Dr Eggbert Mayonnaise



4 years, 9 months ago


They/Them | Egg | 30's 

Dr Eggbert Mayonnaise or Egg for short, is a passionate and strong willed egg who works as a surgeon who works at a well known top hospital. The Egg lives in a small bungalow with their black Jersey giant pet chicken Henry, when he isn't spending time in doors with his chicken watching mystery shows or working in the hospital you can find him with his group of friends. His friends consist of a moon (Moon-Moon), light-bulb (Harold), skeleton (Farmer Bones), wizard (Wizzy) and a robot (Project 12) . It may sound weird but he finds that to be their charm, the group each have their own unique personality but all are mind blown by space. Although the light-bulb more known as Harold is the most mind blown by the thought of space. 

The egg is single however for over ten years he's harboured a big crush for Moon-Moon.  Although he believes he can cover it up well, everyone else in the group can see it clearly - other than Moon-moon herself of course, they're just really oblivious to be honest. He always makes sure to bring sun flowers every time Moon-Moon meets him since they are Moon-Moon's favourite