Galaxy 🦋



9 years, 3 months ago


🦋 Galaxy

"Look up and never look down.

Crederia Registry App Gallery Crederia Folder Babalicious Bakery


  • May be seen with flutterflies often
  • She is the most amazed by ordinary rocks...
  • Somehow manages to always mistake a Leloko’s tail for a flower and will attempt to pick it
  • Helps bring new flowers and maintain flowers at Babalicious Bakery
  • Is completely unaware of the Mantibab customs and superstition about colors and certain traits which may leave her oblivious to how others may view her
  • Most of the time she is lost, and often "ends up at places" not knowing how she got to them in the first place
  • Is known to immediately run to something that interests her, even if she was in the middle of observing something else
  • Plants are friends to her, and she will be extremely happy to see someone caring for them
  • Of the places she returns to, Crispin's boat is the one she is able to return to the most
  • She knows very little about family since she doesn't have one, and may try to figure out what a family is about



♀ | Young Adult

✩Occupation: Florist (Freelance)

Flower shop owner (Leloko Meadows)

✩Species: Mantibab

✩Body Type: Kou/queen

✩Personality: Light-hearted | observant | hopeful | curious | bashful | forgetful | naive


Out somewhere in the meadows hidden between mountains, a carefree bab prances about and dances with the lights. She adores flowers and the night sky, making quite the collection of flowers and astronomy notes and books. Recently Galaxy has started to take her flower collecting and knowledge to another level by opening a flower shop! Due to her… wandering tendencies however, her shop is mostly ran by Lelokos, leading her to name it Leloko Meadows.

While Galaxy is a wandering bab, she always returns to places she's been due to her horrible sense of direction and lack of marking landmarks. This allows her to make friends along her adventures, and they would never have to worry about never seeing her again if she were to wander off. Because she does wander off... mid conversation. Unexpectedly just leaves the town and may be gone for a month. It's unknown why this happens other than her wanting to see new things! Even if the new things were things she already saw and forgotten... hm.

If you don't mind a disappearing friend, Galaxy is the perfect friend for you! She will always be excited to hang around you if you teach her new things or are a lot of fun to be around. Be warned! She asks a lot of questions and may continue asking until you answer them all eventually.

Apart from asking questions, observing in the background is what Galaxy prefers, so if you point her out, she'll attempt to hide away. She is a child at heart, always being amazed by the smallest of things and appreciates every story that is told to her. The story that she wants to hear the most is her own story of who she is...


  • New friends! (if she can... stay around long enough to befriend anyone)
  • Setting out on a quest or prompt
  • Hugs!
  • Learning new things
  • Innocent playful times
  • Observing
  • Flowers
  • Astronomy
  • Light's cooking
  • Exploring


  • Flirtation and romance (the ways of romance puzzles her, and she cannot figure it out for the life of her)
  • Fights and disputes
  • Not having questions answered
  • Being the center of attention
  • Forgetting things (especially if important)
  • Feeling bothered or puzzled
  • Not being able to find Tropical Splash (she desperately wants to know everything Crasher knows/has yet to order a drink)


✩Mini Backstory

Galaxy's past is unclear to her with her earliest memory being running about through the forest at night as a child. She didn't have any idea of where her family was, or if she even had one. Desperately wanting to find them, she started an adventure and wandered around ever since. Her dream was to learn as much as she could along the way so that she could tell her family everything she learned once she found them.

Galaxy thought she was making headway to her home and making lots of discoveries... but after a long while she recognized a rock she remembered passing. It was then she realized she had been running in circles for years and wasn't experiencing the world at all like she thought she was. It started to daunt on her why she kept running into the same babs every week, and she was devastated to see that she wasn't making progress at all. No matter how hard she tried, she would always return to the same places over and over. Her memory of landmarks just wasn't working, and it didn't help that she'd sometimes forget what direction she was going in.

Terribly frustrated, she went to look for a way to combat her forgetfulness and lack of navigation skills. Upon her travels, she found ruins that seemed to be some sort of library. By navigating through them, she eventually found books that were all written about how to navigate the world by looking up at the stars. After intense research, she took as many books as she could, and went out to test whether this way of navigation was effective.

It proved to be a big help, but she wanted to know more. Studying the night sky and its shifts and movements became a big part of her life. Although she originally studied astronomy for navigation, all the interesting facts about the different heavenly bodies and objects out there captured her interest. Collecting astronomy notes became her new passion, and she forgot why she was studying it in the first place. By losing her focus of why she was studying all of this, her navigation skills dwindled once more, but this time she was going in much bigger circles from city to city. All the sights and bountiful places in each city kept her intrigued to learn any and everything that amazed her.

Despite meeting so many people and obtaining an endless amount of knowledge, no one knew who Galaxy was, including herself, and this bothered her a lot. All she knew was that for some reason her name might have been "Galaxy" or something similar. She almost lost her dream of finding her family after so many years of wandering and learning.

It wasn't until late in her adolescence did she get a clue to possibly finding her birthplace. She noticed a stream that seemed oddly familiar to her, possibly connected to her memories she was not be able to reach back to. Galaxy then figured if she followed the stream to a river she managed to remember a few years after, it would lead her to where she was meant to be. It has been a long journey, and she has yet to find this specific river. (Inevitably she has been lost for years…)

✩Full Backstory
