Julian Harlow



4 years, 11 months ago


- self proclaimed "older" brother when he doesn't even know if that's for sure

- Drummer for Spider Fiction

- Little bit of a dick and thinks he is a lot better then he really is

- He is a junior, 16 years old and born in December

- Somewhat of the favorite son, he is very good at sports and is on a few varsity teams in his high school. Has a lot of friends who are like minded in his general closemindedness.

- Isn't the best student grade wise but it doesn't really matter.

- Will beat on Justin sometimes but in a "brotherly bonding" way even if Justin doesn't see it as that way

- Thinks he's all that

- He's straight and uses he/him pronouns

- Good friends with David and used to be friends with him back before he and Justin had moved away and then came back freshmen year

- is basically the antagonist plus his friends. Kind of a cult mentality type deal.