


5 years, 20 days ago


Name: Koemi

Age: 16

Level: Scholar

Class: 3-2

Grade: Technically 2nd Year

Dorm: Basset

Dorm Advisor: (The person who lives in the dorm with the students and is basically their nanny)

Club: Photography

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 123 lbs


Born to one of the most illustrious alumni during Nekokaburi’s glory days, Koemi was nothing if not her father’s little girl. Her father being a charitable and diplomatic man who worked to improve the lives of those around him, Koemi couldn’t help but look up to the man. From a young age she admired her father’s dedication to his work and his resolve to keep at it no matter what he faced. As long as she could remember, Koemi had always dream of following in her father’s footsteps and accomplishing greater things than simply herself. She wanted to make some sort of impact on the world, help improve the lives of those around her in any way she could, just as her father was bent on doing in his lifetime. She let her passion and dedication be known from a young age, always hard at work at something or another, and dedicating all her time to bettering herself in every way she could and trying to make the world a bit more of a happy place each day. Despite her dedication to improving on herself, however, it was noticed from a young age that Koemi didn’t exactly fit in with the people around her.

Even as a young girl, Koemi was something of an outcast, often teased or belittled by her peers for being somewhat enigmatic. She wasn’t as interested in what many people in her generation seemed to be, always off in her own mind working towards her own goals. She wanted to be able to help change things in the world, to help others progress and grow as her father had. But unfortunately, those around her didn’t seem to share the same sentiment, always wrapped up in their own worlds to notice the efforts she attempted to put forward to help them. She never let this get to her outwardly of course, but on the inside, Koemi began to feel somewhat trapped within herself. The more she pushed, the further those around her seemed to retreat, pulling away from her attempts at helping and trying to find a place. It was from this that Koemi began to become somewhat self-conscious of herself as a person, believing she was doomed to exist in some void of her own, unable to find a place within those around her, being a bit too different in her priorities and tastes for those around her. Koemi began to retreat somewhat into her late middle school years, becoming afraid to push for the betterment of others as she had tried to work so ardently towards before. She was often afraid of what those around her thought of her, believing herself to be a true black sheep. Unable to help even herself, Koemi soon began to abandon her hopes of ever trying to accomplish the same goals her father had worked so hard towards, believing it impossible to truly help others or make some massive difference in the world if she couldn’t even manage to help herself. How could one person like her make any difference, after all?

It didn’t take long for Koemi’s father to notice her declining resolve, becoming concerned for his daughters state of mind. Even as ardently as she worked to hide her insecurities, it was easy for him to see how upset his daughter had become at remaining the outcast she was. He wanted to help his daughter, to put her back on track before she completely gave up on pushing forward in her goals and dreams, but felt too trapped by her lack of a desire to speak of her fears. That was when a miracle came though, and Koemi’s father had the chance to give his daughter back her hope. Upon hearing of Nekokaburi’s reformation and acceptance of legacy’s and even female students, he saw the changes needed by the academy as a chance for Koemi to learn that you don’t have to move a mountain to make a difference. Sometimes it’s as simple as leading everyone around it. Believing the school as a good opportunity for her and herself a good influence to the student population due to the unique nature of each of their origins, Koemi’s father approached her with the offer. While at first she was unsure, falling back onto her insecurities and failures from before, she eventually decided she;d never get anywhere if she didn’t try and push herself as her father had for so many years. And so, Koemi was soon on her way to help with the reformation of Nekokaburi Academy, and all the while she had no idea how massive such small amounts of kindness could make such a difference in the lives of those around her.


An idealistic young woman, Koemi has always dreamed of trying to make a difference in the world around her in order to improve the lives of those closest to her. She had tried to show nothing but kindness and support every day she could, as she felt she owed it to her father and the people around her to give back to the world that had given her so many opportunities and kindness itself. Despite this positive attitude, Koemi was often teased and belittled by her peers for her enigmatic nature and different ways of thinking, never really up to date on the things her peers were concerned about and prioritizing her work over socializing. This put her into a state of self-consciousness as she struggled to find a place in the people around her, never really fitting in appropriately with anyone. She often felt concerned about how the people around her viewed her, and never wanted anything but to give the best impression she could, always terrified that she was only a burden to those round her or that they were simply being nice to her in return in order to spare her feelings. She never allows herself to talk about these feelings, however, and often allows the stress to get to her more often than not. She tries her best to retreat during these moments, not wanting to bother others with her own feelings despite her concern for everyone else.

Despite these fears, Koemi always did her best to hide these self-conscious issues, often withdrawing into herself as she continued to try and express kindness and compassion where she could, sometimes coming off to many as “A little too nice.” She harbors a great love for all those around her, especially her friends and family, and would drop everything for them in a heartbeat, always acting as an open ear and a sturdy foundation for those around her to fall back on. Despite her idealistic tendencies, Koemi is anything but flighty, and is actually rather empathetic to those around her, able to read moods and see through peoples words fairly easily. She tends to be the inquisitive sort because of this, and is easily one of the smartest students at Nekokaburi. Also despite her levels of kindness, Koemi isn’t exactly a pushover, and is known for her backbone and quick sass, able to handle herself rather easily in Nekokaburi and more than capable of keeping up with the rough crowd she had been subjected to. She also tends to be rather independent, not afraid of having to face things on her own and able to take care of herself quite easily.


Daughter of an Alumni from before the school fell into debt. A scholar’s daughter. Has a good family life and always dreamed of getting the education her father did. Was every excited to be able to attend the same school as he did, even with any issues that might arise in testing. Shares a dorm with Takuma, Kamin and Kyosuke. Same class as Kyosuke.


- All of her roommates tend to be rather protective of her, which she hates due to her independent nature, never letting her go anywhere along unless she manages to sneak away

- Kamin tends to spend more time in her room than his own, enjoying her company and all of her amenities. He keeps most of his movies in her room

-She has a great deal of stuffed toys given to her as gifts from Kamin and Takuma as a result of Takuma's skill with crane games

- She takes care of Takuma's fish and hamster as she worries he'll forget

- Shes a fan of ghost stories and tends to terrify her doormates with some of the movies and shows she watches

-She often claims that with her roomates is the first place shes ever felt like she actually belongs.

- Why did you come to Nekokaburi Academy? : "I don't know what my story is honestly. I don't know why I'm here. But I am. So why not try and make it matter? Maybe I'll make my own story."

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