


4 years, 11 months ago


✦ Details
AKAJazzy/Jazzer (friendly nicknames)/Blueberry (by Nip)/ Babe/Baby (Pepper)
PlaylistJaz's Playlist
  • "...Is it too late to change my mind? I’d like the coma now, please.”
  • (Playing Sims)
    Pepper: calls to real Jaz "BABE. Who are you flirting with?!?"
    (Jaz stops talking to Kalli and Matt and looks up bewildered.)
    Jaz: (realises) "Oh my god...it's leaking into real life..."
  • (Jaz has been roused from where he fell asleep earlier by Pepper's ranting.)
    Jaz: "...Who lit the firecracker."
  • (Zip runs to Pepper and hugs him).
    Tempest: "Let's put a pin in that, shall we??"
    (Jaz just scoops the two of them up).
    Jaz: "Hug 'n walk."
✦ Appearance
Body TypeMuscular
Fur ColourBlue/purple
Fur Length/TextureMedium-long and "crimped* (Think Devon/Cornish rex texture but longer).
Eye ColourLight blue
Clothing StyleSemi-formal, reserved.
Distinguishing Marks- Third claw on left hand is lighter/pinker than others, as it had to be regrown.
✦ Likes
The colour Purple
His boyfriend Pepper
✦ Dislikes
Having focus drawn to his sexuality.
Being judged by looks alone.
Nicknames (his name is 3 letters/1 syllable long lol).
✦ Hobbies
Listening to music
Sparring (often with Nip)
✦ Traits
Calm, level-headed, patient
Has a bad habit where he assume his methods are always best.
✦ Quirks
He can't eat/drink anything with milk in, as it makes him nauseous (milk allergy?)
The "mom friend", though he won't admit it.
Low alcohol tolerance.
Hates being cold.
Has a very "active" tail. It flicks a lot even when he's calm.
✦ Phobias
"Fingore" (trauma to hands/fingers/nails)
Eye damage
✦ Biography

Appearance (Cat):

  • Pretty tall, second only to Kalli. He's the most visibly muscled of the group.
  • He sometimes wears a necklace with a silver arrowhead pendant.
  • Though I usually draw them without, they will happily wear clothes.
  • Jaz's style would be quite reserved, possibly semi-formal. He's a shy boy.
✦ Trivia
● He's an introvert, and only really opens up to his friends. He's intelligent and quick-witted, and can quickly make jokes.
● He is calm and level-headed, often the mediator in a fight. It takes a lot to make him lose his temper, but he is a force to be reckoned with if something stirs enough him to fight. 
● He may seem stoic and reserved at first, but he is totally the mom friend and a big ol' softy at heart.
● He's an only child. 
● His fur is short and crimped, and had no "direction".
● The second tallest in the group.
● Has an unusually long tail.
● For a long time, he tried to ignore his sexuality- dating girls because that was "the thing to do". Eventually, he relented to his feelings and began dating Pepper, who has opened his horizons. He's still very uncomfortable with the label "gay", and will avoid calling himself that, but he's coming around with time.
● Nicknames vaguely annoy him as his name is only 3 letters long, but he gets nicknamed anyway.

✦ Relationships
PepperBoyfriends. Jaz is smitten with Pepper. Jaz's pet-name for Pepper is either "babe" or "Pep".
KaleidoscopeThey're pretty close, and get on well. Both have a deep love for music.
MattGets on pretty well with Matt. Matt's quite excitable and boisterous but Jaz's influence can (sometimes) calm him down a lot. Matt likes to goof around and try to make Jaz laugh- he's one of the few people who can make Jaz laugh consistently, to Matt's pride.
AlanJaz and Alan are very similar in personality, so they get on very well. They don't tend to talk much, though. Alan has a huge crush on Jaz, which Jaz might be vaguely aware of?
SkimbleIntellectual match. They have a good relationship, and both care for Pepper (Skimble's half-brother).
NipGood friends. Nip trusts Jaz a lot. Nip nicknames Jaz "Blueberry" sometimes, to his minor annoyance. They often practise fighting/wrestling together.

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