


4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Rion

Birthday: 06/29 (2019)

Region/Affiliation: Sumeru

Vision: Dendro


Constellation: Geminae Caules Rosae (Twin Rose Stalks) 



A pair of outlander twins that found each other again in the vast lands of Teyvat. 

The two now reside in Sumeru. 

Rion is the younger brother of the two; he is a careful boy with a gentle attitude and cold exterior.   Perhaps it’s his insecurity, but he uses his unassuming looks to outsmart others, often putting on a prickly attitude at times to hide his weaknesses. He dislikes uncomfortable situations and does a lot of running away. He knows his limits and will pick his fights well… unless engaging in a petty argument… 

Personality Traits/ Other 

Both twins have a tendency to be self-centred and sometimes lack empathy altogether when not understanding something: Rion specifically is a bit vain. (His hair has to be parted in a certain way) and is a bit of a perfectionist, getting frustrated and lashing out at others when things go wrong. 

Dislikes people who are slow to catch on and will not give you the time of day/show blatant disapproval to those who don’t meet his standards. Also dislikes “childish” behaviour, despite being a child himself. 

Serious, reserved, responsible, prideful. Can get startled easily. As he’s quite careful, he’s great at thinking things through and considers the safety of those he likes. 

Can be a little bossy, likes to have control of the situation. He sometimes has a smirk on his face that annoys people to no end. If he’s unable to enforce control, it’s obvious he’s not in a good mood. Has a tendency to complain a lot. 

Checks in often on people he cares about. Their temperature, hunger, thirst, etc. Graceful- when sorry, he’ll genuinely express it, though rare. 

Good at acting and may have a tendency to lie (to himself too…) due to his many insecurities. Enjoys reading.

Go big or go home— he doesn’t like to do things half-assed so if he puts his mind to it, he’ll do it. If he doesn’t understand something, he’ll do his best to try.