Justin Harlow



5 years, 6 days ago



In his family life as well as in school he is overshadowed by his twin brother Julian. Julian is strong, popular (for sometimes the wrong reasons) and much more extroverted than his twin counterpart. Neither was the favorite child but each was definitely accomplished in what they do. The two brothers are identical and while it wasn't a problem when they were children. They would be dressed in similar clothes, have the same hair cuts, be confused who was who. As kids, they used to have fun switching their clothes around and running around at parties trying to confuse their aunts and uncles with who was who. When they got older and started middle school Justin started to find the game, not as fun or worthwhile. He was becoming his own person but, would still be confused with Julian by a few teachers or kids who didn't know him well enough to tell the difference. 

During middle school, their parents were also beginning to push and encourage the boys to do sports and get themselves out there. They wanted him to do sports like his brother Julian did. Things like football and water polo. High-intensity sports. Instead, after much begging, pleading and asking Justin finally was able to do tumbling and some gymnastics. He was never great but it was something that he enjoyed and while he's out of practice he still does know how to do things like backflips and round-offs. If at events and someone asked if he could show off more than likely he'd oblige and do it but it just depends on how he feels at that moment. 

Since they were kids Julian has given Justin the nickname "Justi" that as he has gotten older has grown to dislike but he'd rather just let it slide for now. 

During some of the positives of their childhood together both Justin and Julian have good memories of going with their dad to the comic store or a video game store and getting to choose out comics and games for them to share and play together as a family. Many of their free time after school as well as Saturday mornings were spent playing as many hours of whatever game was really hot at the time as their mother would let them. Now presently it is only Justin who still goes through with this ritual of Saturday morning games and going to the store with his dad to pick up something new but he still is fond over the memories he has from when he was younger and they did it together. 


Justin is the typically quiet and outspoken guy in his friend group. When your friends with mostly loud and also attention driven people it can be hard to get all the words in that need to be said. He's not exactly shy it's really just low confidence and not always getting to say the right thing at the right time. Right now he is a junior in high school and 16 years old going on 17 in December.

- "Justi" is a nickname that was given to him by Julian and mostly used by Julian but will sometimes be used by Alex. 

- He is gay but in the closet currently. He would want to come out but is afraid of what could happen and is fairly cautious about it and just about everything

- At this point in his life, he is close to a breaking point where he just wants to break out and be his own person. Not wanting to have to hide or be overshadowed anymore. Wants to be taken seriously.

- He has become fairly bitter in regards to Julian and being mistaken for him constantly. So much so that he purposely has grown out his hair, made sure to wear different clothes then Julian and just try to make himself look as different as possible from him

- Can drive

- Likes playing video games and reading comics. One of his favorite things to do is hang out with Alex and Liz. They will all play video games together and just hang out watching movies. It is one of the things that calms him down when he has been stressed out. 

- Pushes himself with many things, including school. When he isn't class and such he will be doing homework or extra work to make sure he can keep his grades and GPA up so he can get into good colleges

- Kinda likes Kai but isn't sure what he should do about it because he's never allowed himself to like a guy.