
5 years, 2 months ago



Jimmy Carter Lennon










4’10” ft








Biker Gang Leader & Entertainer





JC is as free as he can possibly be. Some would even say that he’s like a wild spirit. He’s an Iota Floss who currently works as the leader of a biker gang and an entertainer. Basically, he and his crew like to host wild bike shows and races for a living. They also specialize in graffiti art shows nowadays too.

Together, JC and his biker gang travel all across Caramella, with no predictable destination in mind.


JC is a dangerous combination of being too laid back one minute and then being too reckless in the next. He craves rushes of adrenaline and thrills and likes to be active, both physically and mentally, as a result.

He’s quite dauntless and won’t hesitate to call someone out on their bullshit. He doesn’t really do nice talks most of the time and prefers to settle things bluntly and maybe with his fists, which some of his gang members and friends have chastised him for. At least he’s way better at handling things more maturely now, with only the occasional breakdown every now and then, compared to back when he was a rowdy teenager.

Although JC can be a bit too wild and careless at times, he truly does try to set limits. He’s not one to hurt someone deliberately for his own sake, that’s never how he rolls.


As an Iota, JC is capable of deflecting the powers of other Floss. For example, if a Gamma Floss were to approach him with their super strength, he could shut their super strength down with just a glance in their way.

He can exercise this power flawlessly and fluently, although doing it too many times or being outnumbered can sometimes result in a bad headache.

JC’s also one hell of a motorcyclist and stuntman. He’s been through some crazy shit, so he’s prepared to get physical too if needed. He doesn’t like to just rely on his power of nullifying other people’s powers.


Jimmy Carter Lennon was raised by a single mother that was too laid back and just let him do whatever he wanted, so long as he was home sometimes. He was the middle child out of all his other siblings in their litter.

His mother worked as a candy factory employee back in the Delta Clan, so for a while JC was actually raised and grew up in the Delta region. From there, he met and befriended a Delta gal named Yvonne from his neighborhood. They were the type of kids who would just go out on adventures and pull off all sorts of stupid crap together.

After his mom had to retire from the candy factory due to a work-related injury and needed to take up another job as a waitress instead, JC needed to move back to Iota territory for high school.

He still kept in contact with Yvonne when this was all happening, but he also met a bunch of new people as well, specifically he met all of his future biker gang members in high school since they all became closer through their common interest in thrill-seeking activities and bikes in the first place.

After graduation, he and his crew decided to start making a living out of their love for bikes and thrilling activities and decided to be a biker gang that would host races and shows for revenue.

They had to first build up enough money to kick the business up though, so for a while all of them worked minimum wage-jobs on the side while also trying to figure out how they can launch their races and shows for the public.

During this time, while working part-time at a gothic retail store, JC met a special someone by the name of Diego Sanchez.

Diego was actually an Alpha guard, and while most to all of his peers disliked Alphas, JC himself never really cared much for Alphas overall. He was just surprised that they were able to even be friends to begin with, since they were so different as people.

Diego was also the first guy, the first person period, that JC stopped his womanizing ways for. Because before meeting Diego, JC used to go in and out of relationships (always with girls) like it was nothing.

Eventually, after JC and Diego started dating, Diego wanted to keep their romantic relationship a secret due to his fear of having his Iota-hating family from finding out, so JC agreed.

JC thought that eventually Diego would come to terms with their relationship to his parents in due time, but before he realized it, four years flew by and there was still no progress.

Feeling insecure about how their relationship could carry out from here if Diego still wasn‘t ready to face his family yet, JC suggested that maybe Diego should stop stalling and just come out already. However, Diego aggressively shut JC down, which made JC snap. Before either of them realized it, they were both getting into a very ugly argument.

Their fight eventually led to the demise of their relationship when Diego had shouted, “If you’re so tired of having to put up with what I have to go through, then why don’t we just break up?!”

At that, JC was stunned beyond tears. But soon enough, his sorrow was quickly snuffed out, overwhelmed and drowned out by seething rage instead.

So, JC did exactly what Diego had suggested. He stormed out, drove off on his motorcycle, and never looked back.

In an effort to distract himself from the heartbreak, JC immersed himself more and more in his biker gang business. He also started taking a big interest in graffiti art, to express all of his pent up distress in a healthier way.

Three years later, JC currently travels the world to host races, bike shows, and now some spontaneous graffiti art.

He and his group’s ambitions have skyrocketed and led to some wild rumors as a result. These rumors speculate that they might overtake the Alpha Clan's capital with vandalism one day, though it’s actually not true and JC has no idea where that came from.

JC still secretly has feelings for Diego to this day, and he longs to get back what they once had, his heart aches to see Diego’s face once again (even for just a second), but he thinks that Diego has probably moved on by now. After all, why would anyone get hung up over him?


Whenever he’s alone at home (or whenever he was just around Diego back when they used to live together), JC would shed off his ripped jeans and leather jackets in favor of oversized sweaters and long socks. This is something that he usually doesn’t like showing around other people unless he’s comfortable with them.

For the longest time, and it was like this until the end of Diego’s case, but for a while JC mistakenly believed that Diego was dating his work partner Friday. He used to feel jealous and spiteful toward Friday often because of that misunderstanding. In actuality, Friday already had a wife (Khalisha Viernes) this whole time and Diego was not at all interested in Friday either.

JC‘s neutral opinions on the Alpha Clan hasn‘t changed just because his break up with Diego was messy. He’s still chill with Alphas if they’re chill with him.

The longer Diego had delayed coming out to his family, the lower JC’s self worth had dropped too. He’s slowly getting it back up again, but at the same time he still gets incredibly depressed over the fact that Diego’s family just had to despise Iotas out of all Floss clans. He sometimes thinks that if he was never an Iota, maybe he would still be with Diego to this day.

A long time ago, JC used to have a big and long crush on his Delta childhood friend Yvonne. When he heard that she was officially going out with someone (Dina Moss) over the phone one day, JC tried to cope with his heartbroken feelings by sleeping and dating other Floss, but it just never worked out until Diego came into his life.


Poqtqyn.jpg Diego Sanchez

current ex that he still has feelings for

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childhood friend

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a cool friend

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a nice friend he met through Yvonne

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a friend and team member

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a friend and team member

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a friend and team member

3884502?1571761675 Sasha Tyke

a friend and team member

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a friend and team member

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his personal doctor friend #1

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his personal doctor friend #2

81W6BtC.jpg Friday Viernes

Diego’s work partner and an eventual friend

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an eventual mutual he’ll know through Diego

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a friend he'll know through Diego

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prissy rich cousin

jrVdd8G.jpg Sonia Sanchez

Diego's sister

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Diego's twin brother

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awkward ex-girlfriend #1

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awkward ex-girlfriend #2

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their Kappabear

Shit, I think I just struck a new speed record back there!
