Owl (RSW: Owlheart)




Name : Owlheart
PREFIX –– Owl-: her brown facial markings
SUFFIX –– -heart: her kindness and vivacity
Past names : Owlkit, Owlpaw
Nicknames : Owl, Clan Grandma
Age : 119+ moons
Gender : Female
Pronouns : She/her
Sex : Female
Sexuality : Pansexual panromantic
Rank : Queen
Past Ranks : Kit, apprentice, warrior
Clan : CloudClan
Past Clans : n/a
Mentor : Hayshine
Apprentice :
Current Apprentice : n/a
Past Apprentices : Flamepaw, Leafdrift

Short description : black barless ticked lynx point molly with sky blue eyes
Breeds : moggy

Build : Owlheart is a slim, long-legged molly. She has large ears, as well as a long muzzle and tail with large, round eyes. She posesses oriental features.
Fur description : Short and coarse

Height : 28 cm
Weight : 7.3 lbs

Scars : Large scars on her shoulders and haunches as well as one going across her muzzle
Accessories : n/a
Banned traits : n/a

good . neutral . bad
Positive :
Kind : Owlheart is very sweet and friendly, and loves doing things for others. She would do anything for the cats around her without expecting anything in return.
Loyal : Owlheart would willingly claw out her own eyes before betraying someone she loves, meaning that she is very, very good at keeping secrets. She sticks by her clan through thick and thin, and would never run away if things got tough.
Peppy : Owlheart is cheerful and positive no matter what's going on. She strives to always look on the bright side of things and to never let anything get her down.

Neutral :
Idealistic : Owlheart has very specific ideas of what the world should be like, but unfortunately the world doesn't always align with them. When this happens, it upsets her greatly, despite the world constantly doing it.
Open book : Owlheart is pretty much an open book. Her face constantly expresses every emotion she's feeling quite obviously, and she doesn't make an effort to hide it either.
Absent-minded : Owlheart is often lost in her own thoughts, not paying attention to the world around her. This does bolster her creativity, though.

Negative :
Gullible : Owlheart would pretty much believe anything you told her, short of it being a bright green cat... and even then, she might. This makes her an easy target for manipulators and bullies.
Naive : Owlheart genuinely believes that everyone has pure intentions and no one would ever want to hurt her. Boy is she wrong! It hurts her very deeply when cats use her.
Oblivious : Owlheart wouldn't notice subtleties or secrets even if they jumped out in front of her face. As for her surroundings, well, she's very easy to sneak up on.
  • Heather
  • Positivity
  • Kittens
  • Conflict
  • Lies
  • Leaf-bared
Fears : Losing her last living kit
Habits : Owlheart often visits all seven of her kits' graves, as well the graves of her grandchildren who've passed.
  • Owlheart's child, Quailmeadow, was originally going to be named Hawkkit.
  • Owlheart was originally going to be named Juniperheart.

Agility [ 9/10 ]
Stealth [ 5/10 ]
Speed [ 10/10 ]
Strength [ 4/10 ]
Endurance [ 6/10 ]
Climbing [ 4/10 ]
Swimming [ 4/10 ]

Sight [ 5/10 ]
Scent [ 5/10 ]
Hearing [ 5/10 ]
Taste [ 5/10 ]
Touch [ 5/10 ]

Den building [ 6/10 ]
Battle [ 5/10 ]
Hunting [ 5/10 ]
Kitting [ 7/10 ]
Herbal [ X/10 ]

Father : Snakefang : grey tabby tom with green eyes
Mother : Brownheart : cinnamon colourpoint she-cat with blue eyes
Stepmother : Snowsong > white and grey she-cat with amber eyes

Sister : Rainkit : grey tabby molly
Brother : Littlekit : pale brown tabby tom

Stepsister : Frondheart : dilute calico molly
Stepbrother : Whitefoot : white tom

Daughter : Finchbreeze : lilac lynx point molly
Son : Magpieflight : black silver colourpoint tom
Son : Chestnut : cinnamon tom
Son : Falconscreech : grey broken tabby tom
Daughter-in-Law : Mottledfoot : chocolate tortoiseshell molly
Son : Ravenfrost : dark grey tom with a pale undercoat

Child : Flickercloud : black mackerel tabby cat
Child : Quailmeadow : cinnamon lynx point cat
Son : Shrikefoot : grey lynx point tom
Son-in-Law : Warrenpath : caramel tabby tom

Granddaughter : Rootcry : fawn barless ticked tabby molly
Granddaughter : Poppysnap : black tortoiseshell molly with white
Grandson : Thistleflame : grey barless ticked tabby tom with white spots on his back
Granddaughter : Lilypetal : grey spotted caliby molly

Granddaughter : Peanut : cinnamon sepia lynx point molly
Granddaughter : Tiramisu : white molly with cinnamon spots and a missing leg

Granddaughter : Martenfang : black mink point molly
Grandchild : Blackstrike : black tom with white paws
Grandson-in-Law : Whitetalon : albino tom

