


4 years, 9 months ago



Name Merriweather Moonsong
Age 23, or 323.
Pronouns Any
Race Tiefling
Role Bard / Warlock
Origin Feywilds


Height 5'4"
Build Soft
Eyes Green
Skin Lavender
Hair Purple
Marks/Scars Spiral pupils
"Think about it. Really think about it. All we do is like… go after things. Once we get what we’re looking for, we find new stuff to chase. It’s a never ending cycle. The last thing we get before we die, that’s like, what people think is worth it. Or is it the hindsight of constant pursuit? I don’t know. Something like that. I’m very tired."


TITLE: The Dreamer, Lost and Forgotten

HALO: Mist and Mushrooms

Merriweather's head is always in the clouds. Both literally and figuratively. You'd be hard-pressed to have a conversation with Merriweather while they aren't higher than a hot air balloon. They have a devil may care attitude about life, nothing really seems to bother them. They view the world through the apathetic eyes of an archfey, despite being mortal. They see themselves as more fey than mortal, and have sort of adopted the behavior of one as a result. Things will happen, yeah, but the world will continue to spin, whether you're around to see it or not. They have this view about their own life as well. They also don't really bother with befriending people, because everyone will forget them anyways. This forgetfulness curse has caused them to stop giving a damn about what others think of them, so they say and do as they please. They have a select few people that they legitimately care about, but beyond that, most others mean nothing to them. Most of their motivation comes from their desire to have fun with things. They'll follow people who do things they deem 'weird,' just to see what will happen. If something isn't entertaining to them, they'll more often than not choose to leave. They don't see their actions as having any consequences, because most of the time, they really don't. They rarely get involved in anything enough for their decisions to have any real impact. They just wander around, singing their songs of fey and fortune and sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. Their whole outlook on life boils down to: “Nobody’s gonna remember me anyways, why not have fun with it?” They give off Manic Pixie Dream Girl vibes. They are the Original Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Sober Merriweather is the same as High Merriweather, but SUPER grumpy, all the time. 


Merriweather is a bard who spent a large chunk of their life in the ever-shifting plane of the Feywilds. At the tender age of 9, they ended up wandering a little too far into the woods surrounding their family's estate, accidentally stumbling through a portal into the Feywilds. They were discovered by a group of Seelie fae a few days later, alone and afraid, and were taken back to their court while they figured out what the heck to do with this kid. The issue was quickly shuffled aside while the court dealt with more pressing issues. In the meantime, Merriweather remained in the care of the Seelie. For eleven years. It took eleven years to actually deal with Merriweather's presence. During Merri’s time there, they studied under a powerful Archfey known only as the Storyteller. They regard the Storyteller almost as a father figure, as he was the one who tended to spend the most time with them, and oversaw most of their adolescence. By the time the Seelie Court got back around to dealing with Merriweather, they were already a fully-grown adult capable of making their own decisions. While Merri wanted to stay in the Wilds, the Storyteller urged them to at least go out and experience the mortal world, citing character building as a reason. Merri reluctantly agreed. When it came time for Merriweather to rejoin the mortal world, the Storyteller gifted them an enchanted viol and a way to return to 'home' whenever they wished. Unfortunately for Merriweather, those eleven years spent in the Feywilds ended up translating to roughly 300 years on the mortal plane, and such they ended up returning to a world they barely recognized. This didn't exactly do wonders for their already lacking enthusiasm about going home. But still, they tried to listen to the Storyteller and make something of their time. It is at about this time that they realized just how much living in the Feywilds had changed them. Every time they tried to interact with people, they found that those people tended to forget them completely by the end of the week. They were looking for someone from the current time to connect to, considering before this they had been in the Feywilds for the Icrarhian equivalent of 300 years. They wanted to make friends and at least attempt to rejoin society. Unfortunately, most of society can’t remember them for more than a week or two, because of the fae aura that surrounds him. So they ended up with the outcasts, the misfits, the dead gladiator star and the six year old grave digger. And they make the best of it.

They spend most of their time high as a kite on mushrooms they find in their proverbial backyard.


Salvation Sundancer
Rosenmary Redford
Guildenstern Goldflower
Alexei Applesnap
Vittorio Veilhymn
Salaren Sleepyhead
Merakir Moorhollow
Beauregard Badsunin
Swimming in the Moonlight
Nixenmore Nightblossom
Honeydew Heronstride
Delphine Dandelion


  • Long walks in the woods
  • Playing the violin
  • Sweet foods
  • Long, flowy skirts
  • Sewing


  • Sobriety
  • Sharp things
  • Iron
  • The overly pretentious
  • Being forgotten


  • If you listen very closely to their violin, you can hear screams in the strings :)
  • They introduce themselves with a different name almost every time they meet someone. The names are all exactly six syllables long.
  • They seriously do not know how to have a normal friendship. It's deeply concerning.

Playlist - Link

Come Along - Cosmo Sheldrake

Pork Soda - Glass Animals

Ancient Names (Part 1) - Lord Huron

Willow Tree March - The Paper Kites

Sleepwalking - Lindsey Stirling



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The Storyteller [ Father Figure ]

The Storyteller is the father that Merriweather never had. He, alongside another archfey, raised Merriweather after they became trapped in the Feywilds. He taught them to play music, and gave them their first violin. He’s also their warlock patron, and the one who first urged them to return to the mortal plane and explore it. Merriweather absolutely adores him, and strives to follow in his footsteps.


Chasm Mel'tar [ Friend Probably ]

Chasm is a pet project of theirs. Or maybe a pet. They find him interesting, so they hang around with him. Or they tug him along on a string of their design. Over time that interest turned to a twisted form of infatuation. On some level, they do actually care about Chasm, but they have a hard time making a meaningful emotional connection. They know that eventually he’ll forget them, so they can’t really put a lot of stock into the relationship.


Teacup [ Adopted Son Sorta ]

They adore Teacup. Merriweather really is a child at heart, so spending time with the little bird is like a breath of fresh air to them. They, alongside Chasm, sort of set themselves up as an extra pair of parents for Teacup. Merriweather tries to be a good caretaker/role model, but they find it incredibly difficult. For some reason, he doesn’t forget them.


Gingko [ Friend Probably ]

Gingko briefly traveled with Merriweather, Teacup, and Chasm.  Merriweather didn't adopt Gingko, per se, but they were treated like family the whole time they were on the road together. They got along like a house on fire. Gingko had asked Merriweather for aid in locating the Herald; a request that they said they'd try to honor. It's a pity that Merriweather's the only one that remembers that conversation.


Ziyaad Malemir [ Friend ]

Ziyaad is an old friend of Merri’s. Something about him prevents him from forgetting them, and once they figured that out, they immediately latched onto him. They don’t see each other too often, as Ziyaad is usually busy with work, but that doesn’t bother Merriweather too much.


Michaelis Abbott [ ??? ]

They think he’s really weird. Weirdness piques their interest. Merriweather makes a point to show up at his door every few months or so, to keep tabs on his weird stuff and keep him from totally forgetting they exist. He’s tried to study them a few times, but Merri never sticks around to provide anything of use. It’s like a game to them. They also appreciate being around another person with ties to the Feywild. It gives them a peculiar sense of belonging.

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