Sylvain Artoire



3 years, 8 months ago




Sylvain Artoire


"24" (Actual 37)


Cis Man








A former member of the Order of Hermes, Sylvain was a Tytalus who was very devoted to the study of magic and strategy. He was full of pride and found himself infalliable, free from mistake or sin. He walked with his head held high, an ego that would topple when he would meet his sire, Damien Wright. Wright had been eyeing Sylvain for the embrace, as he was ideal for the clan, especially for House Goatrix. The best way to get to someone's throat is through their heart first, and that Damien did, complimenting his intellect, his appearance, and slowly growing closer until he had the chance to pounce.

Embraced without the cup, there was no soft calm after a Tremere embrace, there was rage. He has a deep hatred for vampirism and his clan, so for a while he aimed to just be left the fuck alone for as long as possible. That said, when investigating a particular drama in the local chantry in London, he was forced to kneel to the Pontifex Stefan Anjou or face Final Death. He did neither, and instead told Stefan, plainly, that he won't kneel or grovel to anyone, whether they be 10 or 1000. Stefan was amused by this, and quickly recruited him as his right-hand man and advisor, as he prefers to get advice from people who don't kiss his ass. Despite hating the Pyramid, it's either that or be forced to drink from the cup, and this life is ultimately more comfortable than he'll admit, as Stefan is...strange for his position.


He's prickly, like a pineapple with a lot of point to it. He's a snarky pretentious Frenchman- the worst kind. Of snark and of Frenchman. Keeping to himself most of the time, when he does open up its mostly to share wry advice or the occassional infodump about magical practices. If you go really deep though - and it does take a fair bit of effort, underneath all the bitter cynicism and insults whispered under the breath Sylvain's just a massive, soft nerd. It be repeated though - it takes a long time to get there.

There's no coding here - Sylvain's autistic. He has a soft spot for cute things like stickers and plushies, his particular interest being in the Sanrio character cinnamoroll. His other interests include music, he still uses and iPod in 2020 as he wishes to listen to music uninterrupted from his phone, and also Spotify is expensive when you can pirate things instead? Lastly is his interest in all kinds of magical practices, originally those of the Order of Hermes, but recently he's come around on Thaumaturgy. He'll wax philosophical about life, the universe, and everything, you just really have to get him talking.


Standing in the rain, waiting for something interesting to happen, knowing that for such a thing you'll need to take the first step.

Theme - String Theocracy

code by zodia

character image by LucisLibari
aesthetic image by oreloji