Abigail (Valerie) T. Smith



A modern Smith in Master Martial Arts, Violin and Reptilian Knowledge.
Fighter n Crafter

Name  Abigail T. Smith
Alias Leonore Chevalier/ Valerie

Age: At start 13, through story events 17, 25 and 33 (as of last saga age 45)

Birthday 20. June 2012 (sunburst comet) 06.09.20(oepn) (Sunburst City storyline as Valerie) 


Gender female

Birthplace Gosauzwang, afterwards in Colorado

Height 1m70

Build content

Race  Pangean-Human

S. Orientation Open to alot

Occupation Master Blacksmith, parttime Reptile Vet; Traveller and Inventor

Groups Diluvian Clan/Hephaestus Bloodline


"Go big or go home. Means you finish what you started kiddo."


  •  Working, learning and training
  •  Tinkering on Items, tools, weapons and new things at the forge
  •  Kids, Family and support
  •  Travelling and learning with others

  • Dislikes and Fear´s
    • Klaustrophobie (can´t be long in tight/narrow/closed spaces and hates beeing in cars due to past) Doesn´t like being in cars or narrow vehicles since almost died in one, rather on motorbikes or alternative
    • X musophobia -Rats (at start a high fear of them to point of not moving)
    • X deep water (still can´t swim)
    • X A slight fear of height way later due to a birdcreature who dropped her in the sky in attempt to kill her multiple times. (Before that enjoys skydiving)
    • XX Doctors (!)
    • Stagefright (performing or talking infront of a bigger crowd get´s her anxiety up and needs alot to push through)

    • .-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.---.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.---.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.---.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.---.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--


Lives in the modern and mix of Sunburst-City. A parallel world from earth (and part of Fabula) that has aliens, hybrids and dinosaurs.

Full background and timeline:


Still a w.i.p


Main Info

Born in the temple of the Diluvian Clan on the ground of Gosauzwang and Blacksmith path, 

Through past and experimentation at age 15 at first, later again age 19 (kidnapped by Vivian and tested on of human limits) ,she posess a high level on survival skills. (Mainly through the intense training since childhood from the clan and later through Vivian´s Testings) Body was trained hard as well as mind through Diluvian clan (To certain point)

Strongest (youngest) Pangean- human to live in sunburst city. Breaking records and title of Martial Arts Master. Still holds title against humans and aliens. 

A workaholic and rarely does fun teen stuff. Fast learner and support when she makes friends as well as strict planing when she has her mind set to something. Managed school with best grades as well as the training for the first Tournament to prove that she was Gosaki´s daughter. Managed it and got the youngest title for a 15 year old.  
Immense stressed when knowing those close to her are in danger and will fiercefully protect them.
Won´t shy away to tell her opinion but keeping it calmly. Good on advice.
Techfiend at start as she dislikes robots and all (later learns to adapt and use to benefit but mostly to protect)


Persona, Family, Skills and co. 


  • as Leonore:  Glasses (that help to mask as well as record things), purple hat, red hair and a braided hairpart in darkbrown. 
  • As Abigail: Long Hair from dark red, orange and light green up to butt. 
  • Hair is originally hazelbrown (been dyed to mask identity) and Hazelbrown eyes. 
  • Always has her hair part braided (left side of head) has a special meaning.
  • has tattoos.   Diluvian clan symbol on both Handpalms (putting together reveals the  tattoo), Blacksmith Tattoo from Grandfather on (her) left shoulder,   Dillluvian Clan big Tatt on right shoulder
  • after a fight/battle, has a scar and cybernetic eye
  • After escaping a cannibal, has prosthetic left leg up to knee

  • As Valerie (After age 25 to disguise)

Her hair varies but keeps the main haircolor hazelbrown. The name Valerie (Taken in honor by a mother figure in the past while travelling in Fabula, honoring the fallen one) was taken as she had to go undercover as her known evil mother and co were looking for her. Living at the "Mulberry Street "(New york) later on and former ground of a modern japanese home. Where she has a magical portaltree as well as a big Apartement block to herself and her childhood friend and collegue Dennis Clutterbuck (his granny Babette runs the big block). Dennis later becomes part mute due to injury on neck. 

She runs the small "Ani-wear" store (a small smithy and item shop) in the front and back the small reptile vet.  While supplies and working for customers, she still trains under in her basement lair and holds the title of martial arts master. 

Next to travelling worlds and dimensions, she does keep her past a secret.

Wont shy away from giving others a chance and a home. 

Despises media and not a fan of paparazzi or interviewers.




- Left arm Blacksmith Tattoo of the Ancient. Everyone in the Bloodline who mastered the Blacksmithing, get´s their tattoo.
-Right arm has the Diluvian clan Symbol. A Wolverine head biting on the Diluvian Circle, claws over symbolizing the fighting marks.
- Hand palms -The hidden Diluvian symbol, placing hands together will form the whole thing
- Shoulderblade on back - Dragon summon tattoo she later got in exchange for saving the dragonsfamily (given to by the black dragon of the mountains - he later trains Quentin)
- chest wolf given by Duraine who thanked her, its a direct magical form like the brosche (only alot better) where she can summon her clothes on her body at any time or call upon the help



-) Gosaki Smith (Martial arts world champion and well known Actor-does own stunts)
-) Miles (Yusa) who is really her father (!)
-) Vivian Lockhardt (Bio-Engineer and Genetics expert with Vet Experience)
-) "Big brother" Samuel (a.k.a Milo)
-) Half-Sister Diana (Gosaki is the dad)
-) Rhianne 2014 (Ben´s oldest Kid)
-) Artemis 2012. (Daughter of Vivian and Genetical Experiment)
-) Sunburst kid (Gosaki and Vivian)

(not known by her are- secret twin Jonathan-lives on Planet Gamalank )

-Stanley and Sakai (2005)
-Gosa Twins 2007 (From Robin and Gosaki-1 each)
-Jesse 2016- (Vivian´s kid) who lives in Fabula near the G.E.M labs as a doctor
-Tabitha (the daughter of Gosaki and Clone Vivian) 3 years younger than Val.-2013
-Ikari 2023 Experimental kid by Vivian
-Gen-Kid 2025


Also to her family, are her reptiles

She has small reptiles with her that she had since childhood. These were ones experimented with from Vivian and are a lil´.. Special.
4 at start.
Francis, James, Maurice and Niri (the only female)
here they are: https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/17625713_FAFUF35NIe5tAsR.png

While Francis is a pretty smart one, he enjoys sitting on her head. Wanting to have the overview.
James is a rather warm one who prefers to be inside the warmth more (enjoys beeing at chest area)
Maurice is more on the shoulder side since he is the biggest of the 4 and watches /guard´s his owner´s space.
Niri  is an intelligent girl who at times is in pouches, pockets or partly on top if Francis isn´t disturbed too much. Main reptile and almost never leaves Abby´s side. And throughout story remains at her side. 

later as they got bigger (way too big to keep at home) the three males returned to their father Gendo in the other world while Niri, who was still small and robust, remained on Abby/Val s shoulder. 


Lil info on her costs (just story info)
as she lived with Ben

Following the ground rules here:

1 Mula Sheet is 2000 Euro
1 Credit Sheet  is 1500 Euro
1 Neuro Sheet is 1000 Euro
1 Omni Coin is 100 Euro
1 Gent coin is 50 Euro
1 Sarint coin is 10 Euro
1 Pent  is 50 Cent

An Appartment/home you own and claim as own. NO monthly payments or electricity (all provided, except extra food) (This is basic for ALL citizens as Living/Home counts as survival and will not be charged)

-first 6 months strong support of 5 Neuro in Month (500 Euro) for furniture, tech, food and essentials. 

makes 30 Neuro (3000 Euro)

-After a year, you get 7 omni coins (700 Euro) and education support (school and study)

With  having a pet (they call them companions in the city) already in  your  family  or  wanting to get one, they vary with size and species. 


