Raphael Glade



4 years, 9 months ago



Name Raphael Glade
Age 25
Build Normal, a bit slender // 1,75 m
Species Half human, half angel
Gender Male
Orient. gay
Pronouns he/him
Occupation Psychotherapist
relationship status happily taken
Worth ???
Design Notes

  • He has chocolate colored, wavy hair
  • He needs his glasses when around many people
  • There are cross-shaped scars on his wrists
  • At most times he wears a gentle smile

Raphael has a very kind and soothing personality, some would even call him an angel without knowing that he indeed has angelic blood running through his veins. He cares deeply about his close friends and other people and would NEVER hurt anyone on purpose. If someone is feeling down, he will try his best to help and cheer them up. And he‘s actually really good at it! Sometimes he tries a bit too hard, which caused him a great amount of emotional pain in his younger years. He‘d rather suffer himself than letting someone else deal with it.
He learned to be more resilient and take more responsibility for himself after an especially painful period in his life, but he isn‘t quite ready to take on the responsibility that his inhuman side demands of him.

On the job he‘s known as a charming man that seems to see right through you, knows what pains you and can actually make it less bad if you just let him help you. Most of his clients would never go to another therapist again and look forward to their meetings, especially because he genuinely cares. He can relate to most of his patients very well, since he has gone through hard times himself and he openly shares that with them.


  • He may seem like a normal human, but he is not
  • No one but his family and Ryojin knows of his angelic side 
  • Part of his powers lets him see what is inside of humans souls and he wears glasses so he is not overwhelmed by that ability
  • Another part of his powers as an angel allows him to travel instantly to any realm he wishes - including other dimensions and universes
  • His human body is not his original form and he could technically change it however he wanted, but he is very comfortable with himself and refuses to do so
  • He attempted suicide once because of bullying during his medical training

His mother is a completely normal human who by chance met and fell in love with an angel. Raphael was their firstborn and they raised him with much love, causing him to be the loving young man he is now. His childhood was perfectly normal and happy, especially after he got a little brother he completely adores. He soon discovered that he wanted to help people when he was grown up and diligently started his medical training after finishing school with the best grades.
There he first discovered what it meant to not be accepted and was heavily bullied because he liked boys. He also met his best friend Benji, who kept his sexual orientation a secret so he didn‘t get bullied, and at least had some good times with him.
But Benji couldn’t always be there for him and in their last year of the training it got so bad that he got more and more depressed. And after an especially bad day he didn‘t see any other way but to take up a scalpel he had and cut deep into his wrists, leaving cross-shaped scars that would never fade. If Benji hadn‘t visited him that day he probably would have bled out, but thankfully he discovered him soon enough to call an ambulance and save his life.
They both took a break from their study, Raphael got treatment and decided that he wanted to be a psychotherapist to help other people go through their lifes.
He went through that training very quickly and could start his new career some years after.
And a little while later he felt a tug one day, causing him to actually use his angelic powers just in time to save his later boyfriend Ryojin from an otherwise lethal fall. He took care of the at that time very sick man and they fell in love soon.
With that, his life took a welcome turn and he lives very happily with his career and boyfriend, gets regular visits from Benji and could almost forget the fact that his angel heritage wasn‘t quite finished with him just yet


  • Hot chocolate
  • Ryojin
  • Cuddling and Hugging
  • Making people happy
  • Helping people
  • Seeing his family and friends happy

  • Bullies
  • When people close to him get harmed
  • Being powerless
  • Annoying angels who try talking him into leaving the human world
  • Unfairness 

Ryojin  | Boyfriend

Raphael saved his life, cared for him and soon fell in love - ever since they live quite happily together, planning on maybe officially marrying sometime and possibly adopting children. Ryojin is Raphaels new constant in life and they would do anything for each other. 

Benji | Best Friend

Benji and Raphael are quite close, but where never romantically involved with each other - maybe they did share some kisses but nothing serious. They videocall almost daily and Benji frequently visits if he has time, knowing that they can tell each other anything. 

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.