


4 years, 10 months ago



Name Cryo
Orientation Pansexual
Age 24 years
Gender Genderless, male pronouns
Species Grem2
occupationDJ / Dancer
relationship StatusSingle
Masterlist #2443

Height  183cm / 6'0ft

+ Calm, polite, friendly, flirty, casual, good listener

- Reserved, very cold when angry, can hold grudges for pretty long time, insecure but hides it

Cryo is a pretty friendly grem when first meeting him. He loves meeting new people and socializing, but on the long run people notice how reserved he can be despite this. He rarely lets anyone close to him emotionally, keeping a rather wide variety of friends but doesn't really allow anyone too close to him. Cryo rarely invites people to his home, rather keeping the meetings outside. 

He doesn't really talk about his past or himself that much. Cryo likes to listen to other talk, hearing about their intricate lives and hobbies but he dislikes doing the same thing about himself. Is insecure about himself, and would rather die than let anyone know about it. Hides it behind a veil of confidence or just straight up ignores if he has any problems. 

Cryo can be little flirty, but he is never overbearing or too forward with it, using it as a way to flatter people and get them to relax. But despite this front, under the layers Cryo is very insecure and unsure of himself and how others view him, so while he is sincere with his actions, some of them are veiled under the need to prove others of his character. 

Overall, Cryo is a nice friend that people often have fun with. But under his friendly calm nature, love for music and dancing, he often seems bit melancholic.


  • Music, knows how to sing pretty well.
  • Playing his ukulele and synthesizer. 
  • Space.
  • Dancing, knows many styles and is fairly apt in them.
  • Partying; arcades, discos, movietheaters etc.
  • To gossip.
  • His motorcycle. 
  • Traveling.


  • Trashy people.
  • Loud noises surprisingly.
  • Drunkards, likes to drink himself but doesn't like people who don't know when to stop.


Background - WIP

design notes

  • Traits
    • Ears: Knicked
    • Neck: Royal
    • Tail: Thick

Cryo has very soft figure, teeters between masculine and feminine build, creating a good combination of the two. Has an hourglass figure, though not very extreme one. 

Cryo often wears somewhat flashy but not too overbearing clothing. Takes inspiration from vaporwave/neon punk/retro aesthetic.

misc. info

Owns a motorcycle that he loves to death. Often maintains and upgrades it himself. 



Character  [ Friend ]

Old friend. I appreciate his company but sometimes he's just too much.


Character  [ relationship ]

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Character  [ relationship ]

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