⛤ Elisha Brown



4 years, 10 months ago



Name Elisha Brown
Age 24 years
Build Athletic/Fit
Species Human - Possessed
Gender Cis Female
Oreint. Heteroflexible
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Bartender
Creator EmptyProxy
Worth $10 USD/1000pts
Design Notes

Elisha is a fit intimidating person, with sharp features that her dark make-up helps show off. Her eyes hold an unknown amount of power in the hands of someone with a slightly twisted mind.

  • Eli stands at 6'1" and weighs 151 lbs
  • Always wears dark/black make-up
  • Right arm has a half sleeve tattoo
  • Her beast form stands at 20'(Though can become as small as 6') on all fours, with it's heart seemingly on the outside of it's chest. A quill like mane and sharp barbs on it's tail.

Elisha was always a rebellious person. She never liked listening to authority, nor did she like to be forced to do things she did not believe in. She finds it hard to get close to others due to her little issues, she is highly guarded and easily bored of sitting still.

She gets too antsy when sitting around or not having anything to do. Having a bad habit of tapping her nails on anything that will make a sound. She finds any sound besides the demons soothing. Due to the demons she tends to mutter to herself a lot. She is also very prone to sudden mood swings.


  • "In a demon summoning ritual gone wrong, a trouble making teen found herself now harbouring the powers of a demon" - She obtained her demons when she was 17 years old.
  • She is able to shift to a beast form while wearing her mask.
  • When the mask is not in use, it just looks like a basic horned mask pendant with the eye closed.
  • She has one main shadow demon that keeps her company. They all had seemed to calm down as she aged.
  • The demons came up with good ideas though.
  • Shadow Knives, Shadow Knives everywhere.
  • Imagine a distorted t-rex roar, meshed with a human's angry battle cry and it is roughly the roar of her beast form. Her beast form also makes the sound of a slowed down, distorted Kookaburra call.

  • Night time
  • Fighting
  • Spraypainting Anything
  • Chocolate
  • Blood

  • Holy Water(it hurts her)/Churches/Priests, etc
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Tea
  • Anything Spicy(She has a huge sweet tooth)
  • Energy Drinks

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