


7 years, 11 months ago



call me a reckless wrecking ball

age: 27 gender/pronouns: ambivalent (he/him)
birthday: 8/19 romo/sexual orientation: aromantic pansexual
occupation: resistance leader voice: physically cannot speak
species: monster, electric eel based alignment: chaotic neutral
name in kana: アナチョウ


         anachou is a 6’3” tall humanoid, with a muscular build, leaning a little more top-heavy. his skin is paper white, and he has black stripes on his arms and legs. his hair is black, and he cuts it himself, leaving it looking fairly messy and asymmetrical. he has a long, black and white striped tail like an eel’s body. he’s fairly scarred from his numerous battles over the years, with one of his most prominent being a scar on his neck from the injury that damaged his vocal cords and left him unable to speak. he has thick eyebrows and narrow eyes, with his iris and pupil both being black. he has gills on the sides of his neck, and the sides of his ribs.

         he prefers to keep as much of his skin covered as possible, with long pants and sleeves, gloves, and a face mask. his typical outfit is a black gakuran, shoes, and grey, black, or white face mask covering his nose and mouth. his teeth are misshapen and ragged, and he avoids having to show his teeth at all costs. he’s also usually carrying around an aluminum bat that he uses as a melee weapon.

         in terms of body language, anachou is hostile. often glowering at others, anachou tends to stand wide and tall, taking up as much space as he can. he’s very expressive with his hands, knowing japanese sign language and starting to learn american sign language. unfortunately, most of what he signs is vulgar, frequently swearing and just in general telling people to go to hell.


        in a word, anachou is destructive. he seems to be driven only by what decisions cause the most chaos, although he does show a modicum of restraint by abiding by what his resistance group wants instead of simply cutting loose and doing whatever he wants. honestly, he doesn’t like making decisions himself. he prefers to simply be pointed in a direction and told to fire. when left to his own devices, he is incredibly impulsive, and will charge into situations without any regard for his own personal safety. one may say he’s fearless, but really he just does not think about the potential outcomes of a situation before jumping into something.

        he’s not particularly book smart, and lacks emotional awareness as well. some of his violent outbreaks come simply from being unable to express emotion in a more subtle way. he has a fairly short fuse, and falls easily for others trying to provoke him. he has a hard time catching onto sarcasm or double meaning, and will often just take things at face value. he is able to sense when someone is straight up lying to him, and will call them out on that. he is also sensitive to being talked down to, and will react aggressively if he feels he’s being belittled.

        he is fairly withdrawn from most of the other monsters, partially because of the language barrier and partially because he’s not able to relate to them. to him, everyone else has been settled in this town for years and years, meanwhile he’s a proverbial fish out of water. deep down, he does feel lonely, but isn’t willing to acknowledge it. instead, he continues to be prickly towards anyone trying to be friendly with him, believing that no one can truly understand him.

        he’s persistent and determined, and will work tirelessly at a task once given a direction. he gets bored easily, which is one of the reasons he takes so well to being given orders as opposed to being the one giving them out. he doesn’t really care about doing purposeful work persay, and he mostly just is eager to have something to occupy his thoughts so that he doesn’t spiral into negativity. he is impatient, and seeks short term enjoyment over long term benefits.

        anachou doesn’t lie to others, not out of a desire to be honest but because he dislikes having to be deceptive. if forced into a position where he would need to lie, he would rather just not speak at all. he has very little pity or empathy, although he’s not so cruel as to be sadistic. he likes destruction, and will leap at the chance to cause property destruction, but in terms of fighting people or monsters, he mostly goes after people who are evenly matched or stronger than him. he will attack innocents if either told to, or out of desperation, but they aren’t his first choice for taking out his violent impulses.


        anachou lived in the ocean as a child. his family was part of a gang with other eel based monsters. he has a volatile childhood, being involved in the day to day dealings of the gang from a very young age. the gang was small, but made many enemies, and one day all the other rival gangs banded together temporarily to wipe out the eel gang. anachou barely made it out with his life, his throat having been stabbed. one of the eel gang members managed to call for medical help in the middle of the bloodbath, so anachou was saved. the rest of his family, blood and otherwise, was killed in the fighting. lost and alone, anachou wandered for a while before crossing paths with masame, who was someone fighting for good in the world. the two quickly became locked in a rivalry as two opposing forces evenly matched.

