


4 years, 7 months ago


Cassidy O’Dwyer


Name Cassidy O’Dwyer
Nickname Cassy
Age 20
Gender Female
Height 5’3”
Race White
Orientation Pansexual
D.O.B July 1


  • Anime
  • Fanfiction
  • Writing
  • Fantasy


  • Small Animals
  • Spicy Food
  • Alcohol
  • Blonde hair

Voice Claim: [Sarah Greene] Cerys an Craite - Witcher 3




Cassidy was born in Ireland

Cassidy’s shirt strap resemble the comfort she feels in a seatbelt

Cassidy’s favorite fantasy stories involve werewolves

Cassidy’s favorite snack is cookies



Past Before Cassidy was born, the union between her parents was controversial seeing as how they were not only a result of the father’s affair, but Cassidy’s mother was 18 at the time while her father was in his 30s. Both were substantially ostracized from each other’s family, and Cassidy’s father only remarried after her mother was carrying her. Cassidy’s mother held built up resentment towards her father over the years for depriving her from both her family and her young life, while her father would dedicate himself to being there for Cassidy as a means to repent. After Cassidy was born, Her father would spend his free time after work to play and care for her, practically spoiling her as a mother would while her actual mother grew more distant. Cassidy’s interactions with her mother were strained as she became more of a babysitter, as she had to quit school as well to manage her kid full time. Her mother started to view Cassidy as her husband's curse, and degraded to being abusive to the two believing that they were working to make her life more miserable. This all snowballed to an incident whereas when Cassidy was in middle years, she walked in on her mother bloodied after killing her father, she was then kidnapped by her mother as she wanted to get away with the scene. For about 8 months, the two were surviving on the run, with Cassidy having to walk on thin shells to not agitate her. When her mother wasn’t discreetly trying to abandon her in stores, used what money she had to hop from inn to inn before she felt as if it were safer to settle as they drove away. Cassidy, if she wasn't being viewed publicly by others, would have little to none to eat under her mother’s surveillance, resulting in stealing for food and becoming concerningly thin for her age. It wasn't until after she was caught by a store owner for stealing did the mother finally took the chance to abandon her before the police were called. Unfortunately for her, she was eventually caught and linked to her murder, while cassidy was relocated to the grandparents on her mother’s side within America. It took years for her to get through what had happened, relatively staying invisible and quiet from others, only really indulging in eating more than she was allowed to have before. Those 8 months alone felt as if she was deprived from her childhood entirely, ironically depriving herself from continuing to live her early years normally throughout the middle years till after highschool. More so she worked in an auto state just to live, only really thinking for herself on homework assignments or food to eat. Cassidy only broke out of her zombie state after simply being asked what she plans to do for her future by a guidance counselor, which only accomplished her breaking down entirely in panic. Her life was already reaching adulthood before she had processed it passing by, and yet Cassidy had to decide soon what she wanted to do as a career before she even could discover herself.





"Luna is quite intimidating sometimes. I can't catch up at all with her kind of adrenaline, especially how she switches up from super lazy to super active. But she is cool to hang out with, we even play some games together!"


"Kaylia really has something going on for her... She knows what she wants and that she can get it, I'll admit I'm pretty envious. Luckily she ain't as mean as one would think, lovely to be around compared to the other snooty popular ladies. I even got her to get into some of the webcomics i've been seeing, it's really nice to have someone like her as a friend."


"I sometimes wonder if Tzu doesn't really like me, more or less a pity thing? I try to relate to her, but I can not get a read off her. If anything, its almost like she's reading me sometimes. I can say for certain that we do not have much to relate on, but something cool would be nice! I dont just want to stay friends because our friends are friends!"