


4 years, 11 months ago


Sobek is a nasty character to most who meet him, though not at the fault of his very patient and caring rider. He was just born with a thorn in his foot. He snaps, nips, and otherwise causes trouble whenever he can. He's hot headed, intense, and aggressively pursues anything he wants within the rules his handler has set down, and sometimes outside of them. If he wants that prey that just swam past them in a race, he's going off course to get it whether Bran agrees or not - if he's riding him, he's just got to deal with it. He tries to act independent of his handler, but if something beats him too badly into the ground during a fight, he very much turns into the hatchling Bran reared and his ego is punctured for a few days after before he's back to his rowdy, fearless self. 

His handler, specialising in fire can just about handle him, and is slowly managing to pull the young dragon's reins just enough to be able to wrangle some of the bad behaviour out of him, but for now, and for a while, he's staying as he is