


4 years, 11 months ago


Shell is the middle child of the first three children of the fast made match between Speedy and Sobek. His traits seem to have been mostly inherited from his father - besides his tail. Shell is of medium intelligence, somewhere between Bek and Speedy, and often manages to communicate in semi-full sentences and have a self awareness superior to his brother Egg. Shell was also the last egg Speedy got to name before Bran snatched the final brother's egg from the clutch and named it himself to avoid him being called something as equally stupid, even if Egg and Shell were named with the upmost love and affection by their mother

Shell is often prone to boysterious, hard headed behaviour and an attitude that generally can be described as destructive. He finds joy in smashing up anything he can get his claws on, but Bek and Speedy have a handle on it. A Sobek on land is a scary thing to see, especially when they can use their tail as an extra hand to grab at things he wants. He has an eye for shiney things, but he understands that he can't always have what he wants - even if he throws a firey tantrum for it. Bran has learned from Sobeks aloof and brackish behaviour how to handle him, and rasing this dragon will be a lot easier... he hopes. And he has Levi to help this time, too

Shell tends to have a large love for equine, lamb and tuna meat, and will actively seek it out. He's very driven by food more then collecting