Grandson : Juncogaze : grey barred ticked tabby tom
Grandson : Chickadeehop : black calico tom
Granddaughter : Duckkit : bicolour chocolate tabby molly
Granddaughter : Quailbelly : black snow marbled tabby
Grandchild : Rabbitlily : lilac lynx point cat

Step Granddaughter : Lilybreeze : cinnamon calico molly
Step Grandson : Elkstone : bicolour black tabby tom
Step Grandson : Mountaincall : white tom with cinnamon patches

Great Granddaughter : Crocusclaw : black spotted sepia lynx point molly with white
Great Granddaughter : Bellflowerfox : fawn mink lynx point molly with white
Great Granddaughter : Cygnetpaw : white molly with grey tabby patches
Great Grandson: Frogletfern : caramel sepia lynx point tom

Great Grandson: Weaselwind : black mink point tom with white
Great Grandson: Ferretpaw : black sepia tom with white

Great Granddaughter: Hazelnut : cinnamon and white molly
Great Grandson: Powder : silver ticked tabby tom

Great Granddaughter: Fireflypaw : grey marbled torbie molly with white
Great Granddaughter: Squirrelpaw : chocolate silver classic tabby molly

Mate : n/a
Previous mates : n/a
Romantic interests : n/a
Looking for : Nothing

Likes in a potential mate :

Disikes in a potential mate :
Hates kits

Interested in kits : YES
Preferred family size : big


Kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] :Owlkit wasn't born in the happiest of circumstances; her littermates and mother had died from childbirth complications, leaving Owlkit the sole survivor; but even then she was very weak and the medicine cat didn't think she'd survive. However, Owlkit beat the odds and quickly grew stronger. Her father raised her while Snowsong provided the milk.

However, Snowsong and Snakefang grew closer rather quickly, especially since Snowsong's mate had also died a moon prior. Snowsong was a part of the family, but just as a friend at the time. Owlkit was very, very close with Snowsong's kits growing up and retains that closeness to this day. Their favourite game to play together was pretending to be in the leader, deputy and medicine cat positions; Owlkit usually ended up as the medicine cat because she wanted to see her friends happy; she didn't really mind. They made it through their kithood without a hitch!

Apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] :Owlpaw and her siblings were apprenticed together. She was assigned Hayshine, a kind yet strict senior warrior. Owlpaw was completely oblivious to the way Hayshine looked at her sometimes; Hayshine saw Owlkit's mother and Hayshine's first apprentice in the young she-cat, in both looks and personality. Owlpaw and Hayshine became very close, sharing a bond almost like grandmother and granddaughter.

When all of Owlpaw's dreams and expectations about the world were brutally crushed, it was Hayshine who was often there to comfort her. As a result, it was incredibly hard on her when Hayshine passed away the day before her final assessment. While Owlpaw still went through with it, she just barely passed as she was still grieving heavily.

Warriorhood [ 12 - 80 moons ] :Naturally, when Owlheart became a warrior, she even got the same suffix as her mother. It was a bittersweet moment for her because the mentor she'd come to consider her family wasn't there to call out her name. She cried a lot the night of the vigil, but she dutifully kept the laws of the vigil and wept in silence. Her early warrior days went by in a blur; Owlheart never really thought to enjoy them. She did eventually work herself out of that rut, but it took a fair bit of effort to really be okay again. She can say that still, to this day, that was the only thing that ever broke her. What really pulled her out of it was her father telling her that he and Snowsong were now mates, making Frondheart and Whitefoot, who had already been siblings in all but name, officially her step-siblings. Since then Owlheart has been trying her hardest to be the best warrior she can be.

Owlheart chose to have kits using a rogue donor. She eventually gave birth to a litter, Falconkit, Wrenkit, Magpiekit, Finchkit and Ravenkit. Once her kits were apprentices, twolegs began invading CloudClan territory, forcing them to move to HailClan for the foreseeable future. She was glad that none of her kits were taken by twolegs, though a little miffed to be taken from her home. They eventually all got forced into EmberClan until the twolegs left, allowing CloudClan to return home.

Owlheart's kits were given their warrior names, and she couldn't be prouder of them. However, soon after her son Wrenbelly disappeared into the twolegplace. She wasn't sure what had happened to him and missed her lost son. Later, she decided to have a second litter of kits, and because the universe is not kind to Owlheart's kits, that was when the Storm invaded and forced CloudClan out of their territory yet again. This time, however, some of Owlheart's kits were in HailClan while she was in MarshClan. She did not like being seperated from her kits like that, and was sad that they couldn't all be there to meet their new younger siblings, Shrikekit, Quailkit and Flickerkit. She was glad when all four clans came together to defeat the Storm and participated in the battle. However, she was rusty and sustained heavy wounds, causing scarring, but she was just glad to be home and in one piece.

After returning home to CloudClan, Finchbreeze chose to left to go to HailClan. Although she was sad, Owlheart understood that her daughter deserved to be happy and let her go. She was much less happy when Ravenfrost knocked Deerhop up and left. No cat should ever leave his kits. Because of that she chose to disown her son.