Small- cats, dogs, birds etc  1 Gent  (50 Euro) per companion, per month
middle-bigger dogs, Big lizards, Sheep= 1 Omni  (100) and 1Gent50)= (150 Euro) per companion, per month.
Big-  (not registered as riding animals) cheetah,horse, etc2 omni  (200) and 1 Gent (50) =( 250 Euro) per companion, per month

Big  animals who could go through as riding animals, but not registered as  such, should not be riding out in public. Example. You have a  lion/cheetah/bull (I dunno) etc as a companion, you keep them as a  companion. If you wish to use your companion as a travel Companion (T.CO) then it should be registered- Costs 3 Omni (300 Euro) per T.C, per month

And companions get a health check just like you. (1x a month) to see how your buddy is doing. 


Since  you now live in the City, have your job or looking or study/school etc,  you can use transportation. For a Transportation Card. (T.CA)

First year you DO NOT pay anything and can travel around for „free“, After a year you pay the ticket prices. Can use them WHENEVER you want. 24/7-  (payments go to industry and factory for transport maintainance and  safety. You can always go by foot if you can´t afford or do not want to  use. 

You get (at start) the Travel Ticket (T.T) to use the standard transportations.
Tickets outside of your sector cost. Either a back and forth ticket, one way ticket or monthly or yearly. 

Powered by 3 different things. From sulfat combo mix to magnetic and electricity. (Along with the main source)

The city´s transportation system has …...

Ground snakes/bus

Like buses – Are only inside city. For their personal sector. And their personal sector color (color of bus, shows sector) They only drive in their specific Sector area. Have the number on top for the House/building area. 


Day- 1 Pent (50 Cent)
Month-1 Sarint (10 Euro)
Year- 1 Gent (50 Euro)


sector snake- bus 

drives out and in the city sectors. Some sector snake buses have 2 different colors. Indicating which sectors  they drive to. Different buses for different stationstops. Different  Places show the sector color on bus plus number (driving to  areas/stationstops)

You pay your standard Bus price (either day, month or year) plus the sector cost of 1 Pent (50 cent) per sector


Sky shuttles- 

compare  with trains on two different layer/height. Heavy species above/on the  railroad, lighter below. On a type of bridge crossing the streets/along.  Like the buses have different colors to   what sectors they travel to.  These ONLY bring from –Sector to sector (fast train)- Main Green colorline below (track)
You can ride them all day (24hrs)


Day: 1 Sarint (10 Euro)
month 2 Sarint (20 Euro)
Year: 1 Gent (50 Euro)


City Liners- Yellow. (tourist usage)

High  cabelway stationcars. Used for city travels. (If you plan to live here  and get the whole tour, you only pay the tourguide you get at main Head 1 Credit sheet (1500 Euro) but guide will show you all you need to know, including best spots, Law, history etc)

Sunburst city has 3 main. 

1 (turkis) From Port to Statue. You travel from bay along the city up to the big statue. Only 1 stop.
Cost: 1 Gent (50 Euro)

Includes Guide in waggon telling history and shows scenery at statue. 

2. Orange. Left side of the city along the mountains. Has 5 Stops. Amusement  Park, Arena,Theater, 2nd Arena and Airport.

Cost: 1 Sarint (10 Euro) per stop

3, yellow line direct. Around the whole city (no stop, just in case there are  some stops) but this line is meant for tourists to have a great overview  of all Sunburst City, includes tourguide, goodie bag (Gifts, coupons to  every store for at least 1 item of choice) and all one could need, as  well as an included meal for lunch. 

Cost: 1 Omni (1000 Euro)


Single transporters- Shuttlecab. 

You   need to get to a specific area? Don´t have a scute? Either call in a   Shuttlecab (ground) like an uber, taxi or personal driver (either   through stationphones or call one on your own phone) These various   models (from slim to thick, depending what size you are) appear after   you give a call. State species, I.D, where you are and where you need  to  go. They appear, you get in, you travel along at a fast and safe  speed  and secure and when arriving, you swipe your I.D over the scanner  and  leave (payments are city and sector wise differently) 

City inbound: 1 Sarint (10 Euro)

Sector bound: 2 Sarint (20 Euro) per sector

So example you want to get to a certain sector – you are in sector 1 and need to get to sector 8. (there are 2 sectors between you and your goal) you pay for sector 15 (passing the bridge), passing sector 4 and land in sector 8. So 3 sectors. Come to 3 Sarint (60 Euro). Seeing as the sectors are big! (really big) you get there fast and safe for a good price. 


Single transportations: Scutes

So you want your own scute (transportaion cab) either  a „Personal sky shuttle“  or „Groundhog

The „Personal Sky Shuttle“ (P.S.S) is an extra line flowing along with the sky shuttles where you get to   any station (colored in light brown/wood) and swipe your card to tipp  in  (or say) where you want to go to and  „call“ the scute to you.  Getting  in, you have a screen where you see your destination and a  personalized  voice telling you to buckle up. As soon as you do, the lid  closes, and  it dashes forward, following the line to your destination  (it kinda  works like the postline, but with better view)

Cost: 1 Neuro Sheet  (1000 Euro per month)

Groundhog    (car/bike etc) You can use your own bike, motorbike, vehicle. Called   „groundhog“  due to them beeing on the ground. (duh) Either you already   have one or you can rent or buy one. From small car designs to high  tech  bikes. These groundhogs ONLY work with their  owner.  Through genetic identification, they can only be used by you.  Unlock and  motor start. (from simple to comlex, some are in work of  beeing  hightech for future use and  plans to hover more) 

bicycle. 5 Omni (500 Euro) (groundprice, depending on modell or tech can go up)

Motorbike- 5 Neuro (5000 Euro)- especially fo genetic unlock and usage- can go up as well

Hoverhogs-   There is a hover limit. You can hover over other vehicles, but  watching  out for traffic. These have a restricted built in mode to not  go over  the hover limit. Ground or water area  (with certain limits)

Cost: 9 Neuro (9000) plus additional 1 Neuro for air registration (to hover above ground and water as well as the air booster- fuel) You only pay that once for a year. 

Payments are only once on purchase (depending what you buy exactley) and every time you personally make a check up. (oil, fuel, motor, tech etc) The main rule is 1 checkup minimum  per year  (especially with technologie) Keeping systems updated. And for fuel/air and registration in area you drive around. Paid 1x a year. 


Ride Companions (R.C) Animals. (rent or own) 

Having  an own companion to ride on (horse, Chickentuff, Raptor etc- yes  there  are dinos here as well) registration  is like with personal   companions. 


The Riding companions are in the city, while Travel companions are sectorwise. 

If you wish to use your companion as a travel Companion(T.CO)or a Riding companion (R.C)then it  should be registered-


 Costs 3 Omni  (300 Euro) per T.C, per month

2 Omni (200  Euro)R.C, per month


And companions get a health check (included in price and insurance in case   something happens)  just like you. (1x a month) to  see how your  buddy   is doing. 

What riding companion yoou buy, depends  on  wherey ou get the buddy. Species and co. You make a training course  of  riding as well when buying. 


There are NO underground transportations due to toxin and the double layer over the underground. No access is (officially) stated. Only in Sunburst-City. (has it´s reason)

You can move your fights to Arena. These are official arena´s where you can carry out  your „drunk“ battle arguments or sparring events. You pay 1 Gent (50 Euro) per person to use the Arena space (one of many) to let go of  some anger. A doc is present in case of injuries. (that´s why you pay  money as well. Space and doc) Either alone with the  one you fight, or  in a small crowd (depending how much space is left).

