


4 years, 11 months ago



Name Archer
Age 22
Gender M
Race Human
Role Range - Support


  • Feels responsible to lay down his life for the greater good
  • His nation is most important to him
  • Anything can be accomplished with teamwork
  • Sacrifice is a necessary stepping stone for success


  • Xenophobic
  • Cult-like faith in his country and its leader
  • Gullible
  • Defensive when it comes to his culture and the rigid rules of the military


  • Charismatic, Optimistic, Polite, Honest, Brave
  • Stubborn, Martyr complex, Xenophobic, Gullible, Defensive
  • Extravert, Inqusitive

A cog in the machine, nothing more, nothing less.

Archer refuses to speak much about his history, but anyone who hasn't lived deep in a secluded forest knows the reputation of his country. Sciyr is a highly aggressive human nation with a long history of violent, calculated, and opportunistic leaders. Sciyr is known to the outside world for constantly starting wars and its soldiers have a reputation for being vicious, perfectly willing to die if it means taking their enemies down with them. There are rumors that children can be found among their ranks. The way Archer speaks of his country, one would think they're the most fair and kind country around. He refuses to indulge any personal information, including his name, and wouldn't deign to remove his helmet or uniform in the presence of others, even when it causes him discomfort in warm climates. Despite the sinister implications of Archer's upbringing, he gets along with almost anyone willing to speak with him, and seems to be generally happy.

Strength 12(+1)
Dexterity 14(+2)
Constitution 13(+1)
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8(-1)
Charisma 15(+2)

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