


5 years, 20 days ago


Takuma Ueda

Age 17

Gender Male

Nationality Japanese

Occupation Student

Height 6'1"

Build Athletic

Skin #F3E2D0

Eyes #7A8A94

Hair #E4DDB3






DoB: January 30th Sign: Aquarius
Level: Remedial Class: 1-2
MBTI: ENFP Demeanor: Distant
Grade: 2nd Year Dorm: Basset
Club: Cooking Tarot: ???

"Does it matter why I'm here? Because no matter the reason, I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."


  • Cooking
  • Nighttime Air
  • Cats
  • His Dormmates


  • Insects
  • Being hounded
  • Authority
  • Bullies

Aloof • Diligent • Soft


Once a bright, energetic and full of life, the pressures of Takuma’s life turned the boy into something of a disinterred, aloof and quiet individual who seemed to show little concern about anything around him. He often choose to do as he pleased regardless of what those around him thought, and ever let others opinions of himself bother him. He often found himself getting into trouble with authority figures and terrifying his peers due to his rough looking nature while often attracting others and followings by these others due to his sturdy appearance and aura of power, many of his fellow outcast and delinquents looking up to his independent attitude. He has been known to get into fights every so often if only to keep his façade up, and is more than capebale of handling himself in such situations. He doesn’t generally go out of his way to speak to others, but is capable of holding down meaningful conversations when he wants to. He does tend to be very upfront with his words however, opposed to beating around the bush and referring to be blunt more than anything else. He has a very realistic outlook on life which lends more credit to people’s beliefs of his rough and nasty personality. He tends to butt heads with authority figures and people who try to tell him how he should be living his life.

Despite claims from many, Takuma is not actually as rough as he appears. More often than not, he is simply disinterested in the things around him, believing people are only there to try and tell him what to do with his life. He is actually longing for companionship, but isn’t sure how to approach it, and often prefers to remain by himself because of it. When he does consider someone close to him, however, he opens up a great deal more, becoming teasing, soft and open hearted with his friends and good acquaintances. He cares a great deal for his friends, and is always happy to go out of his way for them, considering everyone he is friends with under his protection, whether they know it or whether they like it or not. He hates the idea of bullies as a whole, and is willing to go out of his way to help anyone who might absolutely need him, no matter who they might be, so long as he thinks they need saving at any level. He also tends to attract others to him, having a good degree of charisma despite his quiet nature. He has a very powerful aura that seems to make him more of a leader than a follower, and there have been more than a few people who have looked up to him or have followed him because of it. He doesn’t seem to mind his so long as people don’t cause trouble. He's a very smart person but doesn't feel he has the energy to actually follow through with his intelligence.


-He greatly enjoys cooking and art, as they allow him to express himself more readily

-He's the best cook in his dorm and always gets up early to make them all breakfast

-His dormmate are his family and he loves them all very much, even if he can butt heads with them at times. Anyone who touches them or harms them has essentially signed their death warrant

-He had never played a video game before coming to Nekokaburi, as his parents thought they were a waste of time. after learning of this, Kamin and Koemi downloaded a great many apps onto his phone, but he tends to spend most of his time playing Tetris.

-He repairs all his dormmates clothing when it rips or tears, and enjoys knitting them hats when he has time, being good at knitting and sewing.

-Hes afraid of most insects

-He has a somewhat horrible sense of direction

-Its impossible to tell when hes sick

-His favorite place to be is on the roof of his dorm

-One of his neighbors often suffered at the hands of bullies due to classic nerd syndrome. When Takuma found out he began walking his neighbor back and forth to school every day for 7 years until his friend went off to school. He continued this habit with others, often making sure people got home safe. All they had to do was ask.

-He is horrible with technology. Kamin changes his wallpaper all the time and he can never figure out how to change it back. He's more often than not caught with background like such. https://sta.sh/0oj7hhkpd9l He's since stopped caring.

-He and his dormmates all have matching Phone charms.

-Denji often accuses him of being a womanizer due to his charm, which confuses him as he's rarely ever dated

-His good looks get him in trouble at times

- A majority of the relationships hes been in have come to fruition because he don't have the heart to say no

- Develops a serious crush on Koemi later. He doesn't know how to deal with it and his roommates tend to get on his case because of it

- Kamin gets Takuma a hamster and a goldfish eventually because he thinks he looks too lonely

- Before attending Nekokaburi, Takuma used to spend his lunches and after school activities with those who usually sat alone to make sure no one was lonely every day. He wanted to give people something to look forward to the next day.

- The son of a family friend once carried a fairly colorful lunchbox that caused many of his peers to tease and bully him for it. Takuma would sometimes take time out his breaks to visit and eat lunch with this boy after buying and using the same box.


The second child of one of the top graduates of Nekokaburi Academy before it’s reformation into a reform school, Takuma was born into a life of good fortune and guarantees. Unfortunately, this wasn’t always a good things to him. Takuma was granted everything he could ever need from the beginning of his life, a luxurious roof, good clothes, a full belly, and had and always will be grateful for it. His childhood was a happy one with a loving older brother and an energetic younger sister giving him the company and encouragement he needed. He lived a happy life as a child, free to express himself and do as he pleased. However, everything began to change as he grew older.

Upon reaching his pre-teen years, Takuma’s parents began putting a great deal more pressure on the boy to succeed following the successes of his older brother. They wanted him to grow and work harder to make sure he’d have a successful life ahead of him, regardless of what he wanted to do. They claimed it was what was best for him, but Takuma began to feel more like it was simply what they wanted out of him. Whilst his older brother received praise and compassion from his parents, and his younger sister was coddled for being the precious little sister, Takuma felt stuck under a weight he couldn’t manage to escape. He became stressed, anxious and felt rather neglected in a great many ways as his parents focused upon his other siblings, expecting him to carry his own weight appropriately. His life became limited and scarce all because of what had been guaranteed.

Eventually, as he got older, the pressures began to catch up to Takuma, turning his once bright personality into one of frustration, aloofness, distance and even laziness. He began to display various behavior problems at school, often skipping classes, letting his grades fall (despite the ease with which things came to him), becoming rough with others and generally despising the various authorities around him. His parents did their best to try and bring him back under control, but he was having none of it. So long he had felt neglected and under-appreciated that he detested the mere idea of having to listen to his parents, wanting instead to choose his own path and live his own life, regardless of what they might have meant. He became a figure head to many of the people around him, others often stepping into pace behind him as an unwilling leader as he attempted to find his own way in life.

His parents desperate to stop him before he finally spun out of control, Takuma’s father eventually elected to enroll his son in his former school, Nekokaburi Academy, praying it might do something to bring the boy under control again. Though initially unwilling, Takuma soon believed the school to be a blessing in disguise, as it would allow him to escape from the mundane and routine of his life. Wanting more space to just be himself, he agreed to go. He had no idea just how much would change.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.



[ Dormmate / Girlfriend ]

Takuma's dormmate and the object of his affections. From the beginning of their meeting, Takuma has been very defensive of Koemi, often concerned by her idealistic nature and tendencies to let herself get into troublesome situations. As his feelings developed, he also began to become very jealous of others around her, though it wasn't particularly obvious. The pair are often seen together as Koemi is one of the few that Takuma is happily and willfully open with.



[ Former Friend ]

A former friend of Takuma's. The two no longer get along for unknown reasons, though Takuma does not seem to act as hostile as Gou.



[ Dormmate ]

Takuma's Dormmate. The two often butt heads due to their differing priorities and personalities. Takuma also becomes increasingly jealous of Kyosuke's relationship with Koemi. Despite this, the two do are about eachother in a familial sort of way.

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