


7 years, 10 months ago


NameAdrian aka Silky
AgeEarly-Mid 20s?


Is well known in certain circles for a series of videos he posts online, in which he builds constructs* out of household debris and then enchants them to perform tasks in increasingly abstract and erratic ways that often end in messy, vaguely disturbing self-destruction(he is for sure not getting his deposit back).  

Moved to Stratah, because that's just what you do when you're in that artsy/tech niche & trying to make a living off of your creations.  P much just banging his neighbors & hobbying between odd jobs(mainly building constructs for use in other peoples' creative productions), stays in the apartment as much as possible because outside is terrible.

Was recently contacted by the Druid Silvia to help on a project involving constructs, specifically for his brand of weird expertise.  He immediately accepted because he assumed he would be building something on a substantial budget for once & was super disappointed to find out that it's more of a social/psychological study than an Actual Project.

* basically a magic robot/golem-esque thing

Personality & Outlook

Comes off as shifty because he's incapable of not fidgeting or talking/humming to himself constantly. Very dramatic/theatrical and quick to tease(the people that he's comfortable with). Uses quotes a lot when distressed cuz it's easier than constructing an original sentence(not necessarily famous people/movies/etc, often just clips of past conversations and stuff).

Underneath the flagrant oddness he's fairly knowledgeable & soaks up information like a sponge, has an excellent memory.

Also just, real horny

Powers & Assets

Magic: Hacked
Has a TALENT for fucking with enchantments.  Real good at picking them apart & making them glitch the hell out.

Oh he can also just do regular boring enchantment work.  He has more fun tinkering with an already-built array but he knows enough to build his own shit from scratch.
• His casting philosophy is routed in excitement and whimsy and something that can only be described as a desire for chaos.  He describes his style as 'just feeling it out'.
• It's fucking batshit backwards to use chaos as a method of focus so he's EXTREMELY unique as far as professional enchanters go(professional mages period)


A neighbor of his that is similarly-housebound most of the time.  They;'re both totally shit at interacting w/ people but somehow it cancels out into something chill when they're together.  He's cool but he needs to bathe more.
Twin Sister
Super close by virtue of being twins but also since both parents were kinda MIA they depended on each other that much more growing up.  She's kinda a legit celebrity or something so they don't see each other as often anymore but BIG LOVE STILL THERE.
He didn't make her but he's something of an expert on unusual constructs so he's kinda part of the 'can magical constructs be actual people' project.  She's interesting from a scientific standpoint & also kinda hot but she's also very loud & Silky does not appreciate that.
In charge of the magic constructs = people? thing, so they cowork.


SLIME.  Gooey things, neon colors, bold makeup.  Stim videos.  Rave Aesthetic, shiny fabrics.  Dark moist places, glowing mushrooms, glowing things in general.


• probably a video game speed runner

• His videos have the same energy as THIS

• idk if i made this clear enough by the rest of his profile but Silky's autistic af

• A poet, will write you poems if he likes you. Lots of filthy poems.

• as a kid wanted to be a slug when he grew up. Still wants to be a slug. Just wants to live that slime life.

• Incredibly flexible, can and does get into some real weird positions specifically to scare people

Voice claim

• keeps snails as pets


Q & A

Q: what is his diet like? Does he eat all of his meals, skips some? Does he cook for himself?

A: (OOC) He definitely likes anything gooey/slimey, it's his Ideal Texture In All Things, especially in his mouth.  Pudding, yogurt, oatmeal, okra, melted cheese(NOT unmelted), melons, noodles(NOT pasta).  The texture his to be PERFECTLY smooth though.  Can't do smoothies or apple sauce unless he fuckin strains them beforehand because chunks be in there.  Don't think he likes crackers or fish.  Probably eats too much sugar, definitely drinks energy drinks because he has An Image To Uphold.  I don't think he skips meals often!  He's not much of a snacker, he prefers to have his 3 meals/day be their own events rather than mindlessly nibbling while he does other things.  

He definitely knows how to cook!  To a certain extent he doesn't really like to eat anything he didn't prepare himself(he's more iffy the harder it is to inspect.  Like he'd be fine eating sliced fruit somebody gave him but sausage/ground meat in general is a hard no).   If he accidentally chomped down on an unexpected bit of bone or cartilage he would die.

Q: what would he wear to a formal event?

A: (OOC) He doesn't do a lot of events because that's too much noise and people but sometimes his sister talks him into it!  and she can't dress like a normie either so it's fun to do matching outfits.  Just, over-the-top, but still sexy.  A tux w/ fuckin sequins & blacklight patterning & a CAPE.  fanciboy makeup.  absolutely stunning

Q: What do Silky and Darren usually do when they're together, apart from the boinking?

A: (OOC) Honestly hey spend a lot of time just kinda sitting near each other doing their own things.  Or just napping/decompressing under a weighted blanket if the day has been rough.  They talk a lot.  Or, Silky talks a lot, but Darren loves listening to him(or watching him work)!  He's an interesting guy with a lot going on and he just has a fun way with words in general.  It's nice to just listen to somebody talk about things they're passionate about!!  But they also have like, serious conversations,,  they both have their anxieties and it's comforting to have somebody to confide in that really Understands.  Like they both love their siblings more than anything but they also kinda feel like burdens and sometimes you just wanna go "I hate not being able to do simple shit other people have no problem with!!" and be met with an "Oof same" rather than pity and obligatory platitudes.  

Silky prolly tries to teach Darren about magic, but he's...not a good teacher.  

Q: Does Darren's past ever come up, and if it does, how does Silky deal with the effect it has on Darren?

A: (OOC) Darren,,,doesn't really wanna talk about it, to anybody, ever, but he especially doesn't wanna talk about it with Silky because he's trying to have a happy & fun sexual relationship over here and is afraid to taint it with the past,,  He's also scared about how Silky will react, he doesn't wanna make things weird between them.  He doesn't wanna ruin the easiness they have between them!  But also he feels guilty about hiding it, and genuinely would love to have somebody he can trust fully with his entire self.

But Silky doesn't really expect that from Darren.  Or anybody.  Everybody has secrets & that's fine.  But if Darren ever did tell him about it he'd probably respond with a lot of just, distressed keening because it's UPSETTING NEWS to hear SOMEBODY YOU LOVE HAD SOME REALLY DARK TIMES.  And like it would probably be weird for a while, Even if Silky tries to not be weird about it because if Darren tells him his tragic backstory he's gonna tell him about his fear of Silky reacting with pity/trying to fix it like somebody who doesn't get it(because silky doesn't get it, he gets a lot of things but not this).  It'll be a REAL FEELINGS FEST FOR EVERYBODY.

And also it'll suddenly make sense why Darren is SO INSISTENT about his brother NEVER FINDING OUT HE DID A SEX.

Artist Notes

  • silky silky silky silky silky silky silky silky