David Elwin



4 years, 11 months ago



David is the kid in school who seems pretty chill and you've been interested in becoming friends but for whatever reason, it just never happens. If you asked someone about him they wouldn't really have any negative things to say but, it also seems that everyone you ask really doesn't know anything about him except for maybe a few groups he's in, that he generally hangs out with a select handful of people and other simple observations. Anything regarding his personal life is not widely known and only a few people really know what goes on in his personal life. 

There really isn't any big reason for this "secrecy" about his life or just him in general. He's just kind of awkward. There's a lot of people in school and he doesn't see a reason to cause trouble and be mean to people to get others to like him or to overshare with random people he just happens to share a classroom with for one or two years. It's a lot of work, plus he already has a lot on his plate. 

He tries staying pretty calm and collected, never really losing his temper often. He is very book smart and a good student, giving what free time he has over to a handful of AP classes. He tries taking the logical route in problems instead of being very emotional. He just does what he needs to do and doesn't try overachieving to often. 

With friends, he does drop the rather reserved and secretive attitude most people see. He tends to pull a few not well thought out pranks where he normally gets pranked and not his target, and he also leads a D&D campaign where all hell breaks loose. 

Is totally the 'Dad' Friend and all of his friends are basically toddlers who have been eating sugar all day, would buy baby leashes to make sure he didn't lose them. 


David has been interested in music since he was young. He has played the cello since 5th grade. When transitioning into high school he decided to pick up the bass guitar and now he mainly plays that. 

He is also trying to become a photographer, he keeps a camera in his backpack wherever he goes so that he can take pictures of the things he sees around him. He loves taking candid photos of people he's close to because to him it brings him back to the moment it was taken. It seems more real. He is part of the group of people who really like Polaroid cameras and has an ever growing wall of Polaroids taken with his camera.

Secretly he really digs snakes and reptiles but doesn't really talk about it because he's not allowed to have pets. 

Age and Grade

He is 17 years old and currently a senior in high school

Orientation/Gender Identity

David currently identifies as bisexual and is cisgender. He uses he/him pronouns


David naturally has deep dark brown close to black hair but since the summer going into freshmen year he picked up the habit of bleaching his hair to an almost brassy honey blonde color. He tends to let his roots grow out without meaning too. Almost always seen sporting some sort of hat on his head. Ranging anywhere between baseball caps to beanies it sometimes seems he has a hat for every day of the year. His hair is fairly straight, long enough to be pulled into a small ponytail. Because he is almost constantly wearing a hat his hair tends to be messy. He normally pulls up the top layer of hair into a ponytail leaving the lower/underneath layer down.

He is 5ft 5in but will normally say he's 5ft 6in or 5ft 7in if he can get away with it. He has greyish-green eyes and doesn't really mess with his eyebrows or wear much of any makeup. His clothing of choice is; long sweaters and hoodies, patterned or light colored plain t-shirts, flannels, jeans with the leg rolled up a few times, simple socks and a pair of cream, maroon or pale blue converse. 


Parents; David is close to his parents for the most part. They don't know he's bisexual and it isn't a totally touchy subject but he still just hasn't told them because he's not sure if he wants to or not. His parents have been happily living with each other for 20 years but have decided not to get married because they are happy how they are now and don't need a piece of paper declaring that. 

Jamie Vaella-Rae; first met in math class freshmen year, gradually became pretty close friends by Sophomore year. Is a co-founder of the band Spider Fiction, plays the guitar and helps write the music. At the end of Junior year they asked David out on a date and the rest is "history".

Alex Rae; Jamie's younger brother, isn't too close with him. The two of them will sometimes play video games together, make plans for minor pranks or give each other absurd life advice but for the most part, they stay out of the others way.

Lizbeth Mathias; A close friend of Alex's' since middle school. One day Alex and she was hanging out while Jamie and David were and she decided to crash their practice/jam session. After a few lengthy conversations and collaborations, she joined the band. Acting as the vocalist and will lend a hand in lyric writing. 

Julian Harlow; Childhood neighbor who moved away in the 3rd grade only to move back during Junior year. Justin's "older" twin brother. He spends the majority of his time trying to woo ladies, play sports and keep his grades up. After being brought into David's friend group, he is convinced through lots of begging to be the drummer of Spider Fiction. He is closer to Liz, David and Jamie then he is to Alex. Becomes Davids best friend and constantly makes "no homo bro" jokes in regards to their friendship. 

Justin Harlow; Childhood neighbor who moved away in the 3rd grade only to move back during Junior year. He is overshadowed by his twin brother Julian in most things. Because he had a drivers license and Julian didn't he would be brought along to most things Julian went to. After Julian was brought into David's friend group, Alex basically took him under his wing and they would play video games until band practice was over. David isn't very close to him but he thinks he's alright.