


5 years, 19 days ago


Name: Kamin

Age: 16

Level: Proficient

Class: 2-4

Grade: Technically 2nd year

Dorm: Basset

Dorm Advisor: (The person who lives in the dorm with the students and is basically their nanny)

Club: Basketball, Reserve for Football

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 142 lbs


Often described as a ray of sunshine if not a little overbearing, Kamin does his best to keep a smile on his face at all times. He tends to be a very hyper sort and very affectionate with others, not really understanding the basic personal boundaries most people have set. He tends to be very upfront with people and usually says whatever he has on his mind, no matter how ridiculous it might sound, being very opinionated and ready to speak his mind. He tends to be very enthusiastic about literally everything he does, and gets very persistent when doing things and extremely stubborn, even at the expense of others. He can also tend to be a bit flighty, often being easily fooled or confused, and seeming to miss the point to certain things. He can also get very bored very quickly if something doesn’t catch his attention. His methods for moving through life also tend to be very unconventional, and he tends to do things others might find strange without a second thought. Despite his hyperactive tendencies and abrupt nature, Kamin means well to all he encounters, and tries his best to keep everyone as happy has he can, wanting others to live a good and full life, demonstrating an extensive amount of compassion. He has suffered a great deal in his life and still faces the results of such things today, but he never seems willing to let it get him down, or at least talk about it. He tends to use his attitude as a defense mechanism, acting like an idiot to avoid overbearing questions and prevent himself from bothering others with his issues. Even as happy as he tends to seem, it’s clear if one looks closely there’s a great deal of sadness hidden under his gaze.


If theres one thing everyone knows about Kamin, it’s that they don’t actually now much about the happy-go-lucky boy. Despite his fame, no one is really sure where he came from or what his aims are. Only the headmaster seems to know who his parents were, clearly coming from the school from one point or another.

The truth of his situation is that Kamin suffers from a sever lack of parentage. Born to an Alumni from the school’s reform period, Kamin’s family lived in realative poverty, as his father had a difficult time changing his ways. Still, he did the best he could by his son, wanting to provide him with some hopes of a future. Taking up business with a loan shark, Kamin’s father was able to provide for his wife and son, at least for a time. Kamin was by no means the most fortunate child, but he was loved by his parents, and thinks on them fondly. He had food in his stomach, a roof over his head, and never felt the need to ask for more than that.

Unfortunately, Kamin’s life wasn’t meant to be the sunshine he had been hoping for, as fate had other plans one fateful day. Kamin’s father had been struggling to pay back his debts to the loan shark from which he had borrowed, and his time was running out. In an effort to make an example of him, Kamin’s father was beat to near death and left for dead. Left comatose, his debt became his mother’s debt. The woman did her best to try and take care of Kamin despite all that had happened, holding out hope for her husband’s recovery. But as time went on, things became more and more strenuous. Still, Kamin’s mother never left the boy stop smiling. She never let him lose hope. Despite all they had lost, they never lost hope. And they wuld need it then more than ever.

Soon, the debt became too much for even Kamin’s mother to handle, and she was forced to take drastic measures to ensure her son’s safety. She elected to send him away, effectivewy “abandoning” him to ensure he wouldn’t have to face what was to come. He hasn’t sen her since that day. Suddenly rendered practically an orphan, Kamin’s life was in tatters, but somehow, he never let himself get too down about all of it. He did his best to smile about everything and anything he could. And soon, that effort would pay off. During his time in the orphanage, Kamin was eventually scouted on passing chance due to his photogenic looks and bright personality. Believing his face to be one meant for modeling, Kamin was offered a chance to find his own spotlight. Believing it his chance to help pay off the debts for his family and ideally see them again one day, he agreed.

And so, Kamin began his modeling career, capturing the hearts of countless people in the process as he grew into an overnight sensation. Still, he never stopped thinking about what he could do to help his family. As luck would have it, he wasn’t the only one seeking to repay old debts and help out friends and family. Kamin received a strange note one day that would change his life forever: someone was willing and able to find his family and help quash their debt troubles forever. All Kamin had to do was ensure his own safety: Enroll in Nekokaburi academy. There, he would find all the help he needed. Not willing to pass up a chance to help his family, Kamin managed to sweet talk his way around his manager, effectively landing a spot in the reforming academy, hopeful that one day, he would see his family again.


• Kamin is exceptionally proficient at basketball, and is an amazing Ball handler, able to do all sorts of tricks with it.

• He was once told jumping off a roof would force gravity to stretch him to oull him down. His dormmates had to stop him from doing anything stupid, as per usual.

• Takuma is generally the victim of Kamin’s antics, with Kyosuke trying to keep him under control

• He finds it best to act like an idiot to avoid overbearing questions

• The Mysterious donor was a friend of Kamin’s father

• He’s not a morning person

• He has an indiscriminate habit of grabbing at his male friend’s asses in greeting and joking manners

• He likes doing Koemi’s nails

• The most likely to T-pose to assert dominance


Son of Alumni. No one is sure which age his parents came from, as he doesn’t talk about them. Hyperactive and literal sunshine cinnamon. Very friendly and over the top, but there’s a sadness under his happy exterior. A popular model who lives life by his manager’s standards. Coned his way into making her allow him to attend the school. Proficient. Has boundary issues. Means well. Gets away with a lot bc of his cuter boyish looks. Most likely to T-pose to assert dominance.

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