2 Ways of having the money. Either in cash form (sheets and coins) or on your Account ID. With your personal genetical card only you have access and can use to pay or transfer money onto. 

-Basejump-finished in 25 days-Cost 6.250

-Skydiving- 200 jumps
- 25.000 (1st year)
-25.000 (2nd year)
Total  50.000

-Wingsuit-1150 (done by Lorelei)

Ben paid 56.250 in total for all of that (which Abby is paying him back at a certain   point once all is collected, she has all notes and reciepts from the  day  and doesn´t want to owe him anything)

1 N0g - 1 jump (She paid this one on her own)

Abby started with savings as she was 12
150 per month in chest

Age 15-

Works 1 Sarint (10 a day)/250 per month
Attending school= 250 (per month)-500 per month

-200 per month (2 Omni) for her 4 pets
1 Gent (50) per companion

Since she get´s brought to school and usually walks to where she need´s to go, doesn´t have payments for now.

50 (from school) remain
+ 250 from"Work"
making it 300 per month that are her´s. Splitting it up.
150 to Ben
150 to own savings.

Has a total of 40.150 so far in the chest and owes 16.250 to Ben

Ben doesn´t know this however as for him it is naturally to support kids.  Didn´t expect to get the money as she laid him all the money down.

More to read on. 


The "Diluvian-Clan" Thing

Silvia, her great-grandmother, is from the bloodline of the Diluvian-Clan.  An ancient clan that existed from the start of Pangea, that has different families and different "animals" representing their crest and symbol. Each family has their own deity spirit one. (these appear and protect in times of need, have a part-mortal form, also part of the yearly meetings in the mountains with the family clan leaders). The wolverines (Silvia-Smith part) run the whole clan as it yearly is stated the strongest and best lead the clans. Diluvian Clans are Ancient Martial Arts - Fighters that are fairly known. Ancient and for their part "royal" if one considers the first Fighters of Pangea.

They are very well trained from physical and mental standpoints and train from age 5 and up. After reaching maturity, between 13 and 15 years old, they can partake inthe Diluvian Clan trials. Set on an island they reach nearby and hold their trials. This not only shows their skills but also rankwise and more. 

After this, they get trained by the masters of their arts. 

The clans are slowly dying as someone is making hunt on them to whipe them out. The Deities stay with the Clanleader and provide support.
Abigaiil/Valerie beeing part of the family, mean´s one day she might run the clan if she proves her worth. When time comes, the deity will seek her and be at her side. At one point travelling and beeing with her as the bodyguard. (he is "sealed" within an item) which Val later get´s from her grandma and carries along. 

The clan is a proud and intense thing. Making their whole self one of the strongest.

Picture a weasel.. that little demon of destruction, that small atom of insensate courage, that symbol of slaughter, sleeplessness, and tireless, incredible activity - picture that scrap of a demoniac fury, multiply that mite some fifty times, and you have the likeness of a wolverine. 

Rival/ partners combo of Honey badgers. Very agile, thick skin and strong. Can spray fumes in case of danger (tranquilize)
Very smart like the Wolverine.

Enemies are wolf, bear, eagle and mountain lion.


The "Half-God" Thing

While one side of the family is from the Ancient Martial arts clan Diluvian, the other side (Great grandfather Munto) is from the Hephaestus Bloodline.  Making Val a "Half-god ish" after she reaches the age of 200 (which is normal for a Pangean Human). It is part of her blood, beeing related to a mighty skilled one. Not only natural skilled in smithing from birth but also a bond with talking and co-op with cyclops, fantasy creatures and alliance with the Dwarves. Along the ocean animals way back. They feel and see the prescence. 

They rival with the Vulkans (no not those pointy eared ones) who are from the Vulkan bloodline  (Hephaestus twin in a way) and since childhood proving which side is  "better". 

Along the rivalary with "Tinker" Family Bloodline, who drabble in part magic, as they are from a bloodline of creative Smithery and crafts.

Do note that the Hephaestus Bloodline comes with the "traits"
As every Hephaestus or Vulcan descendant has these common traits that will occur

- The left leg will be gone (either through missing, cut, broken etc) as a prosthetic will take it´s place
- The first offsprings will be twins (depending on how many partners, the woman of the bloodline will always give birth to twins, where one will fatefully either vanish, not survive or be gone due to the curse). Each partner the Descendant has will have twins, followed by one normal at 2nd birth. This can be prevented if changing name when marrying as then they are not comitted to the Bloodline and lay it off so to say (Deny the rights and curses at that)
- Wield fire around age 19, lose an eye around the time
- Going on the traditional way and usually avoid using tech

- inherit the power of Lightning at age 19 (at start unable to control and takes time to wield), losing also their right arm in the process. (price to pay for this)
- Are always born on a farm and run them for a timebeeing and only one child is born (usually male, rare female)
- The born are usually always male and the males always (!) impregnate with success their partners.
- have a red burn mark on their face at a certain age and lose their right leg.
- Embrace technology and use it to their advantage.

For both goes
- Death itself will appear at age 58, but before that the Offspring will encounter the "Witch". Either in disguise or set up to test them. If done well, the witch will grant 3 wishes they can then keep. Usually one is used to prevent death at any cost, they do not get the info that death will come however.


A Clone in hand -Tabitha- 

Or rather an unwanted sibling at first. Vivian had already once cloned succesfully (Rupert s clone) and was wanting to get the skills and knowledge of Val on her side. With the Experiments she had snagged from her while first captured at age 15, taking samples and took 2 years to perfect the clone. The clone of Viv however got the clone out and brought to safety before Vivian could manipulate and use on her side. The clone named Tabitha, was an exact copy of Val including a lil genetical feature. Tabitha could copy any genetical information by touching, which later evolves and gives more power once the Nanobot had been taken from Abby by Viv, planting into Tabitha. Before manipulating, a fight ensured, and after a huge fight, the two come to a close bond. Forming siblingspower and fighting against Vivian and her group.
Tabitha later then uses the nanobot within to swap to the genetical trait she had aquired, making it like a usable powerboost.


The "Reptile" Thing

With a tragic event causing Val to act to save her best friend,  her arms got spilled by a chemical toxic melting substanz (blood of a  Xenomorph  which Vivian was testing on) With Val in danger, Gendo (the reptile) made a quick decision and cut a piece of his flesh off, placing it over her arms. Causing the melting process to stop and "replace" the missing flesh and veins. Healing process took 15 minutes. the rest 7 hours as her arms were now partly "scaled" and still has the deep burnt marks within.  While looking horrible, it has a big advantage: Immune to hits and fire  (lava included)
however: What came as a "downfalll" was the strong genetic of Gendo that was slowly taking over. Changing her body to.. you guessed it, reptile. (As Gendo is part of older Dragons and housereptiles, making him a hybrid, passing the Dragon and reptile trait on to her)
In order to prevent this, Doc Lobtony, Dr. Rosebud and Beatrice came up with a genetical blocker with Alien tech that activates a nanobot inside to "circle" and "lock" her genetic. "Sealing" the reptile genetic to only her arms. She uses this later to experiment around and test her limits. This is at the age of 21. Before that she had to lear to handle her reptile side

The nanobot is alone but can do alot. Created by Bea, Abby later can "communicate" with this hightech beeing that advances and learns. Despite her dislike at start with technologie. 

