


5 years, 18 hours ago


Nevina Taurus Azimuth

 Name Nevina 
 Called Nev 
 Age 28-years old
 Gender Female
 Height 4'9 ft
 Race Lombax
 Role Junker
 Demeanor Guarded, rough, sarcastic
 HTML Eggy



Nevina is a fairly guarded person, not letting anyone in even when she's gotten close to them. Often times she comes off as cold, mean, and distant. This is due to a fear of abandonment and that when she gets close to people, they'll ultimately leave her behind, so she stopped trying. For her, it was safer to just keep a distance from people, even her own family, rather than expose herself to being hurt again. 

Nevina is much like her father, stubborn! It’s hard for her to see things from another person's perspective and only cares about her own wants and needs. It's rare she'll go out of her way for others, but there's a part of her that wants to try and be what she needed when she was growing up.

She tends to surprise people once she’s opened up to them with how insightful and observant she is. Often hanging back and people watching for some time. Often times they don't realize she's there and has a knack for getting dirt on someone without them realizing it.

People also discover how resourceful and playful she is, often able to make repairs with what she has laying around and warning people the repairs won’t last long. She tends to play playful jokes on her loved ones, she is a bit of a tease as well, often trying to get under Ratchet’s skin and it end up working. As a mother, she’s overly protective and worries a lot about her cubs. She just doesn’t want them to go through what she went through as a child.  

Born the bastard child of Alister Azimuth and his fling, Maeve Capricorn, Nevina spent the first few years of her life growing up in the main capital of Fastoon. It was here, she spent a great deal of time with her father, who doted on her and practically gave the girl anything she wanted. She loved her parents dearly and watched as they slowly fell back in love with each other. But that didn't last long, by the time Nevina was three years old, Tachyon attacked causing her whole world to fall into chaos.

After this, Maeve took her daughter to raise in the Bogon Galaxy, on planet Grelbin. From this point on, Nev was made to stay inside the house, only being allowed to go outside for short periods of time under her mother's watchful eye and wasn't allowed to wander very far. As much as she missed her father, things would remain quiet and uneventful until her mother fell ill from an old lung injury she'd sustained during the attack, on top of some damage from smoke inhalation. Not sure what her fate would be and afraid of her daughter being left alone, Maeve managed to track down and leave Nevina with Alister, who by this point was distant and didn't know how to be a father and as a result, it left Nevina being emotionally neglected. It wasn't long after Nev was left to live with Alister that she found out she had a half brother named Ben. Who she would go on to spend most of her teenage years taking care of.

By eighteen years old, Nev had enough of feeling like a cadet and ran away. For a time she managed to find work among the vullards and spent her time there before running across some old faces and repairing broken relationships. These days she's found living inside of her shop "The Red Dawn weapons and junk shop" selling used parts, weapons, and scrap metal and trying to keep her little family intact. 


  • Astrometry
  • Cold nights
  • People watching
  • Sleep


  • Wet fur
  • Obnoxious people
  • Her shows being interrupted 
  • Her family being messed with


  • Watching her afternoon soaps
  • Stargazing




Nicknames include: Evie, Hellcat, and Nev

Her tail often conveys her emotions. Even when she's lying about how she feels, and it's joked her tail is more honest than she is.

Due to her upbringing, she never felt like she belonged with the lombaxes, and felt more at home among the vullards. 

Yes, she has a tail. I have a headcanon where lombaxes, regardless of sex/gender, are like cats. They either have tails, or they don't. 

She's always seen wearing a blue bandana with stars




The pair didn't seem to care for each other at first. The idea of the pair dating each other didn't sit well with each other. Even after a night of tequila and sex with each other. It took time and getting around her rough edges, Ratchet was able to get through to her and realized how broken she was, earning her trust was going to take a lot of time and showing her he wouldn't hurt her. Eventually, he was able to gain her trust after a rescue mission, and the pair slowly got closer over time. Ratchet is the only person she's willing to vulnerable with, willing to depend on him when she needs to. 



The pair have a tumultuous relationship. As a child, she loved her father, but when she was left to live with him, he had become detached and uneasy to bond with. Even trying to seek comfort from him only resulted in just standing near him as she clutched him tightly while he did work and hardly acknowledged the poor child. As a teenager, the pair began to argue and fight with each other. Nev now fed up with how he treats her, and Alister unable to treat her like a daughter and more like a cadet that he was distant with. After an incident involving her being kidnapped and nearly harmed, Nev had enough and ran away, never speaking to Alister again. 



Nev loved her mother dearly as a child. Maeve was everything to the little one, a hero, a protector, and her only friend aside from a stuffed lombax toy that Alister gave her as a child. After her mother became sick, Nev did everything she could to keep her mother in good health. But sadly, it wasn't enough, and was left behind to live with her father. Nev spent years thinking her mother was dead, but after following her brother to an abandoned moon base it was discovered Maeve had survived. Betrayed, Nev spent months if not a few years before she was willing to even speak to her mom. 


Half Brother

Ben is her little brother, a result of a one night stand like she was. The pair were somewhat close to each other until she got to be a teenager. Nev felt more like she was meant to be a sitter or a mother figure for Ben as opposed to an older sister. This left her conflicted with how she felt about her role, but she did love him regardless and would stand up for him and spend time with him when he wanted to. Things only fell apart after she found out he knew about her mother being alive and getting the attention and affection she'd been starved of growing up and caused strife between them. It took years before the two talked again and worked out their problems.