Brett Chrysos



4 years, 9 months ago



Brett Chrysos








3’5” ft








Primary School Student


Theta Clan



Brett is a Lambda Floss who’s learning how to sword fight in the Theta Clan. He’s still learning since he’s only a kid, and he does struggle quite a bit due to his asthma and low stamina, but he’s trying to become stronger, partially so that he doesn’t have to rely on his parents for help anymore.

He cares for his parents a lot, but they tend to worry a bit too much about him (especially his dad) and it’s about time that he started learning how to do certain things on his own. He’s trying to learn how to be stronger so that they don’t have to be as concerned for his well-being. He also likes independence, since he never had much of that when he was younger.


Brett is a timid and bashful boy. He's not the type to initiate a conversation and will usually just go with the flow. Recently he’s been trying to be more individualistic and make his own decisions, but every now and again he’ll still follow the crowd. However, doing that is still scary and he’s still afraid of making his own decisions. He’s still more of a passive listener rather than a leader and speaker.

He’s especially shy when it comes to talking about his own feelings.

Especially with his romantic feelings toward Chip.


As a Lambda, Brett has the power of invisibility. He’d usually utilize it to his favor whenever he used to play hide and seek with his parents!

Nowadays, he can use it for camouflage whenever he’s engaged in a sparring session. He’s pretty good at using his power in general, hence another reason for why he’s considered a fighting prodigy.


Brett was born premature. Basically, he came out before his mom's expected pregnancy deadline. Being born premature can cause some problems for your child. In his case, Brett's just weaker because of that. He has less stamina and energy than the average kid and his immune system is more open and vulnerable to sickness too.

At one point in his life, his parents were in conflict with each other over something. His mom Ursula wanted to enroll him in a swords fighting class, so that he can at least learn how to be stronger physically. She knew that it was about time Brett started becoming independent.

Meanwhile, his dad Gin was worried sick about what would happen to Brett if he overworked himself. Gin was the biggest worriwort in their family thus far, and he's always been overly cautious of whatever Brett did. If Brett were to fall in a puddle of mud by accident, for example, Gin would come rushing over to his side and fret over his well-being. Gin was also very cautious of allowing Brett to go outside.

As much as Brett appreciated his dad's concerns, he wanted to start doing more things on his own. He didn’t want to stay at home forever.

And that’s where he currently is right now in life. He’s not very good at sword fighting, but he’s at least getting better at it compared to when he first started out.


Brett knows how to play the violin pretty well. It’s just a passionate hobby for him right now, since getting stronger is his main priority, but he learned how to play from his mom (Ursula) when he was really young.


4106032?1561245393 Gin Chrysos

his dad

4716555?1579654946 Chip Rosa

his childhood friend (and future lover)

4473991?1570050728 Bella Rosa

Chip’s mom and his sensei

4475512?1567237095 Adam Rosa

Chip’s dad

5100295?1575437261 Quincy Reyes

his other sensei

5101171?1581446300 Sullivan Reyes

a famous musician he likes listening to

Um, I’ll try.