Imagine a ball inside the body that can switch genetically to anything she gathers, collects or learns while keeping her normal Pangea-Human self. This later proves amazing as she wants to learn new abilities like the elementals. This later get´s taken forcefully from her by Vivian after creating another clone to use on (Since Val was already once cloned - Namely Tabitha who at the age of 17 had joined Val in school and learnings)
THIS however comes later after her first dimensional travel. 

Music inspiration when in rage mode:


!!!!!!!!    PANGEA_HUMAN  !!!!!!!!!

Since they are created by the "Gods of Fabula", they all live up to age 200 (exactley) before their bodies begin to "decay" and die from inside.  All Pangea-Human s go through this. Living long (other if killed by force, diseases etc) they are like normal humans, aging slowly but "body" is more longer lived. As they reach 200 years old, the body will  "force" it´s self genetically and starts to decay and take apart step by step, letting a gap of around a year until they die. (before a year ends)
Val has the Hephaestus bloodline with her, so when reaching 200, the genetical bloodline of Hephaestus will switch (if she is worthy of the bloodline!!) and she becomes a demi-god. (If death doesn´t get to her first= Letting her live longer). As a Demi-god can. Before that has NO POWERS and can die like anyone else!!!



  • Martial Arts background (one side of the family Bloodline)
  • Blacksmith/smithing in general (Bloodline other side)
  • weapons and fighting knowledge. (create, make and use said items)
  • High Reptile-Knowledge (learned in School while having to wait for her leg to be replaced)
  • Gymnastic flexes with strength (Training in school)
  • Durability (through the years of training and later of Vivian s test n torture)
  • Languages (Sign language and overtime those Alien and more as she learns)
  • Acting classes (thanks to school)
  • Plays Violin (taught by Grandfather Vadehra)



When it comes to love, Val is a loyal and loving person. Only the step there to openly admit she is in love or has high interest lacks. She wouldnt admit right away or go "lovey dovey"on it. She shows it at start by talking more to the interest one.  Helping more often or even letting her guard a lil down on things. Even to a soft smile and rarely a giggle. Would make special gifts (selfmade, crafted, forged etc) to show affection or even bring coffee/drink or  blanket. Generally caring for the other alot, since she tends to not get  too involved. To later where it is clear and she would speak the truth.

If she is beeing flirted with is usually a plain response as she would not see it as serious at start. (due to past experiences) Knowing the other is really interested in her, she would ask why. Wanting to know if it s true intent or not. A flattered face and reaction if someone confesses to her and she knows them well.  (depending on person a different reaction)

When in a relationship goes full on in best. Doing all while staying true to herself. She doesnt give it up that easly, even if the other would be dying she wouldn t leave their side. Moving anything to help. 

When it comes to the deeper love, smut and such, she can be open on it. Like any normal human can be very naughty as well. But enjoys the varitions.  And since open to anything, Bi/ pan or any way she would let the other know how much they mean to her. If she were with a female, she d be usually more dominant and protective while with a male, more on the softer side. (really depends on partner, as she adjusts usually to how the other side is)

-Having to pretend to love someone, act or such, she only does for specific reasons. Acts well to a point it is believable.


Relationships/Partners- timeline and kids

Mates/boyfriends etc

Rupert: as the Story starts 2025 (Rupert 17, Abby 15) was her first close friend later on.  After a date around the middle of the start, got together as she was 19 and was partly present at the main events.  He became alot more involved  in her life as the two got closer. Letting her have her secrets. Until he one day found out who she really was.  He still kept it a secret and supported her on. Going through  adventures and with time getting better and even beeing a badass in battle as good as possible.- Truly a boyfriend for life.
Until he got kidnapped by Vivian and as Abby saved him, was suddenly.... slightly different. To the point where he way later dishearted, attacked and tried to kill her. A tragic breakup.

In reality: 

Vivian had cloned him and as Abby came to save him, she had the clone (not Rupert) the modified clone to Abby to convice and bring her over to her side. Which failed. As Abby got pretty dang close to finding a crucial info on Vivian, Rupert attacked. Vivian´s order to kill her, got the clone first in thinking since he was... fond of her. But to a point where she denied him and he tried to kill her. Luckily failed. The real Rupert is still held in the chamber, later free´d by a specific character.

W.I.P Inbetween Storyflow and love interests (like Amelia etc)

After the Breakup of "Rupert",  Val focused on her other studies since later the trial on Gamalank with Sol and the working area of Nakaita and Daigo. With her having a small  thing (crush still) on Amelia, who by now has become more than famous. Had a hard situation with another traitor  (see friends and enemies) and  landed inbetween with Beatrice and the cannibal (to where she "lost" her leg. Not able to fight, so on Gamalank  where she took up Vet-career even after Rupert had left the  station,  she wanted to finish it. While working as a blacksmith.


Vollunder Yashiro:

While this rival of her´s is equal on skill and talent, it is no secret that the charming elfguy has a big secret himself.
While on their travels together had been more on fate ond coincidence, their 3rd meeting was a fate big enough to leave an impact. Having the "pretend dating" to get her long lost twin brother back, both had to work together to pretend to be together. All the more getting to know the other ones real self.
Here her eye and leg are not her normal self and she tends to hide this.
A skilled master Fighter and Blacksmith as she always had her guard up.  While learning from him more than what she thought he was. Both sides  accepting the other and what turned to a romantic situation, had an unexpecting end. (w.i.p)
Vollunder belongs to the "Tinker" side on craft and uses magic.


A reptilian who shares more than one thing
Met on Planet Gamalank at start, the two became close and a couple, unknown to Val, it was not serious for Howlti as he mates around with whom he pleases. Finding out the hard way what happens when you cross Val. 




The General of Gamalank originally was created from Vivian and was seeking revenge on her. Stumbling upon Abigail/Val that time, had thoughts of killing her in order to get revenge, but ended up way different than he had thought

Has his end as a parasite got into his mind and body and taking the gun in the locked area and got Val to shoot him to stop himself from devouring her.


Gilbert Ciman Alden Sangeeta

What at start was a lovely lil coincidence became to love, travel and later.. of break up and parting new ways.
While still in contact as the heartbreaker is now a very well known Teacher.


On Amelia (who later became a singer and star) https://toyhou.se/5300200.amelia-pintari

While confessing to her in a song, got rejected as thought of a joke and was left behind as Amelia travelled.


Friends, close friends and roomies

Later her children:

W.i.p (still in wip<.<)


With the Third meet of a "known rival" and a "fake date relationship" ended up with a real daughter. Unexpected but still very beloved. With Vollundr at the time.


https://toyhou.se/5851258.varia-smith-yashiro comes Varia and Twin. ~~~~~~~~~~

!Family Tree soon to come!



Allergict to 

-normal cats.  Starts with sneezing to running eyes and then if longer near has  problems with breathing. That goes for Anthro/Furry characters as well.  (almost started a war with a feline species near Planet Gamalank due to  her "insulting" sneezing there. Rivals with them) Takes pills against  the allergy. Later manages to get rid of it and can walk freely around. 

-this later is sealed with the Nanobot within to prevent health issues.


current (now) Valerie: (spoiler)

- has lost her first boyfriend (due to a long line of chaos, clones  (Rupert clone from mom who later almost killed her) and betrayel along his soul now. Real Rupert in an alienbody she doesnt know of

-has lost her almost husband Maga (General Maga) as she had to force to kill while he was under parasiticworms and almost dead. 

