


6 years, 2 months ago


NameSilvia, Druid Silvia


Was born into a crappy little village that was on the decline even before she was born, and was only saved from becoming a ghost town by a nomadic group of Fae-Hippies who used their magic to revitalize the town's land & water source.

As payment for their services, they requested for a villager to join their group & adopt their ways, Silvia happily volunteered. While she was grateful for their rescue, and happy to prevent someone who had children or disabled family from being drafted, ultimately it was her own curiosity that made her so eager. These people & their magic were pretty damn impressive!!

So off she went to learn the ways of balance and worldly responsibility or some shit!!

Ultimately she didn't end up staying, but as long as she went on living their teachings the nomads didn't mind her departure too much. She's a bit too focused on helping humanity specifically for their liking but she never gets so distracted by it that she forgets her obligation to uphold balance in the world.

Despite the philosophy of her teachers being pretty rooted in constant travel and observation of the natural world, Silvia lets her curiosity draw her to the city as soon as she's free to do as she pleases and becomes INSTANTLY ENAMORED with all of the BRIGHT LIGHTS and HORDES OF PEOPLE and AIR CONDITIONING.

She nabs a job as a teacher at the Stratahn University, mostly teaches about environmental sciences but also does some philosophy shit. Doesn't explicitly share secrets about druidic casting & magic (despite that being the main reason she was hired) because that would push the limit of what the nomads are willing to accept from her...Gets shit for it because Stratah is founded on open exchange of information(& also everything else). But she's used to getting shit so it's whatever not gonna stop her from FOLLOWING HER HEART.

Personality & Outlook

Committed & loyal above all. Extremely empathetic, lowkey feels bad about indulging in selfish thoughts/activities cuz she's been taught all her life that community is the most important thing & selfish is the worst thing you can be.(gives a lot of gifts/goes out of her way to help people but has a guilt storm every time she minorly treats herself)

Just one of those, annoyingly-considerate people. Her heart is in the right place but damn girl you don't have to do everything on your own tell people to fuck off every once in a while

Powers & Assets

Fae-Taught Mage
One of very few of her kind who doesn't live a supremely private life! Has an unusual magical philosophy among her peers, subscribes to an 'archaic' elemental system rather than the more modern/standard one. But hey it works & it works well for her so who can argue.



Hands [enemies to friends to lovers]
A magical construct that was basically created to be a war machine, that Silvia bested in battle & then sealed into a jar, which she keeps on her desk(despite everyone telling her she should destroy it). Over time it becomes clear that Hands is more than just an instinct-driven abomination and Silvia makes it her mission to prove the personhood of bio-constructs.


Adrian [employee]
A notorious construct-builder, who Silvia recruited to help her better understand how constructs work. Also he's a lil bit internet famous so he helps with pr things, albeit eccentrically.


Hellspawn [children]
In their post-story Silvia & Hands get married and also Hands pulls a gaggle of identical clones out of her ass, as is the way of her 'species'. The children upon hatching immediately try to cannibalize both of their mothers and have to be locked in gay baby jail(aka individually packaged in jars(can't share one because they eat each other too) until they develop enough mental capacity to learn not to do that.


Druid/elf shit. Birch trees feature heavily.  Soft greens & silver.


• advocates for education & leaving a positive impact on the world

• will gush & show you pics of her wife & kids completely unprompted

• Seasonal hair color! it's green in spring & summer, brown-grey in fall & winter.

Q & A

Q: What's the lesson Silvia learned from the fae nomads that she values most? Also, you mention her feeling guilty about selfish activities and thoughts, but is there a selfish activity she enjoys indulging in despite her mindset?
She probably,,values her magic the most out of everything they taught her?  They had a real emphasis on moderation and humility and making decisions for the greater good instead of based on personal reasoning and like she'll admit that those aren't bad things in themselves but with her being so love-driven & ambitious it was a super stifling environment!!  She's grateful to them and the power they have given her but she's glad she doesn't have to live with them anymore??  She loves having power!  Just seeing a problem and being able to fix it!  It's hard for her to step back and consider whether the problem is worth fixing or if it would cause greater harm later to interfere with a situation because gotdamn she just wants to help people!!!!

Silvia,,, lived a life of poverty until joining the nomads & while they provided more comfortable living arrangements they discouraged indulgence?  But now she has her own apartment and with privacy & the knowledge you can get away with shit comes a weakening of inhibition.  She travels a lot but you best believe when she's at home she's just constantly eating the densest, most decadent cake she can find in her bigass heated bed.  This gal is a slut for creature comforts(and also absolutely never has people over, they Can Not See How She Lives)(it took her a while to even get used to her wife being around when she's taking a personal day lmao).

Artist Notes

  • Moles
  • Use the refs that DON'T show her with a striped face