


4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Rynn

Birthday: 06/29 (2019)

Region/Affiliation: Sumeru

Vision: Dendro


Constellation: Geminae Caules Rosae (Twin Rose Stalks) 



A pair of outlander twins that found each other again in the vast lands of Teyvat.
The two now reside in Sumeru.

Rynn is the older sister of the two; she is somewhat cheeky and mischievous with a sociable personality. She has a tendency to be a bit blunt with words, and finds herself in the role of the troublesome one. She can be a bit manipulative to get the outcome she desires, and loves to mess with people, specifically those whom she finds cute. Messing with those she dislikes may become much more severe…

Personality Traits/ Other 

Both twins have a tendency to be self-centred and sometimes lack empathy altogether when not understanding something: Rynn specifically feels that she may be better than everyone and puts herself first sometimes. She doesn’t always take people seriously which can cause problems down the line.

She picks favorites and may choose to give you attention if she finds you “worthy” or cute enough.

Cheerful and observant; takes pride in being helpful to others. Nosy, curious (to an extent. May lose interest fast.) 

Is easily entertained. Enjoys asking personal/sensitive questions to get under people’s skin and to see their reactions; this is usually done in good faith, she ends up feeling very sorry if they get too upset. 

Likes learning about others and is a good listener when engaged enough. If you need help with something, (moral or not) she’s got your back with not much hesitation. 

Gossipy and sometimes shallow. Spreads rumours easily but doesn’t really understand it’s bad. Finds it hard to see things from others’ perspective. 

When she wants something, she tries to take it… prioritizes fun before most things.