-still has the bond with demon Valentine

-still has Walter ( the cursed fairy https://toyhou.se/20251801.walter-fairy ) with her as well as a shield- Dimensionbag where he lives in


The Traveling Smith-

History: As Valerie, the first Journey she ever did by coincidence was at age 12.  (issues with father and running away got her into a portal and landed in Fabula, where she met a dwarf, a pigguy running a Foodstand and many others)
At start as she had returned, believing it was just a dream as not much time had passed on Pangea (time difference with Fabula and Pangea)

Age 13 travelled again after beeing held in a lab and finding Gendo.

Later as the 20 year old then travelled, finding out per testing on a creature she had befriended along with Beatrice.  Having both on a journey. At start none of them had any idea on what was going on, how to travel and such, since the creature opened them randomly.
By discovering the creatures scales from his body was the source of opening and closing specific portals (and he had a human form where he said he felt and saw where portals can be open by a  „line“ in the air)
In the Gallery is Varus who is the mentioned Creature


Val and Bea studied and then with a lil´testing, Valerie invented the Portal knucks onto her Power knucks. Flattening the scales paperthin and inserting them, activating with a Sunburst Battery and traveling then. 


The first travel together with Beatrice, halfway they split as Bea travelled with the creature and Val on her „own“

At start traveling got random. The portals would send her randomly from one world to another (while saving the coordinates/flow and pinpoint type, so she knows what world is what)

With alot of adventure, worlds and dimensions, things got alot more interesting.
Including at start Val and Bea finding the halfdragonboy Quentin (own lil´adventurehttps://toyhou.se/4670363.quentin) with the woman then adopting him, and along her travels. 

The second time traveling with intention was testing the P-Knucks (power-portal-Knucks) at age ~22 (much older due to other worlds and time differences). w.i.p Info to come. 

All the time while travelling, her device would "record" the surrounding. Making a visual diary. 


Appearance and Look´s 

The main clothings she has on her travel https://file.toyhou.se/images/14763357_7B8E1EBVXsyp57E.jpg

With https://file.toyhou.se/images/14762933_bicYYWpYYfemzuu.jpg

and later (thanks to a specific event) has pinkish hair
These are just the main clothings and hairstyles. Throughout fits the location and scenery.




Sunburst Battery- Direct from the comet itself, and the beeings Soulpieces (see history- library info to Sunburst city) Val has a small "chunk" (meaning easily a big block of it) of the battery. Giving unlimited power as long as it is not thinner than 2 mm. (it would shatter and break, then dissolve)
The Battery itself is a yellow and white glowing and pulsating stonelike item. Inserted into anything (by touching it charges without no problem)
Brosche- given to her by Duraine (the -Demi-Witch-Wolf) which can store any type of clothings, armor or fabric (only clothes for now). A Brosche in light gold/yellow with a wolf-symbol on it. On her shirt, top or anywhere, tapping on it by thought letting her swap the desired clothings. Off of the clothings, tapping on will open a „closet“ hologramm where she can store and swap (imagine it like a sims clothing cabinet to pick)

Main clothings:
-Red Wander outfit (Along with Jeans, boots and gloves plus helmet)
-Schattenvolk design (made by Dorian as a gift) along with her Shadowboots
-Cosy wear long redish pants (cosy) socks, a big shirt (easily bigger than her and reaching over her knee´s) in a slight grey with a purple animal in the middle, underneath underwear and cosy.
-Work gear Is her leather apron, stable Jeans blouse and Jeanspants along with heavy boots and the adjusted goggles


Grappling "hook"~Glove

Actually belonged to Juniper (a friend from Diluvian-butterfly clan) and took it from her as she was annoying Val all day while working. Came in handy as half an hour later in other world. She gifted Juniper an updated version to work along her electrical talent. In process making a Grappling hook for herself. 

Shield/Bike combo_ https://toyhou.se/4370692.mite

Mite is a sentient bike that was made by a martian Mouselady and who gained more A.I thanks to Beatrice. It is genetically attached to Val and can only be driven and unlocked by her. At start it drove on it´s own and „talked“ with beep´s and sounds. The smart bike (who later get´s his own form) was merged with a magical (dimensional) Bag. (stolen by her great uncle from a phenix) A shield that one can use as a storage. An „extra lil´room“. It was merged by accident onto Mite´s front.  Letting either him inside, using him as a shield, carry on back or as a weapon (which is practical for walks) or to ride on him and have it used in any way. It is „inhabited“ by a „Fairy“ (a guy named Walter https://toyhou.se/5198289.walter) who was trapped in his small form and later through Val get´s his both forms back.
In the bag is a violin stored as well as a few other things she need´s (like weapons or even specific tools) 


While under training and battle against a female warrior and defeating her, the gift was an Urumi.  A modernized version of the "whipblade". The Urumi is a sword with a flexible whip-like blade, originating from the Indian subcontinent.  Abby/Val has it around her hips in an own made shieth/protection and as a "belt" the "Buckle" of it is the handle which can be pulled out and used in battle. (she upgrades the weapon with a small lil stone letting it be able to let electricity, fire or other) Making it a cheops stone that she built into the middle. 


Portal/Powerknucks- At start regular red gloves that she modified a lil´with her skills to make power gloves. Using the Sunburst Battery flattened a lil at front on both sides, she can punch them together and energize them for a lil´while. Using these can shatter anything nearby.  (earthquake, blast etc) In reality these trigger her body and let a part of her bloodline react. Triggering her inner power. (a power of a god) She later learn´s to do this without having to use her knucks. Letting her hands get stronger and robust. (even withstanding fire to smith)


Smith crafted years ago with each generation adding or changing the gloves as they please.
This version of the first generation has the ability to store and summon weapons crafted and made by the smiths themselves. As a type of ritual, the gloves only obey the wearer once worn.
Abby later refinds them and upgrades them to not only adjust and obsorb energy but to also summon and let the weapons and items appear as she needs.


Helmet- Through her adventure, as she worked at the Smithy on Gamalank and with co - op Naruki and Daigo, making her a helmet. This got modified later on and was combined with the translator she has around her right ear.  (touching it on a specific button and her genetic, let ´s the cool helmet over her head. A full on GPS,  Technologie and ability on breathing for 2 hours in space or even  under water. It comes later though as at start it was used as a regular helmet with voice modifier (took Val a lil´to get used to so much tech). Very practical as she later uses this on travels to hide her identity.
Bosho-Staff. The staff on it´s own is a modified tech-Bo- Staff. 20 cm long, can be clipped on the leg, back or wherever one want´s. Inside is a Sunburst Battery and 2 smalll tech-devices. Can extend to it´s full length and send out some shocks if needed. Powerful and flexible in both forms. 

Hammer (and Habosho)-The mighty Hammer of Hephaestus was given to her by her Grandpa Vadehra (passed on Generation to Generation) while using the hammer on it´s own is powerful, it was later in combo with a high-tech Bo-Staff she made herself. The small 20 cm lil´Staff could be placed over the Hammer and extend. Combining the two.  Making it Habosho (Hammer-Bo-Staff Shock for the explanation). Using to stand on the Hammer, sending shocks out the ground for example. 


Powerpad/Provider –  Health check device. A wristband modified to check vitals,  health-status and make blood samples now and then. A small amount. It was later modified due to her „genetical“ state.
Later called S.C.O.T (Space Conduit Object Transporter (thanks to CreativCrybaby via Fiverr) it was updated and used as a sweet high-tech device that did so muchmore. Plain research, internet, navigation etc. 


Boots: Val has some sweet boot´s she worked on as a teen (around 15) and made Rocketboots from. Using the Sunburst Battery and 2 components. Making the boot´s long in durability and kick ass fast. Way later on meeting a Schattenvolk guy Dorian
https://toyhou.se/12308457.dorian who she helped out and as thanks he gave her a powerrelict from his people. A black-mem. „fluid“ as a shadow itself upon her boot´s attached- Giving her nightpowers.  (making it along it only work´s when it is dark). From wall climbing surfaces or even to submerge (In combo, Dorian made her fitting clothes to go with, allowing the Shadowboots likely called, to be more effective. 