        enveloped in their rivalry as they were, neither of them paid much attention to the scenery, and so they both were swept to land by a hurricane. being thrust into an unfamiliar landscape only served to bring them closer together, although neither was willing to admit it as they both still considered the other their eternal enemy. they traveled across the continent, pursuing and fighting each other until they came to monstrucatus. there, they gained the attention of the school when they damaged some building through the course of their battles. monstrucatus captured masame, and anachou went into hiding, having the only person he knew in the world suddenly yanked away from him.

        anachou spent his days prowling the outskirts of the town, looking for people to take out his frustration on. it was there that he crossed paths with riley. riley, being a cyborg and having an auto translate function, was able to communicate with anachou. the eel basically dragged riley back to the building he was squatting in, and the two struck up a shaky alliance, with anachou basically pleading for riley to stay with him as a translator.

        riley’s natural charisma ended up drawing more monsters to the two of them, and they slowly started to form a group of monsters who all had some form of grievance with monstrucatus. anachou still harbored a grudge against the school for taking away masame, and made it his one goal to break her free from monstrucatus. he at least had the awareness to realize that going up against the entire school alone was a death wish. so for now, he bides his time and busies himself with smaller scale operations intending to annoy and inconvenience the school, since they don't really have the manpower for something big. he leaves the planning and paperwork to the other main leaders of the group, riley and seo-hyun, preferring to simply be a force of physical strength.


can breathe underwater or out of water prefers humid, hot days. he's naturally physically cold.
carries a pad of paper and pens around with him for communicating. his penmanship is awful but he's getting better likes spicy foods. not a vegetarian, but doesn't like red meat
knows japanese sign language, spoken/written japanese, and some scattered bits of ASL and English. riley is helping him with the latter two. however, he's adapted JSL to some extent, as he refuses to show his mouth so he doesn't use any “mouthing”
generates electricity in his body that he conducts through his aluminum bat smells like ozone and seawater
writes his name in katakana. its a portmanteau of the Japanese words “anago” (eel) and “banchou” (leader of a group of delinquents) his original origins had a lot of characters with similarly punny names (´・ω・`)

Important Relationships


riley desmond

   riley and anachou are friends with benefits, and two of the leaders of the resistance group. at first, anachou disliked riley, but still needed him to stay with him in order to make use of his translating abilities. so, he reeled back his violent tendencies just enough so that riley wasn't too repulsed. anachou isn't too enthusiastic about rileys continued attempts at a less superficial friendship, but maybe deep down he wishes that he could open up to someone again, so he never shuts down riley entirely. if nothing else, they are bonded together in their dislike of monstrucatus. anachou accepted rileys proposal of “benefits” to their relationship, viewing it as simply another way to blow off steam that isn't nearly as destructive as his usual habits.

   anachou somewhat envies riley’s carefree attitude. he doesn't necessarily want to be as light and flippant himself, but on some level he wishes he could let go of caring about the constant running and hiding thats become a staple of his life. he wishes riley would take things just a bit more seriously at times, seeing as anachou feels like their plans to take down monstrucatus are advancing at a snails pace.


seo-hyun mun

    anachou and seo-hyun are two of the leaders of the resistance. anachou to some extent feels a kinship with seo-hyun, seeing as she's as purposefully off putting and prickly as he is. seeing as she cannot see, and he cannot speak, their communication is limited to whenever riley can mediate between them. as such, they haven't talked much outside of things related to advancing the resistance's plans, but that suits them both fine. with riley being as outgoing and loud as he is, anachou appreciates seo-hyun as someone he can go to for peace and quiet, in the rare moments he craves that.

    anachou appreciates that seo-hyun can buckle down and fixate on the tasks that he finds boring. he dislikes that she works slowly, but considering that she has a metaphorical eye for detail he assumes she just takes extra time to review her work.



   anachou and masame are each others bitterest rivals, and closest friends. having met her when anachou was totally, utterly alone, he attached quickly to her, despite it being a relationship geared mostly around fighting each other. for anachou, that type of violence was all he knew, and perhaps unconsciously he assumed that all friendships needed it. regardless, masame took to it, and the two were locked in as rivals, and friends, in a strange sort of way. more than a few times they've ended up patching the other up after a particularly fierce battle.

   anachou hates masame and what she stands for- peace and justice in the world. to him, peace is boring and justice is never dealt fairly. at the same time, he respects that she's as reckless with her body as he is with his, and appreciates having a skilled fighter to go against. now that she's locked away in monstrucatus, anachou feels a sense of longing and grief that he's not sure how to deal with.