


4 years, 10 months ago



High-Ranked Spiritual Guide


Name Angeleve Yuhinoharo
Alias Angel
Gender Female
Age Dead, but her physic let think she died around her 28 years old
Birthday She doesn't remember
Sexuality Heterosexual
Alignment Good
Occupation Spiritual Guide and Angel
Species Wolf
Playlist link


Relationship Status: Single


[ Daughter ] [ Song ]

Kelaya is Angel's daughter. Both we're pretty close before Angeleve's death, and were spending almost all of their free time togheter making so many different things, traveling or experiencing new things. Angel was Kelaya's confident, and it was the same for Angel. When Angel died and found herself in heaven, Kelaya was the person she was missing the most. But now, Angeleve doesn't remember her daughter at all, her memories having been erased. She sometime have flashback of her past life and see Kelaya a bit blurred, but nothing more.


[ Old Husband ] [ Song ]

Orson was Angeleve's husband in her past life, before she dies. They were a stable couple who were working well togheter. But now, Angel doesn't remember a single thing about him, her memories of her past life being erased.


[ Big Brother ] [ Song ]

In her childhood, Dai was Angel's best friend, what was kind of surprising considering their 7 years of age difference. They were always sticking togheter and were sharing everything. But Dai moved from their familial home, and got more distant, at the dispair of Angel. But then, Angel moved and made her own family, and they became even more distant. They were still keeping contact and such, but a way less. It was still hurting Angeleve at the age of 28 about how they became distants, tho. But now, she forgot about her big brother, like all of her past life, having lost her memory.


[ Old Patient ] [ Song ]

Verigan is one of Angel's old patient as a spiritual guide. Angel saved Verigan from killing a part of her family and some friends, and from suicide twice. Without Angel, Verigan would be in hell at the moment, and she knows it, explaning why she is so grateful to this one, which is pretty rare from her.


[ Old Failed Patient ] [ Song ]

Triologie is one of the two old failed patient Angel ever had in her 10 years of career. Angel tried hard to change Triologie for her to be a good person, but it was already hopeless in advance.


[ Relationship ] [ Song ]

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Basic Personality

  • • Wise
  • • Charming
  • • Pretty Smart
  • • Can sometime be pretty innocent
  • • Honest, maybe sometime a bit too much
  • • Can sometime be flirty, but will never be serious about it
  • • Patient

Personality Description

Angeleve is a somewhat blissful angel from the point of view of those who met her. She is kind, honest, respectful and wise, and always knows how to give good advice. But from her perspective, Angel knows she has a long way to go. Empathy isn't something she feels, whether it's for people she values or people she guides. She can't seem to experience pure, true love too. Yes, she enjoys the company of some people, but until now, she has never really said "I love you" to anyone. Or rather since her death. She remembers saying it in her life, before being a spiritual guide, but nothing more. At the same time, it's not something that really worries her, in fact she doesn't really care. This allows her not to become attached to the people she helps, and thus to better guide them towards the brightest path for them, no matter if there will be hard trials to overcome which could even turn fatal or not. Angel does what is right for her and takes her job very seriously, though it doesn't always work out. Her work as a spiritual guide is her primary reason for continuing to be regarded as an angel.


• Angel is a spiritual guide helping souls in need who still reside on earth.
• Angel is respectful and punctual, no one have never seen her arrive late or anything.
• Angel never wears jewelry or anything that puts her in value, only her natural charm turns some heads.

Personality Breakdown















Fighting Style
Angel has never had to fight anyone since her death, and therefore has no experience in this matter. She wouldn't know how to go about it and would probably try to dodge instead of attack.

Special Skills
Angel is an angel, a ghost, which means that his body in the body of the living is only a kind of image. She therefore cannot be touched. In the world of the dead, she only has her wings which can be considered special. So, she can fly, but thats all.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Escape
  • Finding good strategies and almost perfect solutions to even the biggest problem
  • Dodge
  • Fight
  • Resisting to strong attacks
  • Any other fighting styles

The fact that Angel cannot feel true love can be both a benefit and a disadvantage, and if by some great misfortune her plans don't work out and she's done, she won't know what to do and will therefore be completely useless.


