Ren (Dragon Form)




Species: Nephroceadon (Greater Krocean)
Family: Krocean
Domain: Oceanic
Class: Dragon
Height: 20ft+ / 600cm+ (never stops growing)
Length: 60ft+ / 1800cm+
Weight: 15,000lbs+ / 6,800kg+
Eyes: Blue
Theme: Ruler Guanzorumu - Monster Hunter Frontier G

Design Notes (For Artists)

  • Pay attention to the main silhouette of his body! He is mostly built of tapering triangle shapes interlocked with each other. His chest is the largest mass (example).
  • He does not have nostrils! He doesn't breathe air.
  • The only teeth he has are inside his stomach, there are none inside of his mouth.
  • The mandibles on his face are separate from his jaw, and can move independently. They do imitate the appearance of a jaw, but his real one is underneath.
    • The base of the antennae on his head are also flexible and can be maneuvered. They aren't stuck in position.
  • There are two sets of horns on his face that point forward, then one set that points backward and leads into the spines on his neck.
  • The ridge around his eyes behaves as an eyebrow, it's what I use so he can emotes.
  • Has 5 total claws on his front feet (including his 'thumb' claw), though I will sometimes simplify it to 4.


  • Can lay down in many different configurations depending on how he's feeling. He'll either splay out, lay on his side, or tuck all his legs in (example).
  • There's a special chamber in the palace dedicated to grooming Ren's dragon form. It takes a large team of servants to take care of him, however, only specially trained servants are allowed in. This is because the Emperor's dragon form is seen as holy, and not just any servant is permitted to touch him, let alone tend to him.
    • A typical session will include a bath, a deep scrub of his shell, an expression of the glands in his mouth to clear out his jet tract, a buffing of his horns, and finally a soak in an exquisite ointment to keep him smelling nice (regularly, he'll smell like salt water, but when it gets bad he'll smell like dead fish or a dirty aquarium tank).
  • The name 'Nephroceadon' derives from 'Nephropidae' which is the scientific name for the lobster family.




  • Ren doesn't have a hulk-like transformation when he changes into a dragon, rather it happens in a flash, as if you were to swap places with something. It takes a great deal of energy to change, so this transformation can't happen if he's too weak or tired. He'll be stuck in whatever state he's in until he can recover.
  • Because the brain of his dragon form is structured differently, he looses a minor level of awareness when he's a dragon. It's not a large difference, as he's still able to preform most of the cognitive function he could as a humanoid, but he doesn't have as much control of himself. He's more inclined to act on instinct and emotion, and because of that he can behave recklessly or illogically, making him slightly unpredictable.
    • He can understand words, but he cannot talk! He doesn't have the anatomical structure for that.
  • Ren is unable to transform if he's restrained or in a tight room. Think of it like a balloon that can spontaneously inflate at any given moment. If you tie that balloon up or contain it, it won't have the space to expand. However, if you tie the balloon up while it is inflated, it will still be able to deflate.
  • He keeps his clothes when he changes back, because the transformation is more like swapping places than a metamorphosis.
  • Ren's carapace is incredibly tough, and nearly impenetrable without powerful piercing equipment. It's thickest on his back, directly above his heart. Conversely, he has a soft and fleshy underbelly which makes him incredibly vulnerable if he were to be knocked on his back.
  • Unlike a fish whose gills would collapse from surface tension, Ren can be out of water for up to a week at a time, thanks to his gills being located on his belly in a cavity. Although, his gills need to remain cool and moist or he'll suffocate.
    • If his gills are drying out and he's desperate, he can discharge water stored in his water sacs to keep them moist for a little longer.
  • Next to his gills, Ren possess a pair of organs called water sacs. Though they have other uses, their main purpose is to serve as ammunition for a devastating water jet shot out of the mouth capable of splitting rock. When water passes through the gills, he can filter it into his water sacs for storage. When he chooses, a muscle will contract the sacs and send water rushing through the jet tracts that run up his neck, finally shooting the water out of orifices located in the mouth. A groove in his palate and the positioning of his tongue help condense and aim the stream.
    • The jet's power is ultimately decided by how forcefully he contracts his water sacs and how he positions his tongue. He will often playfully squirt water at people, which is entirely harmless.
  • His tongue is ribbed and tough to help with tearing food and to protect it from getting damaged by his water jet. He needs this kind of assistance with eating because he has no teeth in his mouth to chew, and therefore swallows his food whole. His stomach is what's lined with teeth, and it does most of the grinding.
  • His antennae can move forward or backward to get a better sense of his environment, and the antennules on his face simultaneously help him feel around and act as his sense of smell.
    • If he wants to get a better idea of something or someone, he'll brush his antennules against it. It tickles a lot.
    • His antennae are there primarily because his eyesight is quite bad. Because they're so sensitive, it can be excruciatingly painful if someone even so much as tugs on them. But contrarily, a gentle touch can feel quite nice. The equivalent of a belly rub for a dog.
  • Since he's coldblooded, he'll take on the temperature of his surroundings. The colder he gets, the slower he moves.
  • The 'thumb' claws on his front feet act as pincers. Known as the crushing claw, they can be clamped down at incredibly high speeds, making it a devastating attack to get caught in.
  • The carapace on the bottom of his feet softens up into something resembling a pad, giving his body more support when he walks.
  • Ren does not possess a pair of lungs, however he does have air sacs similar to that of a cetacean. While also serving to help control his vertical height underwater, these organs primary function is that of sound production and communication. With a special vocal box capable of producing vibrations when either water pressure or air pressure is passed through, Ren is capable of producing a powerful call. The resulting sound is a deep, gurgled bellow, reminiscent of a thundering waterfall.
  • Ren also communicates through twittering and chirping made by rubbing his antennae together. He usually does so when he's happy.
  • If he's pissed or feels threatened, he'll grind the teeth in his stomach to make an awful grating growl. It sounds like creaking, and the vibrations can be felt if you are close enough to him.


Take me to his humanoid form!