Deer (RSW: Deerhop)




Name : Deerhop
PREFIX –– Deer-: the white spots on their back
SUFFIX –– -hop: their speed and bouncy steps
Past names : Deerkit, Deerpaw
Nicknames : Deer, Deerie
Age : 84+ moons
Gender : Bigender
Pronouns : They/them
Sex : Female
Sexuality : Pansexual panromantic
Rank : Elder
Past Ranks : Kit, apprentice, warrior, queen
Clan : CloudClan
Past Clans : n/a
Mentors : Violetcry, Lionsun, Goldenhaze
Apprentice :
Current Apprentice : n/a
Past Apprentices : Crabpaw, Rabbitlily

Short description : chocolate-cream ticked tortoiseshell catwith tuxedo white, a white half-mask on their face, white spots on their back and sky blue eyes
Breeds : Moggy

Build : Deerhop is a thin, tall feline, with long legs that give them the impression of grace. They have soft facial features, with upturned eyes.
Fur description : short, soft and velvety

Height : 29 cm
Weight : 7.2 lbs

Scars : n/a
Accessories : n/a
Banned traits : n/a

good . neutral . bad
Positive :
Polite : Deerhop is never one to deny any cat common courtesy. Saying their 'pleases' and 'thank yous' is very important to them.
Confident : While they aren't self-confident in the typical loud and proud way, they know who they are and won't let criticism bring them down. They feel as if self-love is important to have and keep, no matter what.
Empathetic : Deerhop empathizes easily with other cats. They feel others' feelings as their own.

Neutral :
Reserved : Deerhop isn't one for loud chitchat or oversharing. They'd rather relax and watch the clouds drift by then engage with other cats.
Mellow : Deerhop doesn't really hold grudges or fight unnecessarily. They'll go with the flow so long as said flow isn't harmful to anyone.
Dreamy : Deerhop is not the most practical of cats. Prone to daydreaming and inattention, they were quite the challenge to mentor.

Negative :
Disorganized : Deerhop is simply bad at organization. Always late, scattered flowers and prey bones in their den... it goes on.
Forgetful : Deerhop would likely forget their head if it wasn't attached to them. While they can learn quite well how to do things, the names of said things are a never-ending challenge for them.
Fanciful : Deerhop just doesn't have it in them to view things in a realistic way. This takes them on flights of fancy, where they think up an idealized version of events that more likely then not will never come to pass.
  • Clouds
  • Flowers
  • Butterflies
  • Fighting
  • Rudeness
  • Yelling
Fears : Losing another kit
Habits : They share tongues with the other elders and permanent queens every morning.
  • Deerhop's warrior name was originally going to be Deercloud.
  • Their design was based off of a fawn.

Agility [ 8/10 ]
Stealth [ 4/10 ]
Speed [ 9/10 ]
Strength [ 4/10 ]
Endurance [ 5/10 ]
Climbing [ 4/10 ]
Swimming [ 5/10 ]

Sight [ 5/10 ]
Scent [ 5/10 ]
Hearing [ 5/10 ]
Taste [ 5/10 ]
Touch [ 5/10 ]

Den building [ 5/10 ]
Battle [ 5/10 ]
Hunting [ 6/10 ]
Kitting [ 4/10 ]
Herbal [ 0/10 ]

Father : Bramblewhisker : black tabby tom with high white
Mother : Milkypool : cream molly with a chocolate overcoat

Sister : Darkkit : grey molly with a black overcoat
Brother : Dawnkit > cream tabby tom

Ex-mate : Ravenfrost : dark grey tom with a pale undercoat

Daughter : Rootcry : fawn barless ticked tabby molly with a bobtail
Daughter : Poppysnap : black tortoiseshell molly with white
Son : Thistleflame : grey barless ticked tabby tom with white spots on his back
Daughter : Lilypetal : grey spotted caliby molly

Grandson : Walnutkit : cinnamon broken tabby tom with white
Granddaughter : Eveningkit : grey spotted caliby molly with heterochromia
Grandson : Grousekit : black mackerel tabby tom with white
Grandson : Lightningkit : black ghost tabby smoke tom

Maternal Aunt : Gingerfeather : ginger tabby molly

Mate : n/a
Previous mates : Ravenfrost
Romantic interests : Starlingstar (past)
Looking for : Longterm

Likes in a potential mate :

Disikes in a potential mate :

Interested in kits : yes
Preferred family size : big


Kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] : Deerkit was born under a significant amount of stress for her mother. Milkypool was severely distressed by the death of her sister, Gingerfeather, causing her to give birth prematurely. Deerkit's siblings, Darkkit and Dawnkit, died shortly after their birth. While Milkypool did mourn for them, Deerkit was too young to remember those times, so she grew up unaware of what happened at her birth.

While Milkypool worried that Deerkit would be lonely without siblings, those worries soon evaporated when Deerkit's personality started manifesting. She was much more interested in flowers and watching the clouds. Once Deerkit was old enough to understand gender, they decided that you know what, they were both. They didn't hesitate to come out. Their parents had taught them to always be confident in who they were, and of course they were accepting to their kit. Deerkit grew up happy.

Apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] : Deerpaw was apprenticed in the early moons of leaf-bare. Right from the start, they proved to be... a challenge. They were distracted by the falling snow, even during something as pivotal as their apprentice ceremony... It remained to be seen if they'll ever get their head in the game. Turns out, they didn't really change. Their first mentor was Violetwing. Not much happened there- they were a bit of a nuisance, but it went fairly normally. The only thing they could really focus on was hunting. Hunting was nice. Hunting was engaging and easy. Then, Violetwing disappeared and they got reassigned to Lionsun.

For the last few moons of their apprenticeship, they had to move to HailClan's territory due to the threat of twolegs. Deerpaw tried to make the best of it, but still really missed their old territory. The moon before they were made a warrior, Lionsun also disappeared, and they were reassigned to Goldenstar. That scared them, a lot, and they tried their hardest. They still couldn't find it in themselves to just focus. They kept wondering why, but they pushed it to the back of their mind. It didn't really matter... did it?.

Warriorhood [ 12 - 28 moons ] :Deerhop was made a warrior shortly after the Festival of Snow. It saddened them that it couldn't be done at home, but they kept their head held high. The clan returned to their home shortly after, much to the joy of many CloudClanners. Deerhop was just beginning to settle in again when the Storm attacked, forcing them out of their territory again. Deerhop ended up in the half of CloudClan that went to MarshClan, and though they didn't necessarily hate it there, it was definitely more wet then they were used to. So, they were all too glad when the clans made a group effort to trounce the Storm and get CloudClan back to their rightful place. Moons later, Deerhop struck up an unlikely friendship with Ravenfrost. Ravenfrost was abrasive and distant, but they were sure they could get through to him! He just needed a friend. One night, their friendship turned into a little bit more- they mated. Deerhop was over the moon, thinking that they had just found the one. However, it wasn't meant to last. When Deerhop found out they were pregnant, Ravenfrost ran away from the clans entirely, leaving Deerhop deserted.

Queenship [ 28 - 34 moons ] :Deerhop was absolutely shattered after what Ravenfrost did. They hated him, they hated him. It was then Owlheart stepped in. Despite being Ravenfrost's mother, the pointed molly seemed as angry as Deerhop was, and was all too quick to support them. After having They kits, Deerhop began to feel sad and disconnected all the time, suffering from postpartum depression. They loved the four, but found it hard to take care of them or really do much without support from Owlheart and Falconscreech. Still, they learned to cope, even if they weren't the best of parents. They were managing, though they did eventually have to tell their kits the reality of what happened. On top of that, there were whispers of a war beginning to break out...

Warriorhood [ 34 - 80 moons ] :Eventually, Deerhop's kits left the nursery, and they were to return to warrior duties. However, soon, their father in biological name only came back. Ravenfrost. Deerhop refused to accept his return, despite anything anyone else said, and it didn't seem like their kits particularly wanted to either. Soon, CloudClan's first war death came along- Thistlepaw's mentor, Stormygloom. The mentor reassigned to their son was Starlingfeather. The poor brown tom found Thistlepaw to be a lot to handle, and went to Deerhop for advice, which turned out as the start of a friendship between the two felines. Soon, their kits became warriors, and Deerhop couldn't be prouder (even if they scared them sometimes). They didn't shed any tears, either, when Ravenfrost died in battle against Gullstar, killing the calico at the same time. Somehow, Deerhop found that fitting, that Ravenfrost's legacy would be murdering a leader who should have had two lives to spare. As the war ended, They grew closer to Starlingfeather, who even became Sparkstar's deputy after Ashstar's death. Unfortunately, Sparkstar was hit by a monster shortly after becoming leader, leaving Starlingfeather, now Starlingstar, to become CloudClan's leader after less than a moon of being deputy. Deerhop and Starlingstar became very close friends, Deerhop even beginning to develop some feelings for him, though they were reserved and cautious after their first experience with love. In this time, their kits became warriors; Thistleflame, Rootcry, Poppysnap and Lilypetal, though Lilypetal soon passed away, leaving Deerhop devastated.

Sadly, they slowly drifted apart from Starlingstar, leaving both cats heartbroken. Deerhop didn't know what was wrong with them. they barely spoke to anyone, even after the war ended. When Rootcry passed away, Deerhop wasn't sure what to do with themself anymore, and they leaned heavily on Owlheart during this tough time, to share their grief.

CloudClan was soon ravaged with conflict once more. As HailClan fractured and cats took shelter in CloudClan, they were told of spies within their ranks. Deerhop was quite tired of this nonsense by now and opted to trust their clanmates and act as if they didn't have any of the spies in their own clan. However, Grasshopperhill and Drakefeather were eventually revealed as the spies and killed.

Among all of this gloom, Deerhop found themselves with new additions to their family. They had two new children in law: Algaebreeze, who was Thistleflame's mate, and Daisypring, Poppysnap's mate. Deerhop was pleasantly surprised to see her kits finding love, and was eagerly awaiting the chance to become a grandmother.

One day, Starlingstar had his kits with Hickorybreeze: Hazelkit, Rosekit, Windkit and Pineconekit. Deerhop was happy for him, but it left a bit of a sad pang in their chest. In another world, maybe those kittens would have been theirs.

They continued going about their life, hoping for some peace and quiet now. They realized eventually that they were slowing down, and they were getting to about retirement age. Deerhop was tired. They wanted to rest.

Eldership [ 80 - present moons ] :Deerhop happily retired to the elders' den. Maybe, if they were lucky, things would actually slow down. Although, the winter ahead didn't look too promising.

code by jiko