Legbag: The most valuable thing (sentimental) since Naruki gave it to her. A close friend who died. The legbad is ancient. Made from finest and most robust leather and wraps, keeping anything inside  superdry and protected. Here she has her lil´sketchblock, pills, Lollipops (sweet and medical) and one or two secret things. The bag later get´s upgraded and turned to a "Bag of Holding" to store alot of things. 


Genetic-Block pills-  Due to the experimental thing from her mother and the burn „accident“ (trap from her mother to actually kill her, but a friend got inbetween)  where she saved her friend from beeing melted alive, her arms had gotten a toll (strongly burnt and through until bones). Scales and part from Gendo (the reptilehttps://toyhou.se/5215242.gendo-the-advanced )  was given onto, healing the arms but giving them the scales and genetic part from him as well (he´s the genetical scale dad ) The pills she got experimental wise from Doc and Dr. Rosebud capsule the reptile genetic inside and stop it from spreading over in her body. (without taking these pills every 7 days, the gentic would take over and let her be a reptile form. Can be reverted back when taking the pills)
_Later she get´s the "Genswatch"  that regulates the genetics within. As well as later on  (A Nanobot is placed within thanks to Bea´s support) and connected with her watch to  "Communicate" with the High IQ Nanobat. Later get´s more sentient and communicates with her. Making this a form of good friendship.


Cyber-Eye and prosthetic leg

Whith her eye that had been damaged and replaced as her "brother" Milo was manipulated and fought, it wasn´t just a "simple" replacement. As hightech as it got, binding it to her inner-eye-socket and nerves and basically letting her see more. Bearice´s update let her record things now via Alien-nerv strain. Sending the data to her secret power laptop that only she has access to (well.. Bea as well but pshh) So she can use her eye as well for location (practical observing way later) and checking. Before the update, it was a regular prosthetical eye and was just meant to cover where was once her eye. 

Her leg, while beeing (at current state) gone from her knee below, is replaced with a prosthetic one. At start a "basic" one  but got upgraded over time. To a point where she could hide her staff in the inside. Material is made from the comet and lending it not only a hard-ass robust way, but also a flexible one at that. Making it very hard to destroy.



Later when travelling worlds/Dimenions (Info)

The carriage: 

Upon her travels, later on of course, she comes across the carriages most villagers and travellers had and wanted to get one herself. Since she aquired a lovely horse as a trade for her wares, having now a 4 legged companion now. Riding around when needed, seeking now someone who could make her a carriage she can use on her travels.

Gregory Varush, Ryan Humpfthung and Jillian Baroji, three amazing ones who she stumbles upon later in another town, have the great skills.
Wood masters and housemakers who help Val with the Modern Varo (Gypsy Wagon) she later has.
Customized it to her liking and need´s, took a while to make:
Example: Building the Modern Vardo ( Gypsy Wagon) - YouTube 


With travelling, the first companion was Beatrice. But along the way, one meet´s new friends and allies. Later befriends and Rupert (past) had travelled wit her and he saved a dragon called "Windy" which can be a huge white eastern dragon or a small one that can sit on her shoulder: https://file.toyhou.se/images/15769699_bXwDFiV6ttA0BoG.png later becoming more Val´s friend after the real Rupert disappeared. 

Reptile companion "Niri" with whom she went through alot.

Fairy "Walter"
Who she deeply cares for and want´´s to lift his current situation.



Either she travels worlds/Dimensions or one can travel to her via Portaltree in her newer home in New york / Sunburst City. (the layout of her home can be shared)

- W.i.p and later uploading -

Approaches with caution and usually checks out before rushing in a city. 


(Fandoms / Series Val can travel to as well)

Anime/Series/Cartoons:  My Hero Academia, Hellsing, Ninja Turtles (any generation), Biker Mice from mars (the good old ones), Gargoyles, Trollhunters, Swat Cats, Blue Exorzist, Transformers (Movie and series Prime), Extreme Dinosaurs, Usagi Yojimbo, One Piece, Tiger and Bunny, FreeSwim, Boy and the Beast, Mighty Ducks, Black Butler, Naruto, Voltron, Samurai Jack, ol western cartoons, Sk8, Mighty Ducks Cartoon Series, Lego Monkikid, Hellsing,

Other(Comics/series): Good Omes, Marvel universe, Spiderman, Ddeadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, Jurassic Park, Godzilla, Bioshock, Avengers, Batman, Power Rangers,  Iron man, Thor, Rocket Racoon, Dr. Strange, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sly Racoon, Blade (vamp),

Games: Tf2,  Cyberpunk 2077, Overwatch, Mass Effect, Fallout 4, Legend of Zelda/Breath of the Wild, Sonic (series, Games and movie) Animal Crossing, Baldurs Gate 3, Titanfall,

crossover with other artists worlds, any other series recommended?
(list incomplete. soon to come. alot more)



