


4 years, 9 months ago



Scouted as a teen, Theo grew up in the spotlight, starting off in a girl band doing commercial jingles before going solo on her eighteenth birthday, leaving her fellow band members to fade into obscurity as she gained more and more fame. Topping the bilboard regularly, she became an absolute superstar - with millions of adoring fans and thousands of sold-out tours.

Completely dedicated to her work, Theo is wrapped up in the fast life, never in one place for too long, late nights at the studio, partying with her fellow stars... she's met so many people and been so many places it's hard to keep track. It seems she's always forgetting something these days, a text hidden within the fifty hitting her phone every minute with a simple Where are you? You said you'd be here!

  • charming
  • focused
  • unreliable
  • hardworking
  • fame
  • parties
  • her fans
  • champange

Ever since she was a child, Theo dreamed of the spotlight, whether it was singing in the school's talent show, or joining the school choir. Her mother tried to be supportive of her daughter's dream, but given she was a single parent struggling to keep the household afloat, there was little she could do. The neighbour gifted young Theo a guitar at the age of 12, and started teaching her how to play.

A talent seeker who attended her school's talent show one fateful year when she was fifteen was impressed by the young girl, offering her a career with the girl band their label was putting together. Teen artists were in - so why not an entire band of them? Estatic, Theo begged her mom to allow it, which she did, on the promise that Theo would stay in school and keep up her studies.

On her sixteenth birthday, Theo dropped out of highschool, dedicating all her time to the band. Most the other girls did too - even though they were all brought together artificially, they did become quite close. Due to how butch she was even at a young age, the label marketed her as the bad boy of the group, meaning she usually had the most amount of adoring fangirls, something that most of her fellow band members were both jealous of and grateful for.

Before her eighteenth birthday, the label began pressuring her to go solo, assuring her that she would be a bigger star and make even more money if she decided to split. Initially, Theo refused - how could she betray her band members like that? Further pressure convinced her, and on her eighteenth birthday, she made the announcement. She was splitting from the band to go solo. Her fellow members were furious and distraught, but it was too late for that - she had tours to go on.

Ever since the split, her life became a blur - people and spaces and far away places, it seemed like she was always waking up in another bed. When the label suggested some personal life intruige might catch the press' attention and contribute to sales of her new album, Theo picked a girlfriend almost at random - celebrities date models, right? She went into an agency, looking for a girl who seemed the easiest and quickly tucking them under her wing. She spent about five dedicated months with her new girlfriend, Yuuta - taking them everywhere and showing them off wherever she could, spoiling them with gifts and affection.

Once the tour for her new album started, however, she practically forgot about the girl, back to her usual life of constantly being on the move, thousands of faces staring at her as she held onto her place in the limelight - collabs with other artists, cameos in TV shows, brand integrations-

Sometimes it occurs to her, when its three in the morning and she's surrounded by people she doesn't know, that she hasn't had a close connection with someone since highschool. That fame and success has made her cynical and guarded - that she hasn't opened up to someone in a meaningful way in years. She doesn't even think she'd know how to.

She opens up her notes app and scribbles down some potential lyrics for her next song.

  • started doing pop in the girlband, now does alternative pop. she's kept her "edgy persona" and critics praise her music for being "unique". it wouldn't impress anyone who listens to genuine alternative.
  • still has the guitar her neighbour gave her when she was a child.
  • worries about her mom a lot - about the only thing she concerns herself with outside of herself is her immediate family.
  • has a bad habit of calling people by the wrong name
  • definitely cheats - however half the time she forgets she's technically cheating.


she does genuinely love yuuta, it's just that the commitment isn't there. since yuuta doesn't really complain much, she doesn't make an effort to improve.



due to a recent blackmail incident, theo hired stella to keep an eye on yuuta as their bodyguard. she didn't know the two were previously acquainted. doesn't know her that well but hopefully she does a good job.



visits her whenever she's in town

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