had killed her, went completely berserk. Emilia sent to Loredana more powerful attacks but also she was losing little by little her eyesight, something that Loredana realized and tried to take advantage of. Loredana eventually tricking her into changing some water coming out of a fire hydrant into steel, which she used to crush her. Her last words for her were that they weren't actually that different of them, since they ended up killing other people too with the excuse of protecting. When Emilia died, Melagrana, who was still recovering from the blow of before, lost her sanity completely and became even more difficult to defeat despite being injured. Melagrana cried the lost of her beloved ones and tried to do the same to Loredana, but when she tried to kill Bianca, Loredana ended up killing her, just them revealing that she was pregnant.

IH AU 2.0

In the IH AU, Buccelati's gang and La Squadra allied against the Boss, and could defeat him without causing any casualties and just some injuries in both bands.

Briefly after the defeat, Risotto, Emilia, Melagrana, and Prosciutto, tell the rest of the band that they were all dating since a few time, and that Melagrana was pregnant.

After defeating the Boss, the missions for La Squadra were less frequent, although they still have the mission of ending some members of Passione that are againts Giorno as a Boss and try to kill him. Still, the most calm atmosphere makes that Melagrana could have her little daughter in peace and she became the little princess of La Squadra inmediately, usually Emilia hitting Melone when he was too near the baby.

Some time after, Emilia realized that she was pregnant too, but she wasn't sure about having the baby or not since she, unlike Melagrana, isn't very good with emotions so she didn't see herself as a mother at all. She asked Melagrana for advice, and she was very excited for her. Melagrana tried to cheer her up as well as give her some advices. Still, Emilia wasn't sure about the whole thing, so she took some time to think. She couldn't think much since a few days later she and Prosciutto were sent in a mission. During an attack, Emilia protected her belly by instinct and was seriously injured. When returning the base, Risotto couldn't believe that she could be injured like that but he realized something was wrong when Melagrana was exaggeratedly worried about Emilia and was asking too many details about the fight to Prosciutto. After that, Emilia couldn't hide it anymore and told Risotto about her pregnancy. Risotto, like her, isn't the best as showing emotions, but she could tell he was happy for the news, something that Melagrana pointed out. Also, she told Emilia that she will be a good mother since, after all, she already protected her baby as a true mother would do.

Emilia decided to continue her pregnancy and have two twins girls: Pastiera and Meringa.


Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance

Vento Aureo

  • Episode #: -
Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

Vento Aureo

  • Chapter #: -






Risotto Nero

When Emilia first met Risotto as her boss, she tried to stab him. Although some of their parters could think about it as a form of rebellion or betrayal, Risotto didn't mind at all and just stopped her. Since then, once a day, Emilia try to kill him, unsuccessfully till the date. Months later, after a mission, both shared a bed and, since then, they had a sexual relationship. They didn't feel anything, but it was a way to escape and relieve stress for both of them so it was okay for them since it didn't interfere with their working life. Still, with time, they started to feel something for each other even if they wouldn't admit it. Risotto is aware of Emilia's skills as an assasin so he usually treats her coldly because he thinks that being worry for her is no use since she can look after herself well. Still, he knows that, when she loses control of herself, she can be a danger for others and even herself so he learnt how to control her when she goes berserk.

Melagrana (sunnymimis's OC)

Melegrana is the only person with whom Emilia has shown any weakness. Although Emilia is usually serious and really dislikes carefree personalities, she gets along well with Melagrana. Sometimes her character is too much for her to handle but still she never tells Melagrana to stop or to shut up, as she usually does with Formaggio. Not only that, but Emilia has shown a more tender character with her, being worried for her well being and being able to stop in a middle of a battle to just check on her, something that can seem unthinkable since Emilia's reason to live are the missions she is in. Also, Melagrana, just like Risotto, is the only one that can handle Emilia's berserk personality and actually calm her down without getting hurt. Risotto is very aware of Melagrana and Emilia chemistry so he usually send them in missions together, but with time, he would get a bit jealous of her. Still, the only thing Emilia really can't stand from Melagrana is her habit of giving her hugs, although at some point she started to tolerate them.


One of the friends Emilia has in the Squadra is Prosciutto. They both get along well since their personalities and goals are very similar. Emilia enjoys his company and sometimes go together to smoke a cigarette for relax, someting that usually Melagrana and Risotto lecture them for.


Formaggio's easygoing character is usually so annoying for Emilia so she usually avoids talking with him as much as she can. Still, she knows that he's an skilled member of La Squadra and tries to tell him that even if his stand isn't as deadly as the others, it's very useful. Those comments usually are so cold and sharp that he doesn't feel like those were compliments, tho.


Emilia and Illuso get along well since besides Melagrana, other mission partners, even if not as usual, are both Prosciutto and him.


Emilia really admires Ghiaccio's power but she isn't a fan of his noisy behavior.


Like Prosciutto, Emilia really dislikes his softness and insecurity, but unlike him. she didn't try to cheer him. Emilia thinks that he isn't really suited for being in La Squadra and when is in a bad mood even can say it out loud, something that usually Melagrana has to reprimand her.


Melone is basically Emilia's punching ball in the team. She is usually disgusted by his behavior, and he being all flirlty when she dress up elegant for a mission doesn't help. Still, Emilia knows that Melone is a very capable fighter and a person loyal to the Squadra but she just prefers to not share missions with him.

Sorbet and Gelato

She didn't know them well since just like Melagrana and her or Prosciutto and Pesci are usual teams, they are also partnered together. Still, she did know their relationship because it was too obvious for everyone. She didn't understand it, and asked herself how could someone actually have a romantic relationship in an assasins gang.


The Boss / King Crimson

Emilia never trusted the boss since she doesn't trust anyone that she doesn't know personally and doesn't have a general idea of them, but after Gelato and Sorbet incident, she promised that she would kill him or help to kill him even if she dies in the process.

Loredana Cannella / Caribbean Queen (sunnymimis's OC) and Bianca Lampone / Red House

After Ghiaccio's defeat, Melagrana and Emilia were sent to battle team Buccellati. Loredana and Bianca were their opponets. Emilia, seeing Bianca's fear, didn't think much about her and just started to fight Loredana, who she thought will be the actual issue in that battle. In the middle of the battle, when they attacked Melagrana, with which seemed a strong blow, she went berserk completely. Although at first that translated as more critical attacks for Loredana and Bianca, also she ended up losing her sight and ended up losing the fight, being killed by Loredana. Her last words for her were that they weren't actually that different of them, since they ended up killing other people too with the excuse of protecting. Only Loredana heard that since Bianca was already unconscious, but she kept as secret since she knew that quote would really disturb Bianca.


  • Her stand name is based on a song of the band Metallica, alluding to Risotto's stand, too.
  • She's the third tallest memner of La Squadra, after Risotto (195cm) and Illuso (188cm).
  • Before Melagrana joined officially La Squadra, Emilia used to fed her when she was chained.
  • Melagrana usually fangirls when Emilia tries to kill Risotto because she 'looks so cool'. Emilia just replies that there is nothing cool if she can't actually do it. Melagrana still thinks the same and is kind of jelous of Risotto.
  • Risotto, Melagrana, Prosciutto, and her are in a polyamorous relationship. In canon, none knows about it, but in the IH AU 2.0, they'd make it public to the other members of La Squadra.
  • About personality, Emilia's MBTI type is ISTJ, the logistician; her Temperament is Choleric; her Alignment is Chaotic Neutral; and her Enneagram is 5w6.
  • Her theme color is black.

Profile by Erandia
JJBA OC Version by sunnymimis