Attilio Beppe



8 years, 2 months ago


Attillio Todd Beppe [Ah tea le oh]. Created 6/29/16. Piebald/calico peacock harpy. Speaks fluent Italian and Avian. Understands a little bit of Basic, but can't speak it. Easily made nervous or put off by unusual or new things, but he tries to be accepting. Easy to make him blush by pushing the right buttons. Isn't very fond of going in houses, as his feathers snag and get caught on things. Has lived away from civilization most of his life. As an egg, he was taken to Earth. He hatched there, but immediately escaped his foster family and ran off into the post apocalyptic wilderness. Over time, he started to mingle with various humans, which is where he learned to speak Italian and also got his name. He had gotten quite comfortable with his situation, but then was scooped up and sent back to Akis along with some other species that were "polluting the planet". Now unfamiliar with his surroundings, he returned to living in the wilderness...until he was caught in a very simple trap that he didn't know to avoid.

Because he's such a mess in houses and kinda needs to live in one, he gets a couple of illusion bands that cut his feathers short so he doesn't destroy everything. It's safe to say he'd much rather have this off whenever even slightly possible