She got to see Wrenbelly soon after. She learned that he'd become a kittypet named Chestnut, and even had two daughters, Tiramisu and Peanut. She was thrilled when Peanut chose to join CloudClan and change her name to Thrasherpaw- a bird name, just like how Owlheart named her kits. She watched with pride as her grandkits trained alongside eachother.

Then the war started, and Owlheart saw as her clanmates were ravaged by the war, and she made the decision to retire to the nursery. She'd always loved taking care of her kits, and now that she was slowing down in the field of action, she felt she could still be of use to her clan by taking care of and teaching the young. Kits came and went, and many good cats were lost to the war. Especially notable was Owlheart's son, Ravenfrost. While he had made some bad choices, he was still her son and she hated to see him pass away so soon. On the bright side, she was beginning to make a friend in the elders den; Hyenaspot had retired due to injury, and they were great company.

Queenship [ 80 - present moons ] :Eventually, her grandkittens all earned their warrior names. Poppysnap, Lilypetal, Rootcry, Thistleflame and Thrasherwing. Of course, she was devastated to see Lilypetal die. Her granddaughter was a shy little thing, completely undeserving of the horrific tunnel cave in that had claimed her life. And soon after, the war finally ended. Owlheart was glad to see it; it was causing nothing but bloodshed and heartache.

One day, Martenfang came into CloudClan camp, asking to join the clan. Owlheart was delighted to get to know her granddaughter and welcomed her warmly. As had happened many times before, Ashstar went missing, causing CloudClan to be without a leader until Sparkstar stepped up. But more importantly, it left his daughter, Partridgekit, completely alone. Owlheart took care of her up until she left the nursery, along with Partridgekit's aunt, Waverose.

Unfortunately soon, Sparkstar passed away, leaving Starlingstar in charge. Owlheart liked him; he was a good tom and would lead the clan well. She was surprised, though, when her son Shrikefoot and his mate, Warrenpath, had kits of their own. She could swear they had been in the nursery just yesterday! Time seemed to pass so quickly in her old age. She was thrilled to meet her newest grandkits, Quailkit and Rabbitkit.

However, all was not well. Hyenaspots passed away from an infection. Owlheart was hurt by their death; they were her closest friend. She grieved quietly, often visiting their grave with flowers. She had hoped that maybe she could have found love with them, even in her old age, but it seemed like that just wasn't in the cards for her. Owlheart was quite ready to live out the rest of her life peacefully, but the clans were just full of drama. On top of her child Flickercloud and her granddaughter Rootcry's passing, she was hearing word of spies in her own clan. She was too old for this nonsense.

Several HailClan cats moved into CloudClan. It reminded Owlheart of when she and her kittens took shelter in HailClan, though she had been far younger back then. On top of that, her children appeared to be dropping like flies- Magpieflight was hit by a car and subsequently killed. She didn't know how much more heartbreak she could take. Alas, Falconscreech died too, suddenly ill and then gone. She had now lost more than half of her children. Not only had she known the worst pain a mother could know, she had known it five times.

Drakefeather and Grasshopperhill were revealed as the CloudClan spies in one great, big mess. Owlheart watched more young cats die, and StarClan, she was tired of seeing it. The older she got, the more she realized how incredibly lucky she was to make it to such an age. Eventually HailClan went home, and Owlheart was left to her normal life, to take care of her clan's young.

Shortly after everything all ended, Owlheart was excited to see her other HailClan grandchild, Blackstrike, move into CloudClan with their mate, Whitetalon. She was glad to be able to get to know them better, although she did wonder how Finchbreeze was holding up now that both of her kits had chosen to leave HailClan.

When their medicine cats, Waverose and Bramblewhisper died, Owlheart was worried. She was glad that Creamytail from MarshClan had agreed to train Cirruspaw, so that they would not be left without medical aid. As winter came by and resources got shorter, cats decided that it was the perfect time to start having lots and lots of kits. Though Owlheart would never say it, she personally thought these families were all being a little irrespnsible. There were much better times to have kittens than in the middle of a resource shortage. Still, she carried on and tried to help these kittens the best she could

Sadly, Shrikefoot passed away. Owlheart was inconsolable after hearing the awful news. That meant that now, of her eight kits, only Finchbreeze had managed to make it to elder age. Owlheart would have given up her own life in a heartbeat if it meant that Shrikefoot would have lived all the life he still had to live, but that kind of wishing never brought back any of her six other deceased children.

She was somewhat cheered when Shrikefoot's mate, Warrenpath, had a second litter on its own, and when Rabbitlily gave her her first great grandchildren. Great grandchildren, goodness. Owlheart still felt like she was far too young to have great grandchildren, but here they were. Besides, she could feel her age in her bones now. She knew, and felt physically, that she was at the age where elders would one day soon enough go to sleep and simply never wake up. She could have felt scared of her impending death, but she didn't. She had lived a long, full life. Although, don't get her wrong, she still had some fight left in her! She was going to see her great grandchildren grow into adults, StarClan help her. She was stubborn enough to keep on this long, they could let her have a bit more.

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