Korosu (The Red Basilisk)



The Red Basilisk
curse • demon • killer 

The Red Basilisk is the name of a high-level demon that can inhabit the body of dragons born with black blood. Unlike a typical possession wherein a demon can be exorcised from a body, the Red Basilisk can live inside a dragon with black blood without fear of exorcism. When a dragon with black blood is born, The Red Basilisk can enter their body and live inside of it like a parasite. It is usually viewed as a symbiotic relationship wherein the host gives the Basilisk the ability to freely roam the world while the Basilisk offers incredible power. There are only two dragon Weyrs known to possess dragons with such blood: Kyoaku and Banuego. Kyoaku dragons are seen as having the ideal temperament to house the Red Basilisk as they are all too eager to fight and shed blood. Banuego dragons have a similar aggressive temperament but are much less commonly recipients of the black blood gene. 

The Red Basilisk can either supply its host with power or completely take over the host's body and act on its own accord. The Red Basilisk typically only takes over the host's body if they do not satiate its lust for carnage. With enough determination, a host can typically keep the Red Basilisk at bay. It can also emerge if the host is severely injured, or if the host's emotions flare high. Additionally, the Red Basilisk naturally takes over its' host on blood moons and cannot be staved - even with the use of willpower of magic.  

The Red Basilisk has incredible combat prowess. It has the advantage of both being a talented swordsman and an unusual, aggressive, and difficult to predict fighting style. It makes the hosts' body move in a flexible and quick manner, quite like the movements of a snake. This can make it difficult to predict how it will attack. In addition to its sword fighting techniques, the Red Basilisk boasts impressive physical strength as well as demonic powers. When enraged, it may skip the sword altogether and fight with fangs and claws. If the Red Basilisk overuses the host, black blood will leak out of the hosts' mouth and eyes - eventually leading to threatening levels of blood loss. Complete overuse may lead the host to pass out or even enter a coma-like state.


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