Health Rundown


Physical Illnesses
  • None.
Mental Illnesses
  • None.


Height 5'5
Weight 115
Body Type Slim
Posture Elegant
Sex Female
Blood Type A+
Drinks? No
Smokes? No
Drugs? No

Angel is an angel and one of the most high ranked one, and she lives in heaven, how could she possibly do one of those.

Anatomical Anomalies



  • To sucess at guiding a soul to a good path
  • Her work
  • Origami
  • Baking (tho she's bad at it)
  • When one of the soul she guided finally finish in a worse path then at the beginning and that she fails at her mission, even tho this rarely happens
  • Being ignored by the souls she helps
  • Not being able to find a solution to a problem
  • Board Games
  • Her work.
  • Nothing else.


"I was born to be an angel." -NAME

"Here at the service of your mental health." -NAME

"I'm here because I need to, not because I want to." -NAME


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In her past life, Angeleve was a simple citizen of a developed city. Her job was basic, French teacher. Angel had a daughter, a big brother and a husband. She was always calm, positive and smiling, and determined to complete her goals and help her students succeed in their year. Angel had a calm, full and happy life, with a docile and gentle daughter who often worried about her and the fact that she slept little because of the hardworking but perfect work she was preparing for her students. Angel and her daughter were both very close. Angel's husband was fair, bossy and intelligent, and always knew what to say to persuade someone to think a certain way, everyone except Angel, which he had fallen in love with. But during a school trip with her students, while they were crossing a street to get to the museum opposite, a car driven by someone who had been drinking too much hit her head on. Seeing the car arrive, Angel had barely had time to push the student who was near her away, this one having only lost a foot which had ended up under one of the wheels of the car. in this accident. She, Angel, lost her life there.

After her death, Angel obviously found herself in Heaven. At that moment, she still remembered her past life, and was just confused and lost as to why she was in this shining and unknown place. But when she realized she was dead, she didn't panic or anything like that. She was just happy that she could save her student, and sad that she couldn't see the people she loved again. So she learned later where she was, and that she would see her relatives again when they died. Angel lived about 5 years among the other deads in paradise, already noticed by the angels, who had to recruit more of theirs for multiple tasks. These knowing everything about her past life, she seemed an ideal candidate to be a spiritual guide.They therefore offered her this important role, which all the deads knows and honor, and Angel accepted, of course. She knew what the job was and thought it would suit her. The thing she didn't know was that her memories would be erased, like those of all angels. One night, she was asked to go to the annex of the angels as quickly as possible as a matter of urgency, only to finally get hit on the head and suffer a spell to take all her memories. Only bits of her past life were still in her memory from that moment on, and she had, instead of memories of her 5 years past among the normal dead, a memory of her being chosen before her death in the world of the living and to ascend into the heavens to become a spiritual guide. For her, it was her destiny to become a spiritual guide. It was then that Angel gained her halo. The fact that angel's memories are erased is one of the main reasons why they rarely interact with normal deads. Angel initially started out as the lowest rank of Spiritual Guides, but very quickly rose to the highest ranks. This was the second fastest Spirit Guides to rise through the ranks so quickly in the history of Heaven. Since then, Angel has done her job to perfection and is highly respected among her angelic colleagues. She also trained ten spirit guides, all of whom are also quite high in rank. Whenever small fragments of her past strike her, Angeleve tries to assimilate them with the rest, but she accepts her loss of memory as if she lost something worthless, just like all her colleagues. She try to assimilate the small fragement of memories she get with the time only for kill Angel has no idea that she had a daughter, a brother, and a husband in her past life.

Last edited 12/01/2020

Original Code is Frame by   Eggy, heavily edited by   Auccultist (version 1.4.2)