    • has 4 lizard pets (well trained and her family) at start
    • (later when she travels through worlds has 1- Niri) as the other return to their "dad" Gendo
    • Trains while at Gymnastics with own Trainer (and martial arts in secret) and is super good in due to strong and flexible. 
    • lives in Sunburst City in Sector 4 with "Sibling" Milo and the Big B, as well as his kids Tallulah and Cybil (15) and Quinlynn (13), later with Sibling Rhianne (11)
    • Has a weaponary "Belt" Urumi modernized. A "whip/blade" Sword type.
    • Undercover ID as Leonore while going to the Big Main school near east mountains.
    • Trained since childhood and 1x a year at annual Diluvian Clan meet for a week.
    • The T. in her name is for "Tallulah"
    • Can pack a punch and learned alot of Fighting styles.  
    • Can defend on her own  
    • Is a workaholic and tries to improve at any given moment, less freetime.  
    • Get´s up early to train and to manage any challenge. 
    • Does risky things, but a rough plan at hand (like jumping off the statue in a wingsuit to celebrate the year)
    • Wishes to prove herself to Gosaki (as a true Smith) and tries to bring family together and out of the „supposed evil“ Big B.  
    • Owns later a motorbike with remarkable A.i 
    • Has Rocket boots she built with Simon.  
  • scar on left side from Milo (due to Milo s mindcontrol from the mother she had to fight against him and lost her eye) has a prosthetic eye instead  (updated to high tech eyeball)
  •  left leg still busted and with prosthetic. (from the cannibal)
  •  invented portknucks (gloves with special items in them to open portals and travel through)
  • Enjoys music alot (!) usually music in while training or to relax) Tends to humm when in a good mood or sing.
  • Plays excellent violin. Part guitar and can sing (if she isn´t too shy)- tends to get stagefright (being watched by many get´s her startled and anxiety hits)
  • Here has one reptile left. Her girl Niri who is a genius thanks to the experiments and hard (pretty hard) to kill
    _is single here and open yet wary.
  • lower arms still have the burnt marks from the past due to saving her best friend Nelli.  Still covered at times with the scaled genetic (arms to ellbow can get  pretty hard n smooth and withstand even lava) uses a medication at start  and later get´s a Nanobot in her body through Beatrice to stop the  scales from spreading and mutating her body to fully Reptile. Can cause  on her own for it to be on arms when needed.
  • wary of outsiders and take a while to warm up especially after the past.
  • She spends partly summer above in the small "Planet" called Gamalank.  Where it s more a dockstation and meet with other species. One can live  here as well (Val does) and even works at the weaponsshop with two  other aliens. Her skills are the Best there is. From items, juwelery,  weapons or anything she can make it.-
  • Has taken on the vet career on Gamalank with Rupert after her leg got damaged by the cannibal (Skilled in reptilian)
  • Val is pretty open on thoughts and ideas and gives everyone a second chance (like with General Maga as the first time he almost killed her, the  bond for him to make it well was to jump with her from the big statue in  a wingsuit to make up for his mistake)
  • With alcohol,  even though she doesnt drink much, she can hold out a while. (except  with the alien brew "Farint  Pi" a pinkish drink with a sweet taste that  knocks any human off) When  slight drunk starts to ramble about work,  then slowly in backstory. When full drunk speaks her mind full and gets  pretty dang emotional. One can see her true self here.
  • Loves to Tinker on new inventions. Also if it benefits alot.
  • Keeping it traditional, at start hated technologie but slowly puts it into her work, while keeping the true meaning. (at start barely used her phone)
  • Tends to avoid battles if possible. But if she has to, puts on full power and finishes quick and efficiently. Usually in 7 seconds to minutes enemeies are down
  • Enjoys sparring and music.
  • Can  get a lil' nervous when people mention her leg as she see's it as a weakness that it s partly gone. Only tells or even shows those she fully trusts.
  • gentle and patient with kids. Teaching them the groundrules and things one need s to know. Used to Babysit alot at babettes in teentimes
  • hates (!) doctors and has a panic of them ever since the past occurances. Needles, teeth and all wearing white doc uniforms she avoids at all cost. Even using martial arts.
  • Supports fully for a good friend. Will likely give up a prize she saw to use to help for a friend in need. Or even ditch an important tournament to save a friend in need.
  • Family is most important for her. Cant stand beeing fully alone even if it seems like too much. She can consider a good friend part of family and will do anything to protect them.
  • Has a past experience with demons and creatures due to her grandpa Vadera in mountains. So those dont surprise her as much as one would expect.
  • Does the 100-man challenge (Kumite) daily since age 12 where fighters each have 3 minutes to fight. Val managed to defeat her opponents fast and precise and has since then not once been defeated. (iron will to prove)  She still does it today (while using techbots now- in past not really-to fight instead of people)- She doesn´t back away from a challenge and when serious, hair up to a bun and defeats enemies fast and direct. When trying to see what the enemy can do, takes time. Also downplays it when knowing she has a trickster before her. Only to surprise. 
  • Committed on her goals and goes with plan and passion on it. An early bird who really need s more sleep. She doesn´t want to sleep too long as nightmares tend to come and haunt her. 
  • "messy" hair. Val usually doesn't brush her hair as often due to work and training but it s really clean! washed always but never combed or looking smooth. more like a fluffy cactus or palm tree at times. She usually has her hair in a ponytail or up in a bun most of the time. It used to be alot smoother and lovely in her past, but changed due to an event. 
  • Dresses (wears rarely) it s hard to get her into a dress. Has to be a special occasion.
  • Has strong connection with dwarves from the Iron mountains in way beyond.  Ever since living with one who trained her later on on his style. Part family.
  • Flexible and at times when reading, would do gymnastic rounds (like legs up and laying on chest while "relaxed" researching and such)
  • Dimensions and age vary as she is either in Pangea or in Fabula where times vary.
    With a bond-happening, can travel (at age 12) to various dimensions... Thus has dfferent appearances when entering them.
    Due  to her beeing a "Pangean-Human"  means her age goes up to 200 before the body really ages more and starts to decay (from here the bloodline  of Hephaestus awakens and she becomes a demi-god if worthy of the  bloodline!)


Friends, close friends and roomies

More of company as Val later inherits the house of Bab and the magical Portal tree and it´s inhabitant.

As Val was reworking the home with the current ones living there, she had  no idea her new home, shop and area would be a place of comfort, safety and adventure.


Companion Walter: https://toyhou.se/5198289.walter

The lil guy who was cursed, bound with Abby to be saved and a supportive one.  At start fully arrogant and see´s other species as low and weak  but soon learn´s a lot more than he thought. While still small, is still mighty and can cloak, hide or otherwise (w.i.p) usually travels with Abby on her shoulder later on or on her head to keep an overview. Pretty fast and strong for his size.


Family "Bookkeeper"

Actually a Species rare in Fabula that were created to follow, learn, document: https://toyhou.se/7089065.fabula-world

As for this family, they happen to meet Caleb https://toyhou.se/8522367.caleb-eripmav

Who was a born Vampire but endeed up beeing made a Bookkeeper as he defended the Smith Family. Ever since then was watching over 9 Generations so far.




Allies, People co-op

Vollundr- the blacksmith elf

Valentine- the demonic bond



Allies, People co-op


Through the works, worlds and history she went through, it could happen that bonds were formed. Here are a few:

The family Deity:

Diluvian Clan each has their own Deity.. As the Wolverine clan (where Val is part of) has the Wolverine (of course): Thus making Duncan here https://toyhou.se/4370937.duncan the family bond. Meaning the small "totem" along with the owner he protects (the family in general but passed from generation to generation): Since the bloodlines are slowly beeing whiped out (mystery) the Great Grandmother decided to give it to Valerie in order for the Diluvian Clan to be protected this far.

Her hands are sealed and able to call upon the Wolverine after the death of the Grandmother (as then the bond is tightened)


The Wolverine Form:

This takes place way later in story!
In a later event as the hunter behind the disappearing of the deities, has been stealing their powers and making the deities normal, giving Val and co the idea of "hiding" the power. Making it so that the power within is sealed. Letting Duncan become a normal mortal guy in order not to be killed off (he was sent to another place after the ritual and vowed to come if anything should be of matter):

The powers of the deity were then sealed within Val herself: Which she later finds out can transform thank s to the Genswitch Combo and later by herself. Making it another form she can use.

This later goes to Tabitha as it allows not only that one part is secured but also that Val can use her reptilian form without troubles since Tabitha then also has the Genetical Nanobot within her.
Tabitha enjoying the wolverine form, has strong connection to Duncan and the clan.



The "gods" servant

More or less in the family since generations, this one https://toyhou.se/4701057.citrabanu-baldomar has been always part of the most active Blacksmith of the Generations  and supporting with magic and the special fire that once lit the olymp.
Able to be summoned when godly weapons are needed to be done.


Contract with a Demon


While she and her friends in the sublabs discovering a room and coincidence stopping the forming of Vivian and the demon. As Val had stepped in, the contract was sealed with her and the demon Valentine. (Names said as blood was already given by Vivian). While the contract was bound with the two, nothing was arranged, letting the demon for now just be bound to her. Not able to harm or kill each other (of course)


The "other" demon who had to go into a contract with Val in order not to die. https://toyhou.se/7100146.bragramund-raymond later as Val travels, he later is free´d of the contract and lives in Fabula (w.i.p on him)
Bragramund a.k.a Raymond is a high demon with power and egoistical against mortals. He later get´s into a trap by the godlings and has to flee, stumbling upon Val: And a last effort to be safe, went into a Saving deal: Keeping him hidden and within the wagon bond and she would transport him to a safer place. The deal was set and he was for now safe. But having to follow her orders and learning over time to respect other lives.



This happens all after (!!) the events of Gen Switch 1

Through the usage of the Gen-Switch, to avoid from the reptilian Genetics of Gendo to slicker through and change her, the Gen switch was actually meant to keep the status "locked" (imagine a strong genetical bubble around the d.n.a of the strang) holding it in place.
Through Doc Lobotny´s curiosity in nature, wanting to experiment around. 

