Cedric Raleigh




Name Cedric Elwin Ingram Raleigh
Gender Trans Man
Age 22
Birthday October 13th
Species Vampire
Clan Cappadocian
Orientation Gay
Occupation Shock Artist

Born and raised in the heart of London, Cedric is a gothic lolita shock artist with a flair for the macabre and gruesome. Better known by his stage name "Auberon D'Mortoire", he's well known for his fascination with death and often obscene on-stage stunts, ranging from arriving to a venue in a coffin to pouring pig's blood on himself mid-performance. He's a legitimate scholar of death, which made him an unlikely, but keen canidate for the Cappadocian embrace. His sire, a mellow professor hiding as a Giovanni named Aidano Licari, set him up well, complete with a false sire to keep up appearances.

To the larger vampire society, he masquerades as a Toreador, his work is considered by many to be revolting but eh, Toreador fare. But to his kine audience, he's a beacon of death, a creature of the night who uses their 'souls' to stay young and beautiful. To them it's all an act, and a masquerade broken in plain sight is the best kept of them all.

He's a masochist who uses Necromancy as a tool to be wild, ostentatious, and basically keep all eyes on him. He'll never admit it, but its for the reason that he can't stand to be ignored, but his arrogant 'little prince' demeanor will never crack like that. It's just natural that he take up all the spotlight as a beautiful, bloody reminder of death.

  • Being the center of attention
  • Gothic Lolita
  • Guro
  • Symphonic Metal
  • The Camarilla
  • Cheap Makeup
  • People who call him a crossdresser
  • Gangrel, specifically (So dirty!)