


5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Sylvia Rivers

Alias: Silvy, Vee(Ryders name), Sylva, Mom

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Skin color: Tan

Orientation: Straight

Languages: English

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                                                                                             Syliva is the sweetest of the bunch.

Sylvia refuses to show fear or cry in front of people, but she is very expressive(where do you think Ryder got it from). She also has a high pain tolerance. One of her most recognizable traits is that she's always bubbly and optimistic, or tries to be in even the worst situations. She acts like a mom most times, and that's one her nicknames, due to her nurturing personality. 

                                                                               She absolutely adores Ryder and thinks of him as a brother.

Sylvia doesn't really talk about her home-life, and if her older sibling is ever brought into conversation she either quickly changes the topic or retreats to herself. She's fine talking about her parents, but not her sibling, and she won't let anyone know why(becomes known in a later story). During her time in pre-school she was once an introvert and somehow met and befriended Rosa. Rosa encouraged her to come out of her shell and by the time she was in first grade was completely opposite of what she used to be. During an adventure with Max and Ryder, her arm was left beyond repair and it had to be amputated. She doesn't hold either of them responsible for the incident.

                                                                                      She's a human heater, meaning she's always warm

When she first met Ryder, she was a little jealous that he followed her and Rosa around all the time as a child. But when he didn't get in the way and even tried to play dolls and house with them, she grew fond of him. Now she thinks of Ryder as a brother and worries about him all the time. Rosa had told her about the problems and upbringing Ryder had, and often when Syliva is hanging out with Ryder she will try to spoil him to make up for the parents he had but didn't have. When Max came into their little group she wasn't fond about him either, just from how he behaved and vibes she picked up from him. She now likes him, but also dislikes him. Now whenever she's over to Ryders she's always playing with the birds or Boo. Often she jokes about how she's going to steal them and Ryder always watches her closely as he isn't sure whether or not she will.

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her old design did not work anymore