


4 years, 10 months ago


Despite both parents being human, Nyarra is far from one. When they were both younger, her parents struck a deal with a devil named Amon. Nyarra’s mother, Lily, wished for great knowledge and power within the Arcane arts. Nyarra’s father, Dray, wished for great strength to rise in the ranks of the Paladins. Both got what they wished for, and in return any child that would come from either of them was to be a Tiefling. They were both fine with this, as they believed Lily to be incapable of bearing a child. So when it came to be that Lily was of child, they knew it was the work of Amon pulling some strings to make it happen.

The entire village was sceptical at first of Nyarra, due to the rumours of how Tieflings are. But after some time - a few years really - she was accepted fully by her community. Nyarra was a good mannered child, but her parents often did not pay much attention to her. When she turned 8 Nyarra began to explore a bit more, and walked into one of the two inns in her village, The Salty Worm. In this inn she saw a Bard, telling a story to a wonderful tune, and Nyarra was enchanted by it. She came back nearly every day, hoping each time that either the same or a different Bard would be there. She adored the stories and tales they spoke of.

It wasn’t until many years later that she noticed many of the stories she heard were being told again. Sometimes they were altered a tad so others might not notice, but Nyarra knew. These stories no longer filled her with wonder, because she already knew how they went after hearing them so often. On rare occasions she would hear a new tale, and she absolutely adored those ones. Nyarra now believed that in order for there to be new stories, someone would have to hear of them first. Or, even better, experience them. Who better to do that than Nyarra herself? She spent several years practicing various instruments prior, and her father was soon going to teach her how to use some weapons for once. She would be the one to go into the grand battles and come out with a new story to tell. The world needed new ideas and bold action, and Nyarra knew just how to get both of those.

Only a few years later did Nyarra believe she was ready. She was well practiced in simple weapons, especially the spear, and had dabbled a bit with martial weapons. Her father also trained her with Leatherworker’s Tools. Finally, she had picked up a bit of magic from her mother’s bloodline, as well as her Tiefling heritage. Finally she told her parents of her plan, to explore the world in search of new ideas for tales. Neither were too pleased with this, but made no effort to stop her. Nyarra put on her leather armor, took her spear and a dagger, her own lute, a few other items, and left Meathe.

The same devil that caused her birth was the one to tell her of her destiny, of her true calling, to experience the greatest stories imaginable. He was the one to make sure her magic strayed closer to that of a bard’s than where her mother’s would’ve taken her. Her Lute was a gift from her father, of which he helped create it. 

Unfortunately however, while Nyarra's intentions could be seen as good, sometimes her actions to achieve said goals were less than ideal. In the unfortunate gleam for beautiful stories, Nyarra would do anything. Even if she had to betray a friend, or kill them outright. It makes for a better story, after all. Right?


  • Despite going on her own adventures nowadays, Nyarra will occasionally ask other adventurer's if they have their own stories to tell. Should one tell her that interests her, or one she's never heard, she'll often write a song for it. 
    • Occasionally the adventurer's will be flattered by the action and give her a token of gratitude, be it money or items.
  • Her favourite food is cooked Salmon with roasted vegetables.
  • Nyarra has a rocky relationship with her parents; while they loved each other, she always felt better when she was out and about by herself, which made her decision of exploring all that much easier.
  • She has a civil friendship with the devil that caused her birth. Sometimes he'll point her in the direction of interesting places or conflicts.
NSFW Trivia:
  • Nyarra likes having her horns pulled.
  • Occasionally, with the right partner, Nyarra will roleplay as a hero from one of the stories she's heard much of.