Ellie-Rose Tyler



4 years, 10 months ago


She/her | Taurus | 23 | Bisexual

Ellie-Rose is a unique child, she was born with a mutation to have two sets of arms, not that it mattered to her parents who still loved her none the less. She grew up in a family full of mages back to the very first generation, her parents had started training her from a very young age and she was meant to have a great deal of potential. However due to an accident when she was in her early teens, Ellie-Rose found herself set back as she turned completely blind. Despite her set back, her parents helped her to still become a great mage. Her talents lie in tarot reading, she may be blind but the power and feeling of the deck of cards tell her all she needs to know. She uses them to know the fate of quests or others futures to give them advice and warnings, other than this she is also a formidable healer which gives a great advantage to the magic bandits.

She first encountered the leader (Julian) through a magic contest held yearly. She was in the finals and her opponent turned out to be Julian, unfortunately neither of them continued to the last two as they drew in battle but that didn't matter to her as out of a result the two became very good friends. She can't see his face but she could always tell when he's worrying about her, Ellie-Rose often touches his cheeks with a warm smile to comfort him. She's also good friends with his little sister, often feeling the need to dote on her. She's rather sweet and gentle but sometimes Ellie-Rose can unintentionally be blunt when it comes to what she thinks or answering a question. She's also very stubborn but never takes things to heart when people remark on her disadvantage. She thinks it's nice that Julian forgets she's blind from time to time, he's always sweet saying if she'd prefer (insert) to (insert). She'll just laugh and remind him that it doesn't matter.