


7 years, 9 months ago




Smart • Anxious • Older Brother

Name Lapis Sau Lazinu-Petalheart
Gender (cis)Male
DoB November 3, 1977
Height 6'0"
Species Cracken/Kran-Kran
Role Prince, Doctor,
Demeanor Subversive Considerate
HTML Pinky

Sau is a bright-minded individual that often ends up in big messes thanks to his anxiety and overthinking things. He loves his friends dearly and is a philanthropist but is instantly skeptical of new people. He can be more judgmental than he thinks he is. He's exceptionally protective and dedicated to those he loves, and is willing to set aside his whole life path--or even just plain lay down his life--for those he loves.

His strengths include being an adept and agile fighter, stealthy and tricksy when needed, having a knack for mechanics and biology. Things he's known for being terrible at are cooking, casting magic, and making even a halfway decent joke.



  • Horses [nature]
  • Working on Cars [activity]
  • American Cuisine [food]
  • A Confident Grin [romantically]


  • Autumn [nature]
  • Fighting Tournaments [activity]
  • Strong Spirits [food]
  • People Who Put Work First [romantically]

Sau is the result of a tragic lovestory; royalty from two kingdoms falling in love, wanting nothing more than a happy ending, and not reaching that dream. Sau's father died when he was very young and the time surrounding that point in his life was incredibly traumatizing for him. His mother made herself more emotionally distant, and Sau was primarily reared by his master instead. The boy was shaped into the perfect weapon for his mother's kingdom to use for protection--at the expense of his emotional well-being. It wouldn't be until Sau was an adult that things changed.

Family Life

Whether or not Sau realizes it, he has a tendency to cling to people he likes and label them some piece of his family. This was especially true in his youth when he had so many traditional family slots to be filled. He spent his early 20's craving the connection of father and son. Since he was a teenager, he's looked at his best friend, Raz, moreso as a little brother and dotes on Raz as such. His relationship with his mother has its ups and downs, and it usually depends on Sau's willingness to overlook her worst traits. Sau's eventual relationship with his younger sibling Rook becomes one that more mirrors father and son than that of brother and baby.

Romantic Life

Sau would very much like to have a romantic life but usually doesn't put that feeling out there as openly as he does his love of putting "sister" and "brother" labels onto people. He tends to view romance as fleeting and lesser compared to platonic love, and thus embarrassing for someone like him to dream about. He can be prickly to potential romantic partners but often has more patience for their games and tomfoolery than he would if the situation wasn't romantic or sexual in nature. Sau likes confident men and has a tendency to also favor men of action, men of war and battle, in spite of seeing himself as a pacifist ideologically. He tends to butt heads with men he likes on their core beliefs and careers, and comes aroudn to liking them when he accepts there's more to them than that, and that their duties are commendable regardless.

In terms of sexual encounters, Sau prefers only serious partners opposed to casual ones. Once he's comfortable with the conditions, Sau can be frisky. He has a kink for bondage and having a partner made helpless before him. The concept of trust and dependency is a theme in Sau's heart from start to finish.



He's my baby sibling, I practically raised him by myself. Him and I have had our hardships but I think we've pulled through those. I hope he's forgiven me for those things, it sure seems it when he gets all overprotective anyway--or maybe he's attempting to ruin my day by getting loud as hell.



My best friend. I met him when he was twelve and I drove off a few bullies of his. I've protected him since then.. Although I'm not sure he needs someone like that anymore in his life. Kinda feeling lucky he's too oblivious to notice.



One of my closest friends and someone I'm intrinsically tied to. She's nothing like me and I think that's something a like a lot about her.



My mother. I'm not really sure what to say about her anymore. I guess I just accept that she is who she is.



A friend of mine, and probably the one I get to have the most fun with. We have a lot in common!



A friend of mine. She's hotheaded but smart. Her and I have personalities that gel very well together and so we make a good team. That said.. I'm worried about her.



Eurgh, my cousin.. If I never see him again it'll be too soon. Looking at him is like seeing what could have happened to me. What a cursed life he lives, but you can't pity him either; he's a fucking monster, a well-trained guard dog, a killing machine. Stay away.



I like to think of him like he's my father, he's certainly happy to take up that mantle too. I love when I have a good excuse to see him..! Jesus, that's embarrassing to admit..