Reptilian Form: 


Letting a new form appear as it got a lil "overpowered" and Val once "trapped" in her reptilian form (the chapter where she is in Jail through the works of Vivian and a few to capture all non human in there and actually get rid off, secrets of the Jail revealed): A part of Val using the reptilian form to her advantage and making her first "Appearance" as this new "scalesona" one could say. Gaining allies and new enemies in the process and uncovering the Jail and the baddies.

After the freeing, she decided to get to know her scaley side more often and learn to use the inner switch inside of her.
Later on Planet Gamalank meeting Reptile "King" Makumba with whom she later joins and get´s to know her reptilian self.
Name afterwards was given by Makuna and Gendo, making her second official form (after defeating the Naga Twins on their reptilian home.

This reptile form was then later in the making and used to lure out slavedwellers as Val used the form to pretend to be a hunter herself. Which gained alot of attention, allies and rivals and making a big end to the slave market.
Gaining a Mansion in the world where she would keep all bought ones and free´d ones safe.


Male Form:


Actually through curiosity of both Henati and Doc Lobotny, wrapping Dr. Rosebud in as well as how far Genetics could be switched around (A big failure as later Vivian found this and used it)
But it all it started with the three upgrading Val´s gen-Switch and adding a lil function. After she put it on, letting it get switched manually in her male form. Doc removed the watch and as Val awoke in the apartment on Gamalank.
And neitherless in the week of the "love Festival" having Henati over and letting Val experience another side of herself (Also discovering that no matter what form, Amelia had no interest (so it seemed) But finding an interesting form on General Maga and his secret. In all it was an experience to be a male for once. Seeing how much difference there was and.. a new side.
After the week passed, getting the Gen-Switch back and for now no more meddling.
At times does use the male form when needed and the rumor of the "Smith twins" was born.


Wolverine Form:


As mentioned above, the wolverine form is more from Duncan´s deity powers.
Since both sides wanted the other safe, Val made a deal with Duncan. He can return to any planet and live there and if needed will be called upon.
Finding a way for a ritual where the powers of Duncan get sealed within Val for now (unknowingly as she still had the Gen-Switch) As Duncan was sent to his own lil home ot start life anew as a normal Wolverine, Val later had the moment of using the powers if needed. Thus, transforming her into the deity wolverine (Appearance and powers) Which she uses a few times.
Way later Tabitha takes the form and wields the Wolverine while Val has the Reptilian side.

The Forms own lives

It was at a point that Val noticed that the forms she had from the Gen-Switch were having their own lives in a way. Not wanting for that to be chaotic, asking the Witch Marifa for her wish (2nd wish)
Where each her forms (Reptile, Male and Wolverine) each got their own life (with a split part of Val´s soul and each a cheops stone) Having the now normal Pangean Human to live on as before and keeping in contact with her forms.
Tabitha kept the genetic info on the Wolverine form before letting the part return with powers to Val in order to complete this. Tabitha sparks her own Wolverine form (without any powers)

Until way later being called back as she had to be whole in order for a specific thing to occur, calling upon the parts, merging back as a full one and the cheops parts to rightful owner. The forms she had, have been physically reborn through the deals of Cheops himself after beeing brought back.
Val after this is her normal Pangean-Human self (until reaching age 200 and bloodline of Hephaestus kicks in)



The Smith Bloodline

The Smith family tree is pretty big! Since Generations and a long bloodline of mighty and skilled warriors. Anyone born into the Smith family has a strong bond to the bloodline. Meaning connection with deities, dwarves, giants, cyclops and some types of Goblins as well as specific creatures. It´s an honor to be part of the bloodline as one is partly "gifted" with the Smithtrait. Skilled in Blacksmith/smithing in general and fighting. Skilled fingers, hands and natural talent. Of course hard work and dedication belongs with it as well. It says that at a specific age, the bloodline "shows":

Every Smith encounters the 3 big sceneries that the first ones went through: The help for a witch, Death on the doorstep and the captured Smith.
Everyone encounters them in different ways and they show differently-
Also that females of the Smith family, their first born will always be a twin!

Val has had her encounter for sure. 
The witch she had met quite after finding an altered Duraine. Named Marifa. (one of the Godlings)
Her first wish was to lift the curse as good as possible. (being in Durain´s debt as this saved his life)
The second wish was for the Splitting of her forms. The Male form, Reptilian form and Wolverine form. Each having a part of her soul and their own lives afterwards.
The third wish is still open (Eventually will be used for the Death warding or other, it is still open)


Family members


The Stories to read:


Val´s homes and hideouts

Just like Doc Lobotny, Val has had her fair share on situations


-Homeplace of birth: Gosauzwang in the mountains at the temple living with Great Grandparents, Grandpa Vadehra and Gosaki with Vivian. Age 3 by parents. After Cometcrash (and appearantley death of twinbrother Jonathan, mother took kids with her) lived with Mother and Samuel in Colorado up to age 6.
After Agreement and call with Gosaki, making that things "went better" Vivian (clone at the time) and Abby (With Milo) then lived with Gosaki at home in Gosauzwang. While the real Vivian was in the nearby Labs creating on experiments. Where Abby stumbled into a few times. 

7-18 years old

-At age then adopted by Benedikt McFarlene after the whole situation. (With Milo) And the school there (She met 3 friends from her childhood again who had moved before she did. Nelli and the twins (Simon and Amelia) While the twins were split in different schools (With Simon attending with Abby and Amelia who had moved with her mother in another place), Nelli was along the side.
Later meeting friends Candece (in gymnastics) and Henati, with whom she made big friends with.
Joining along was Devika (who was sent by Vivian to befriend))

-With teenage times in school and attending sports and more, coming along with babysitting at Babette. (Aunti/Gran Babette more like it)
This would later be her house and ground she later lives in.
Knowing of the grandsons (with whom she is part of Diluvian clan -monkey) The twins are pretty chill to be around with. Eliah and Ethan Cluttterbuck
-Living with Benedikt and his kids in the highstate Apartments, own room until age 18. It was after the atttack of the mutants decieved by Vivian who wanted to kill all. 

11 years

Age 17
Shares home with Grandpa Vadehra and dad Miles with "Twinsister" Tabitha (Clone) and long lost brother Jonathan. While going to the School there.

18-20 years old

Upon living in her own apartment finding (ghostboy) with Beatrice and Henati, later bond with demon Valentine after the Vivian incident, it came to a point where ghostboy rebuilt alot and made it fully new. Home with Ghostboy Apartment Complex haunt rebuilt.
Having later with Nelli and the group a travel. Where Nelli and Val land in a cave (meeting Vamp Wyatt) who lives along with them later on. Underground area redecoration in a way.
Apartment with Henni, Nelli and Bea.

2 years

Inbetween Gamalank

With job finding and travel, first time on Planet Gamalank where she had to stand trial (after losing Candece to Experiment of Vivan and Sol) getting an Apartment there and getting to know the planet) Works with Dogo and Iki (their workshop)

Sneaking later on Maga´s ship to get support and help. (closer to him and all) and chapter of Maga (home and wanting to kill, his credit and friendship)
Situation with Pirate Vaughn (small story)
Return and friendship bonding on Maga more.

From Love Festival and fights, male form experimental and the underground situations, later encounting Vivian and Gosaki (Gosaki slowly turns to Viv´s side)
Having to go "undercover" for now and living at Babette´s for safe.

Home on Planet Gamalank, not far from the Smithy and in a nice Apartment Complex

Fabula Homes
Has a Home in Frisbourne (behind Dwarf Bromrir s home and Smithy
Has a Home in Akta, connected with Frisbournes home
Has a Home (Reptilian side) Mansion with the free d ones
