Korosu (Figure Skating AU)



4 years, 5 months ago


Koro Kyoaku

Name Koro Kyoaku
Age Nineteen
Gender Male
Race Japanese American
DivisionIce Dance


  • Ice dancing
  • Music
  • Bambi
  • Sukiyaki
  • Baked goods


  • His nickname
  • Pair skating
  • Sleep paralysis
  • content

adjective . adjective . adjective

As a young child, Koro had a deep love for music and dancing. His late father used to religiously watch professional figure skating and Koro would watch with him. The two of them used to go skating together for fun and it kickstarted his interest in professional skating. Koro started off in individual junior skating, but found that he did not enjoy it as much as he thought it would. His manager, Satsujin, suggested that he try pair skating as it focuses more on artistry and less on jumps. Koro started to skate with his new partner, Straza, and they were a fairly popular and up-and-coming pair team. At one competition, Koro did not get enough sleep due to his sleep paralysis and accidentally messed up his throw. Straza's ankle practically shattered from the impact and ended up having to retire early. Horrified, Koro decided to stop pair skating. At the behest of his manager, Koro tried out ice dancing as it does not require any throws and truly emphasizes music and artistry. After many failed connections, Koro finally found a partner he could connect with in a skater named Aspyn.

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