
4 years, 9 months ago



Jin Seoul








4'10” ft








Biker Gang Member





Jin is an Iota Floss that's currently part of an Iota biker gang. In a way, he works as the financial advisor of the group, since he manages all of their fundings and finances. Basically, he and his crew like to host wild bike shows and races for a living. They also specialize in graffiti art shows nowadays too.

Together, Jin and his biker gang travel all across Caramella, with no predictable destination in mind.


Jin is a dramatic guy, but in a good-natured kind of way. He has intense and comedic reactions to things, which can help lighten the atmosphere if things were feeling tense before his arrival. Though he's not like a stereotype pacifist, he does believe in talking things out first and foremost. Despite some of his more silly shenanigans, he's actually the mediator in his group and knows how to step in and prevent conflict from breaking out.

He believes in resolving things through orderly neogtiations and structure. There's a way to do things and he's determined to prove that. Jin is also pretty good at communication and doesn't hestitate to speak out about something. He's a lot more caring than people would expect him to be.


As an Iota, Jin has the ability to negate the powers of other Candyfloss characters. All he has to do is simply look in their way and that'll prevent them from being able to use their abilities. In general, Jin is a pretty weak Iota. He can only stop one Floss from using their powers one at a time, so he can't stop multiple people at once. And even if he was faced off in a one-on-one round, his ability to suppress their powers will usually only last a couple hours at most before fatigue begins to set in and render him completely useless.


Jin had always felt like he was being underestimated.

Even as a kid, his parents were often overprotective of his well-being and would place a heavy amount of restrictions on what he could and couldn't do. He was born premature and his parents would often worry about his health more than necessary. They were afraid that something could stunt Jin's physical and mental development, even though Jin was usually fine 99% of the time.

Sure he had asthma and he couldn't run as long as some of the other kids, but that didn't stop him from trying to have fun and live out a normal life, just like most of his peers. It was hard to do this when his parents were constantly trying to tell him what to do though. As much as he loved them, Jin felt like he needed more freedom.

And that was exactly what he got once he entered high school. Once he had stepped into the stage for adolescence, his parents couldn't be there to micromanage and supervise everything he did anymore. He had more independence now, whether they liked it or not.

Jin managed to come across a group of friends that loved having fun and going on adventures. He would eventually go on to hang out with them more and more. His grades didn't slip just because of this, he was still pretty studious overall, but now he also didn't hesitate to take a break every now and then.

One day, Jin managed to get himself a girlfriend, only to be dumped about a week later. She told him, as she was breaking up with him, that she thought he wasn't all that into her and that they just needed to see other people. There was a whole list of other reasons for why she felt like they weren't right together to add onto this, but Jin could only process about half of them in disbelief.

Of course, Jin was offended by all of this as well.

Her words bothered him. He couldn't stop thinking about them for a while and had to eventually get any doubts that he had off his chest. One day, when he was with his Iota friend Ivan, he decided to ask him for some relationship advice, since Ivan had dated way more girls than him.

Jin talked about how his first girlfriend broke up with him because he was a bad kisser that didn’t know how to set up a good mood. He was sulking over this and wanted to know how to be a better kisser.

Ivan simply told Jin that the only way for Jin to get better is just through practice. At that, Jin pouted and complained about how he didn’t have anyone to practice on.

Since Ivan had always been pretty bold, he suggested something that almost made Jin choke on his own spit: he offered to teach Jin how to kiss better.

Ivan could basically give him kissing lessons until Jin found another girlfriend someday.

At first, Jin was appalled by the idea.

However, his pride and desire to become a better boyfriend overpowered his surprise and he actually agreed to the deal.

When Ivan began teaching Jin after that, it was awkward. Jin would often fumble over what to do and didn’t know how to move his lips properly. He’d sometimes accidentally bite down on Ivan’s lips a little too hard or their teeth would clank in an unexpected clash of bruised skin and tongue.

Ivan had to constantly instruct him on what to do. Over time, and slowly but surely, Jin would take his advice and apply it.

The more their lips touched, the easier it became. Their kissing lessons were gradually growing into a comfortable routine and Jin was starting to not mind kissing Ivan as much as he originally thought.

They were getting really familiar with each other, maybe too familiar. And though Jin wasn't the smartest when it came to stuff like relationships, even he was starting to realize some things.

For starters, kissing Ivan was way more enjoyable than his ex-girlfriend.

Jin was starting to realize that maybe he wasn’t as straight as he had originally thought.

Maybe he swung for the other team all along and just never realized it until he started developing a painful crush on Ivan.


That wasn’t fun to discover, especially since their kissing lessons were only temporary and would end once Jin had to carry out his promise to eventually get a girlfriend and move on. That was the original plan behind their deal, it wasn't like he could just change that all now.

(He totally could've, but he was just too scared to.)

One day, Jin fulfilled promise and got himself another girlfriend. She was a much nicer person than his first ex-girlfriend, but even though she was great, he still couldn't get his mind off Ivan. He had it bad for Ivan and couldn't just forget about him by forcing himself to be with another person. The girl Jin had been with at the time noticed his unease and was understanding of it. She broke it off with him on good terms and just told him to go be with the person he truly loved

Shortly after that break up, when he was hanging out with Ivan again, Jin just admitted to him that even though he was a better kisser now, he still couldn’t get into it. He questioned if Ivan had ever felt the same way.

Ivan did, much to his surprise. After letting out a sharp exhale, Jin then hesitantly suggested that maybe they should resume their kissing lessons again, since he felt better when he was practicing with him.

This should’ve been a big turning point in their relationship, but since they were both insecure and stupid, they instead decided to dance around the topic of their feelings until the summer after their high school graduation. They were too dumb to notice that they shared a mutual love for each other. There was a lot of painful pining involved before Jin finally cracked and nervously told Ivan that he might like him in a romantic sense one day.

Ivan just let out a sigh of relief at that before pulling Jin in for their first proper kiss.

Even though they’d kissed hundreds of times before that, Jin could still remember how electrifying that moment had been for him.

After that, a lot changed. For one, Jin and Ivan finally started dating. They would also eventually go on to band together with their crew of friends and establish a biker gang.

Before the gang could become official, Jin and Ivan got married and had a big wedding with all their friends and family. They decided to happily tie the knot before setting off for a lifetime of adventure.

And now, he and Ivan currently travel the world to host races, bike shows, and now some spontaneous graffiti art.

Jin and his group’s ambitions have skyrocketed and led to some wild rumors as a result. These rumors speculate that they might overtake the Alpha Clan's capital with vandalism one day, though it’s actually not true and he has no idea where that came from.

Eventually, these rumors will disappear once Jin and his gang face off with a pair of private investigators that were hired by the Alpha military.


Jin just has bad luck with card games. He rarely ever wins and usually gets a crappy hand in a round of poker. Perhaps the one thing he can play successfully is the game goldfish.

He's pretty good at managing money. His parents both worked as financial planners at a bank and taught Jin a couple of things as a kid. Speaking of which, Jin's still in contact with his parents to this day. They've been less strict on him now and are just grateful that he's able to make a decent living off something he enjoys.


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beloved husband

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a friend and team member

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a friend and team member

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a friend and team member

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a friend and team member

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former enemy and eventual friend

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former enemy and eventual friend

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their Kappabear

Argh, dammit! Wait, lemme play poker again, I'll get it right this time!
